The Best Argument Against Democracy
Now that Republicans are set to take over the House, the worn-out phrase “People need to be held accountable” is being bandied about endlessly. Pretty scary words, but what they translate into in real life is “No one is actually going to be punished for their crimes.”
In an extreme case, someone might be “sanctioned,” but that, too, means no punishment. Granted, the swamp will occasionally put a low-level Republican behind bars for a few months as a warning shot to those who might think of standing up to the establishment, but never a Democrat.
If lawmakers were serious about going after criminals, instead of talking about people being “held accountable,” they would cut to the chase and say, “People need to be put in prison.” Prison sounds serious. “Held accountable” is nothing more than gibberish.
Nevertheless, the media never tires of getting our hopes up. Do you remember when pundits like Gregg Jarrett, Sara Carter, and John Solomon were assuring the public that criminal-cartel actors like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, and John Brennan were almost certain to end up in handcuffs? They even hinted at judgment day for higher-ups like Obama, Hillary, and John Podesta, all of whom are now busy cashing in on their fame while thumbing their noses at Republican tough talkers.
My favorite was when Joe diGenova kept assuring us that his “longtime friend” Bill Barr was going to get to the bottom of the crime of the century, the elaborate hoax that was concocted to overthrow a sitting president. The bad guys, he assured us, were going to have to “pay the Barr bill.” I was tempted to buy into diGenova’s tough talk, because he always seemed like a no-nonsense guy, but in the end Bill Barr turned out to be as corrupt and cowardly as every other Republican bureaucrat.
At least wimpy Jeff Sessions recused himself before so much as asking for a scintilla of evidence that Donald Trump engaged in collusion with Russia, so it was easy for all the world to see that he was just another Republican eunuch. It was pathetic, but I’d rather have a guy wet his pants over nothing more than an accusation than huff and puff about how he’s going to bring criminals to justice, only to cower when things get tough.
That brings us to the Twitter caper, which is almost on a par with trying to overthrow a sitting president. Will Jack Dorsey or any of the other evildoers at Twitter be punished? Don’t hold your breath waiting for it to happen. It’s far more likely they will become increasingly belligerent.
How, you may ask, do the censor folks have the nerve to become belligerent when the evidence against them is so overwhelming? The answer lies in their unwavering belief that they are virtuous people who are just trying to save their fellow citizens from being subjected to “misinformation.” Virtuosity is the swamp’s go-to card when it comes to shutting down criminal accusations. Virtuosity is not only intimidating, it’s a great diversionary tactic.
The first test of how serious Congress is about investigating the massive censorship of conservatives that took place at Twitter over the years will be whether they actually subpoena people or merely ask them to appear before Congress. When you ask people to testify before Congress, you are setting the stage for a meaningless chitchat, something that has taken place on multiple occasions when the big tech billionaires have descended upon Washington.
When it’s nothing more than a friendly invitation, what you end up with is a corruptocrat like Christopher Wray audaciously telling jellyfish lawmakers that he can only spare a few more minutes, because he has to catch a private jet to Martha’s Vineyard. Senate and House members act as though they are genuinely afraid of offending people whom voters want to see questioned under oath.
In case you’re wondering how such mediocre, feckless people can be in charge of running a huge country like the United States, look no further than the recent midterms. While only one in five Americans say they approve of their own Congressman, all 29 Senate incumbents won reelection! Winston Churchill summed it up best when he said, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
It’s enough to make one wonder if it’s just a matter of time until voters elect a senile criminal with zero accomplishments to the highest office in the land. I know it sounds farfetched, but, trust me, it could happen.
Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.
From robertringer.com