Dr. Johnson: "Heart of Hope Health is comprised of healthcare providers who are devoting their time and expertise with our community by providing exceptional personalized care." - BY ROBERT
Read FullWith both the Ukrainian and the Russian people, there is a huge chasm between them and their rulers. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullWe need to stand together and elect true conservatives. Be sure to get our Recommended Conservative Candidate guide. - BY KCRCC
Read FullDr. Frank discusses 2021 irreularities between Kootenai County Elections and the Secretary of State's office and how to expose and pursue election issues in the county. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullNatual News: “Starving rebellious regions is a common tactic of communist regimes, I doubt the lockdown has anything to do with covid. Numbers don’t justify it...” - BY ETHAN
Read Full...we are not in a political battle but the spiritual fight against the “spirit of the age”...evil as strong as any time in our history. - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullWe have let ourselves be brainwashed under the guise of teaching truth, only to find at last that most of this is all lies. - BY JIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullRegardless of the Court’s decision, state legislators have an important role to play in striking down discriminatory practices in public higher education. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullIf CO2 doubled from the present 420 parts per million (PPM) to 840 PPM, the earth would just get greener, crops increasing yields... - BY DR. JAY LEHR, ROBERT LYMAN
Read FullTalk about a subsidy to liberal education establishment institutions...which have multi-billion-dollar endowments just sitting around collecting dust and interest. What do they pay for? - BY JEFFERY A. RENDALL
Read FullPeople such as Obama aren’t concerned so much about “disinformation” as they are with stifling ideas that might run contrary to their way of thinking. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read FullDisinformation is something Obama is an expert on since he should rightfully be considered 'The King of Disinformation.' The case for that is overwhelming. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThey knew the risks, covered them up, hired FDA insiders to advise their sales strategy and influence the FDA...PR company suppressed and censored negative news. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullIt seems as if the President and his administration are doing everything possible to exacerbate the impending food shortage instead of solving it. - BY JEFF CROUERE
Read FullKimberly Strassel: “Mr. Durham is performing the dual service of unraveling the Russia hoax and exposing a longtime Washington racket.” - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullJordan said the IRS leaks appeared to be “partisan” and coincided with Democrats’ calls for tax increases. - BY LAURAL DUGGAN
Read FullThe Bidens are dirty and have no business within 1,000 miles of the White House. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullLimited availability of indigenous hydrocarbons resources in western Europe signals an emerging and probably long-term security problem NATO countries ignore at their peril. - BY DR. JAY LEHR, ROBERT LYMAN
Read FullA day after Floridians ditched Disney’s special self-governing district and as it loses $41 billion in shareholder value, EXXON stopped flying the LGBT and BLM flags. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullTotalitarian government increases over time and then becomes more frequent. A great example of this is private property rights– Do you really own your property? - BY ARTHUR THOMPSON
Read FullThe Ninth Amendment: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.“ - BY MICHAEL MAHARREY
Read FullDogbert: “You can’t save the earth unless you’re willing to make other people sacrifice.,” which is the true theme of all Earth Days, past, present, and eternal. - BY BERNJAMIN ZYCHER
Read FullShe was enraged by Christians singing hymns on a plane. - BY ROBERT SPENCER
Read FullIn defiance, Sara stood her ground that day and is currently still facing a trespass charge after all this time by the State of Idaho... - VIDEOGRAPHY BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe one thing the North Idaho Republican-INO crash IS good at is prevarication. Their latest pack of lies are easily refuted. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullCapitol Police, rather than perform its duties, have instead demonstrated allegiance to congressional Democrats at the risk of public safety. - BY JULIE KELLY
Read FullIf the informed consumer of news is aware of the potential for fraud in the ERIC constructs, how can the John Locke Foundation NOT be? - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullThe RNC made a bold decision that the media elites treated like an anti-democratic outrage. The RNC pulled out of the allegedly bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. - BY TIM GRAHAM
Read FullDoes CRT promote racial harmony or does it "sow division" as Trump claims? What is its relation, if any, to Marxism? - BY DAN SANCHEZ, TYLER BRANDT AND BRAD POLUMBO
Read FullPoliticians, the UN, and far-left green activists control the hysterical narrative on climate change. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read FullWe must fight to keep this alarmist non-science out of the 7th grade classroom. Our children deserve real science. - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read FullThe number of reports are at historical levels and more deaths and adverse events have been reported than ever before. - BY MAX SALVO
Read FullNothing seems to be working. And no one seems to care. - BY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON
Read FullConcerned Americans are calling for election reforms to fight voter fraud as a result of irregularities in recent elections. - BY DOUGLAS BLAIR
Read FullMandating a change to EV ownership and forced austerity may face a rebellion from those that need transportation. -BY RON STEIN
Read FullOur Constitutional Revolution starts at your next local election and culminates, this year.... We can overwhelm them at polls, even if they try to cheat again - BY STEVE ROSSITER
Read Full