Clinton Foundation Influencing Local Communities and Schools with United Nation’s Sustainable Development Agenda
Many of us are awakening to the reality that our local communities and schools have been subversively transformed. We have witnessed the erosion of our freedoms and have watched as our children adopt socialist ideas. This has occurred in not just the so-called blue areas but also in the so-called red, conservative areas of our nation. How did this happen with little public discourse? Who is responsible? Why are the changes seemingly simultaneously transpiring across the globe? One way the shift in governance has occurred is through the acceptance of the United Nation’s (UN) 2030 Sustainable Agenda.
At the Earth Summit in Brazil in 1992, plans were presented for global “sustainable development.” Starting as “Agenda 21,” the plans progressed to the “Millennium Development Goals,” then to the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs). Taking input from nations whose government structures are profoundly different from our Constitutional Republic, the adoption of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development took place in 2015 with 17 SDGs. The SDGs pertaining to Target 4.7 “global citizenship education,” Target 3.4 “mental health and well-being,” and the UNESCO MGIEP education framework are implemented on a local level in part through elite foundations, like the Clinton Foundation.
Former President Bill Clinton formed the Clinton Foundation in 2001. As a response to criticisms and accusations coinciding with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, one part of the foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), was disbanded in 2016. In September of last year, the Clinton Global Initiative announced its return. An examination of the Clinton Foundation’s past commitments and partnerships reveal their alignment with the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Agenda.
In 2013, the Clinton Foundation made Teaching: A Global Profession Creating Global Citizens commitment with the Teaching Channel, Education International, and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards for $8,750,000 that “[connects] 100,000 teachers around the world in a learning community that will set teaching on the course to become a global profession…a global initiative designed to support both the Millennium Development and Education for All Goals.” Designed to set standards in teaching, its website states that over 130,000 teachers have achieved National Board Certification.
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards was created in 1987 with Democratic NC Governor and founder of the left-wing Hunt Institute, James B Hunt, as the first chair. It has many Democratic ties. According to Influencewatch, “the [Hunt] organization was an instrumental force in the creation of federal government-directed Common Core education standards…and endorses critical race-theory.” Hunt is one of the Trustees Emeriti at the Asia Society, founded by John D. Rockefeller 3rd. He was an advisor for the Ford Foundation and a trustee of the Carnegie Corporation.
Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, serves on the Board of Directors for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. According to Influencewatch, she attended CGI conferences and made donations to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns. Politico Magazine named her a “Democratic Powerhouse” of 2016. The Board of Directors also includes Kelly Elder, who “currently serves on the ASCD Global Educators Advisory Council, working to integrate elements like the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into American students’ curricula.” The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has received millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, W.K Kellogg Foundation, and Wallace Foundation and thousands of dollars in donations from the Ford Foundation and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation has also partnered with organizations related to the World Economic Forum (WEF), a big supporter of the Sustainable Agenda. Partnering with the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, a “sister organization of the World Economic Forum,” “in collaboration with its major partners…select entrepreneurs have received financial support to attend events of the World Economic Forum and were supported in their efforts to expand their impact from one region to another and to form partnerships with large corporations.”
In 2006, the George Family Foundation along with the Clinton Foundation committed to support the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader Summer Executive Function for 5 years. Their website states that the George Family Foundation “believe that mindfulness practices and open-hearted spirituality build love and compassion for all people and a more peaceful world.” Penny George, the Co-Chair, “works to shift consciousness toward the reality that people are connected in mind, body, and spirit with immense self-healing capacities.”
The Clinton Foundation was responsible for helping to establish the Club of Rome Academy “in order to provide young leaders with hope, perspectives and key tools to contribute to the long-term development and sustainable improvement of global living conditions.” Speaking in the 50th Anniversary video of the Club of Rome, Club of Rome member Gunter Pauli states, “the first meeting of the World Economic Forum, the European Forum, was the Club of Rome,” revealing the Club of Rome’s ties to the WEF.
The Clinton Foundation partnered with the Open Society Institute and Center for Universal Education at Brookings to “set the agenda, frame the debate, and design policy at the intersection of education and climate change.” Climate change is the purported basis for the SDGs.
$15,000,000 was committed in 2016 with Ashoka to “[ensure] your kids are change-makers.” Ashoka is an organization also supported by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. “We will work with school districts to help superintendents integrate the changer skills into STEM and Common Core curriculum. We will equip teachers with the framework of empathy, teamwork, leadership and changemaking. Ashoka will lead teams of teachers within the district to become change-makers themselves and then to write the lesson plans for skill integration to be used across the district.” Teachers and school administrators will transmit the message of sustainability.
In 2022, the Clinton Foundation made a 3-year $3,600,000 partnership with the United States Department of State and the UN Foundation to “work in collaboration with the U.N. Foundation’s Girl Up initiative…[for] all expenses paid opportunities for secondary school girls to explore how they can address global sustainability issues through STEAM.” This commitment adheres to the SDG goal of gender equality and global citizenship education.
Partnering with the John E. Fetzer Institute and Case Western University, they committed to contributing to the Business as an Agent of World Benefit Global Forum. The forums were designed to “bring together corporate and thought leaders to develop actionable next steps for businesses seeking to respond to social issues.” One plan that materialized from the forum was to create a “World Inquiry: a web-based global dialogue whose aim is to shift consciousness.”
For many years, political ideologies have been propagated through universities to idealistic college students. Established in 2007, The Clinton Global Initiative University program is currently offered at 47 universities. “To be part of this program, students must commit to address a pressing local or global challenge…these commitments fall within one of five focus areas: Education, Environment and Climate Change, Peace and Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health,” focus areas that are aligned with the SDGs.
Target 3.4 of the UN SDGs discusses “mental health and well-being.” The Clinton Foundation recently made a commitment to work with the Mental Health Coalition “in partnership with Meta and NAMI…to indirectly impact 76 million people over the next year through social media messaging that positively impacts people’s emotional well-being and willingness to seek resources.” They will do so by utilizing the advice of social-emotional learning specialist, Dr. Marc Brackett, who is the Director of the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence, a board member of social-emotional learning giant CASEL, a Field Builder with the New Pluralists, and a board member of the Mental Health Coalition.
UNESCO MGIEP’s 2019 Issue 10 of their Blue Dot magazine contains an article titled Why Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The authors believe that SEL will lead to “prosocial behavior,” which “[represent] a broad category of actions that are generally beneficial to other people and to the ongoing political system.” They continue to say, “with origins in emotional intelligence, SEL skills are powerful competencies since they have been shown to (a) facilitate learning (b) build emotional resilience (c) promote prosocial behavior and (d) instill pluralistic thinking,” which they see as an integral part of fulfilling the SDGs. “Recent experiences with SEL in schools show promise in improving pro-social behavior and inculcate actions that go beyond just the self but towards the collective good.” How many parents are aware that the SEL programs in their school district seek to shift their child’s mindset from self “toward the collective good?” Are parents aware the programs in their child’s classroom are advocating for the abandonment of individual liberties?
UNESCO MIGEP provides the EMC² Framework consisting of Empathy, Mindfulness, Compassion, and Critical Inquiry “all of which are embedded in a curriculum for global citizenship.” The Clinton foundation is implementing the mindfulness aspect of the UNESCO framework, partnering with the Holistic Life Foundation Expanding Yoga and Mindfulness in Schools Across the US . Current funders of the program include “NoVo Foundation, Eagle and the Hawk Foundation, NLJ Harris Foundation, and Open Society Foundation.” In 2016, the Clinton Foundation made a $525,000 commitment with The Station Foundation to “Start with a Child: A Kid’s View on Military Homecoming” by utilizing mindfulness practices and “pediatric mindfulness experts” to help military children deal with stress.
The Clinton Foundation is one of many elite foundations that are promoting the UN SDGs. The goal of Global Citizenship Education is advanced through their past commitments and partnerships with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, the George Family Foundation, the Club of Rome Academy, the Open Society Institute, Ashoka, the Fetzer Institute, the UN Foundation, and the Clinton Global Initiative University. Working with the Mental Health Coalition, Meta, and Dr. Brackett, they will use social media to advertise mental health resources, meeting Target 3.4 of the SDGs. The Clinton Foundation is also investing in the expansion of mindfulness in US schools. Mindfulness curriculum is a major part of UNESCO’s EMC² Framework. Along with SEL, it is viewed as a “necessary” component to creating “prosocial behavior” that will lead to the realization of the SDGs.
A system has been constructed for ideas that are produced on the global level, at places like the UN, UNESCO, and the WEF, to be disseminated through organizations like the Clinton Foundation to NGOs, unions, universities, foundations, organizations, and think tanks. Through commitments, conferences, fellows, standards, textbooks, curriculum, and teacher training, the ideology is passed onto state and local school districts. Often, the process bypasses the power of elected representatives and parents. It occurs without public debate. Discreetly, with the SDGs, the global becomes local. Our founding principles are simply erased and replaced.
Published with permission of libertysentinel.com