When the Lawless are in Charge of the Laws
By Leo Hohmann
The Biden-Harris administration has not yet assumed power but, with its allies in Big Tech, has wasted no time giving a preview of what their version of “unity” and “healing” will look like.
Yesterday, the upstart social media company Parler was an entrepreneurial success story worth somewhere around $1 billion. Today it’s not worth a nickel.
Poof. Just like that. It’s gone. Stripped of its very existence. Flushed down the memory hole.
It happened just as President Trump was booted off Twitter, Parler’s main competitor, and Trump was moving his voice over to Parler.
Parler’s only sin was that it allowed right-leaning Americans to freely voice their opinions about politics, about life as they saw it, something that has always been considered a sacred right, part of the fabric of the American ethos. But in today’s environment, that’s considered dangerous.
But wait, you say. What happened to the First Amendment? Doesn’t that protect us against such treachery?
No, the left will counter, the First Amendment only applies to government suppression of speech, and social media giants like Twitter are private companies.
But that’s a mirage and by the end of this article you will understand why.
These mega tech companies take their orders from global power elites who are clearly more powerful than the President of the United States. So if that’s not an abuse of raw government power, I don’t know what is.
The narrative circulating everywhere in the mainstream media right now, universally reported almost without exception, is that Parler was forced off the Internet by Apple, Google and Amazon because Parler had become an instrument of right-wing extremism to provoke violence at the Capitol last week. This is pure spin offered up by dishonest, professional propagandists masquerading as journalists.
When a social media company makes its platform available to the public to post their opinions, they’re going to attract a bevy of bluster and blather.
It can get ugly real fast. Anyone who’s ever used social media knows this to be true.
And any thinking person also knows that the impolite, sometimes threatening rhetoric swings both ways. BLM and Antifa used Twitter to incite their people to violence in the summer riots that struck Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Washington, D.C. and Kenosha.
But it wasn’t just BLM and Antifa. More prim and proper folks also got down and dirty on Twitter.
In September 2020, Dick Costolo, the former CEO of Twitter, said in a tweet that certain capitalists who were not doing their part to promote social justice need to be the “first ones lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution.”
Jennifer Rubin, a columnist for the Washington Post, had a video posted to Twitter on Nov. 7, 2020, in which she suggested that an entire voting bloc of Americans should be eliminated. Rubin said:
“It’s not only that Trump has to lose, his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively BURN DOWN the Republican Party. We have to LEVEL THEM. Because if there are SURVIVORS, if there are people who weather this storm, they will [elect a president] again.”
Twitter never took down either of the above tweets, nor does it censor or suspend Iran’s Ayatollah Khomanei when he rants about death to Israel and death to America. ISIS used Twitter as its main propaganda distribution service back in its heyday under the Obama administration. No complaints there.
Oh but Trump “incited a riot,” they say in hysterical tones and blistering headlines.
What did squad member Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., do when she went on TV and called for “unrest in the streets” to continue as long as there is “unrest in our lives”?
Not long after Pressley’s explosive comment, Sen. Rand Paul and his wife were accosted by a leftist mob as they tried to walk back to their hotel from the Republican National Convention. No outrage was heard from our self-righteous media personalities then because the news didn’t fit the narrative they continuously whore themselves out for about Trump being the greatest evil ever unleashed on America. The fact is this isn’t about Trump it’s about his America-first policies that benefit the little people in America, the working class, whom the elites at CNN see as unwashed trailer trash.
So when cities were being burned to the ground by BLM and the children of wealthy, white college-educated professionals living in posh suburban homes, CNN’s Chris Cuomo said “Show me where it says protests are supposed to be polite, peaceful.”
But when a few windows got broken at the Capitol and police opened the doors and waved the “rioters” right into the inner sanctum, these same media hypocrites are outraged and calling for Trump’s head on a platter. The headlines on CNN today about Trump and his supporters were so over the top, so disgustingly biased as to appear cartoonish.
Rally participants are now being fired from jobs and hunted by the FBI, the same crooked law-enforcement agency that sat on evidence inside Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” for a year and did nothing to prosecute the fake Russiagate story concocted by deep-state operatives and used to falsely charge Trump in a baseless impeachment trial. This disgusting excuse for a law-enforcement agency also did nothing to prosecute the Moaist organizers of the summer riots, even though they openly bragged about their exploits in Youtube videos.
So spare us your fake outrage, all you lefties in the media.
As for the average Americans, if you believe the mainstream-media narrative that Parler was taken down because it had too many rude Republicans inciting violence, I can’t help you. You are either not very bright or you are complicit in the attempted leftist takeover of America and its quest to transform our constitutional republic into a one-party communist state.
Obama gave the command, and Big Tech obeyed
Here’s the unvarnished truth: The cascade of events that led to Trump being locked out of his Twitter account started with a Jan. 7 statement from Michelle Obama, who used her Twitter account to gaslight the public and pressure Big Tech to fulfill its duty as the propaganda arm of the globalist deep-state cabal seeking to trigger the Great Reset.
Michelle Obama referred to the president of the United States as a monster and to his supporters as a “gang.” See Fox News report on her tweet here.
That set the ball in motion. Twitter, Apple, Google and Amazon made their move. They ganged up on Trump, with Twitter acting first to permanently ban him.
After Twitter deleted Trump, and Trump moved to Parler, then Twitter’s Big Tech comrades at Apple-Google-Amazon pressured Parler to implement the same “community standards” as Twitter. Basically, Parler must become Twitter or go away. That’s extortion. That’s beyond bullying. It’s authoritarian and fascist.
What we are seeing is tantamount to a digital ethnic cleansing. Or as some have called it, the night the digital long knives came out and attacked the heart of America.
This goes beyond anti-trust violations. This falls into the realm of RICO racketeering and a criminal enterprise. But don’t expect justice from the DOJ, which remains a politicized organization that serves the Clinton, Biden and Obama crime families under the banner of the Democrat Party, which under Biden-Harris has become a branch of the Chinese Communist Party.
What happens from here?
I predicted back in early November that Trump could not concede. If he did, he would be conceding to a reign of terror against his millions of supporters, basically throwing them to the communist wolves who were already breathing hellfire about what should be done to “end” the Trump era.
It remains to be seen exactly how the next week will play out. Some say Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act and call out the military and crush the evil doers.
I refuse to join that chorus. Unless I have first-hand knowledge that this is going to be the case, it is fruitless to speculate and get people’s hopes up. False hope helps no one. My job is to provide sober analysis.
All we know at this point is a clash of forces appears inevitable.
If the left can shut down your business because of COVID, then use the fear created by the health crisis to change the voting system of this country and steal your vote, then steal your First Amendment rights for simply expressing political views they don’t agree with, what’s next?
If they can do all this, why can’t they take your Second Amendment rights?
Why can’t they remove you from your home, take your property, put you in some kind of re-education camp?
These are suddenly all reasonable questions to be asking ourselves and our elected leaders.
Republicans are running for cover, many of them petrified of what the left will do to them if they don’t repent of their sin of at one time or another speaking or writing something favorable toward Donald Trump.
The outcome of this clash of good vs. evil is in God’s hands. Do not lose hope in God. Man will always disappoint. Jesus Christ is our hope and salvation. Focus on Him. Read your Bibles.
Now is the time to prepare physically and spiritually. Get your house in order, so to speak. Get enough food and water for at least four to six weeks, more if you are able. Help those around you who are less fortunate. Tune out the “news” on the mainstream networks. If this website is pulled down, you can contact me at Leo.Hohmann@yahoo.com. I am also on Signal.
And most important of all, get down on your knees. America needs us now, more than ever.
Leo Hohmann is an independent journalist, blogger and author of the 2017 book Stealth Invasion. If you haven’t yet read his blockbuster article, Sanitized Dictatorship, that has shaken the bloggasphere in the wake of COVID-19, please check it out.
Published with Permission of libertysentinel.com