Unfortunately for Idahoans, 'Californian' Butler chose Northern Idaho to go off the rails. The left has been painting Idaho and Idahoans as racist, Neo-Nazis ever since. - BY VICKY
Read FullThe EPA's essentially a gangster agency, scheming and thuggish in pursuit of political goals. SCOTUS reined in EPA a bit. There's still much more to do. - BY STEVE
Read FullA glaring problem with ESG labels is the lack of regulations that define what qualifies as a company that’s environmentally or socially responsible. -BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullNothing is more important than the future of our children and the continuation of our free society in which they can flourish. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullIdaho lawmakers would be wise to follow the example of their Tennessee counterparts and act to hold universities accountable. - BY KAITLYN SHEPHERD
Read Full...the story behind the headlines, the lessons this incident provides, and the warning it signals about similar events that are likely in store for us... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullIdaho should adapt and adopt the American Birthright standards as a first step toward restoring civics education and forming productive citizens in Idaho. - BY KAITLYN SHEPHERD
Read FullAs Wilson put it, “a man has a natural right to his property, to his character, to liberty, and to safety.” - BY TJ MARTINELL
Read FullA world of independent nations is the only alternative to universalist ideologies seeking to impose a homogenizing, locality-destroying imperium over the entire globe. - BY THE EDMUND BURKE FOUNDATION
Read FullHunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell might be the most significant political disaster since Argentinian stripper Fanne Fox, 50 years ago,... - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullTake this information to your local, state, and federal representatives and tell them WE are not going to fall for this. We want it gone. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullThere shouldn't be the sexualization of children and exposure to the most debased performances and acts in public. The sheriffs and police should enforce these laws. - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullI believe this topic is so important that I will make it a bit personal at least anecdotally from my experience. - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullThe cultural battle for North Idaho has been under way for many years now since the inception of CDA2020 (later rebranded to CDA2030)... - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullIf Americans deliver a Republican-led Congress to Washington, they should expect those leaders ready to take on Biden’s failures on the first day too. - BY LARRY BEHRENS
Read FullWith mass shootings becoming more rampant, the government is looking to take away our guns. - BY ARTHUR R. THOMPSON
Read FullESG exemplifies how daily lives can be monitored and tracked....and how that data can be used to determine how one is allowed to live. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe White House is refusing to share details about its coordinated efforts to engage in a federal takeover of election administration. - BY MOLLIE HEMINGWAY
Read FullOne problem is that you are cheapening the value of everyone else’s money. And what you’re doing is illegal. The crime is called counterfeiting. BY JACOB G. HORNBERGER
Read FullIt’s our fundamental transformation, the revolution, with globalist Tom Donilon running foreign policy, and all of globalist Obama’s men and women running everything else. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullOur country is suffering from wandering in the wilderness, worshipping golden calves, having no direction with leaders that are just as lost. - RAY DiLORENZO
Read FullTheir plan is to not only change governance, but to physically change us humans, to “computerize” us. Then they can not only know everything we do... - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullLakes Middle School in Coeur d’Alene invited children as young as 12 years old to attend a Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club meeting... - BY ANNA MILLER AND KAITLYN
Read FullThe Deep State plot to demoralize and crush the opposition to globalism and the destruction of the United States. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullUkraine has reportedly opened roughly 16,000 investigations into alleged war crimes by Russian troops and now Merrick Garland is poking the bear. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...school policies and laws outlining parameters for transparency between parents, students, and schools seem to be corroding under guise that woke schools and teachers know best. - BY NICOLE RUSSELL
Read FullDr. Gold has taken a bit of a U-turn by calling January 6 a “situation that was so destructive to our nation.” - BY ANNALISA PESEK
Read FullInstead of blowing trillions on welfare and socialist agenda items, why can’t we transfer the money to these critical needs? - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullTraining Slide Depicts Black Americans in State of ‘MODERN-DAY SLAVERY IN THE USA’ - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullThese true-believer Republicans will beat Democrat candidates because the public is tired of “woke” Democrats cultural agenda that includes teaching Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology... -BY JEFFERY A. RENDALL
Read FullSignificant research's now linked insufficient CO2 in the body to following medical problems: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Asthma , COPD, Cancer, Sleep Apnea, Liver Cirrhosis, Hyperthyroidism, - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullAverage new-vehicle price jumps by $5,000 from year ago, to $45,495. - BY WOLF RICHTER
Read FullThree tanks — two with 1,000-gallon storage capacity and a third with a 500-gallon capacity — were approved,... where the property is located. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read Full...maybe he’s winning the GOP more votes, especially among Independents, by being a liberal “voice of reason”...inspiring a few more...to stay home Election Day. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullPatrick Henry’s worst fears have materialized and the general public, uneducated on their own history, is largely clueless. - BY SUZANNE SHERMAN
Read FullWe can further enhance these benefits to U.S. consumers and deploy natural gas as a global strategic asset by investing in new natural gas infrastructure. - BY ED FINKLEA
Read Full