Governor Little implemented a never before used martial law statute and put the State of Idaho under "Extreme Emergency Status", issuing a "Stay Home Order" - BY AMMON BUNDY
Read FullSadly, I must report that evidence demonstrates that, yes, America is now a police state - BY STEVE ROSSITER
Read FullCompanies listed on NYSE are required to submit to U.S. auditing, which China has refused to do. Chinese companies remaining listed may be forcibly removed... - BY JOHN HUGH DeMASTRI
Read FullIdaho's leaders should always look under the hood to ensure that federal grants don't require the state to adopt practices that undermine the American way of life. - BY IFF
Read FullThe Biden regime has demonstrated its willingness, and indeed its eagerness, to take America to hitherto unprecedented depths of depravity... - BY JOSH HAMMER
Read FullBoth are unaware...that the products manufactured from fossil fuels were the primary reasons the world populated from one to eight billion in less than 200 years. - BY RON STEIN
Read FullAmerica has an abundance of opportunities innovativing emerging technologies, having the potential to create millions of jobs, dramatically lower energy prices, and ensure our grid's reliable. - BY CAROL MILLER
Read FullSoros has spent $40 million to elect at least 75 pro-criminal prosecutors. Warren is one of them. - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullThe people running around the Oval Office are making all the decisions. They are, in turn, guided by Barack Obama, George Soros, and who knows who else. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullSecure the November 2022 elections. Without that, we will be at a serious, perhaps fatal, disadvantage. Get off the couch. We have a country to save. - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullCOVID-19 vaccines appear to help fight severe illness and death, but the vaccine mandate does not serve public health, isn't patient-centered and hurts the state’s workforce. - BY ELIZABETH HOVDE
Read FullThe New York Times and other fake news big media probably use the ruse of undisclosed sources to affect their left wing agenda, since who would know. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThe reason the school maintenance election is held 10 weeks early is that school employees will turn out with spouses and friends and control the election. - BY BOB SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullThis massive spending bill will, however, stick us with “more inflation, more debt, more supply chain issues, more energy shortages, more blackouts” - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullEven the sheer number of adverse events that are potentially linked to the vaccines is far more than enough for the decision-makers to halt the campaign... - BY VERONIKA KYRYLENKO
Read FullSen. Chuck Grassley’s letter lays out a disturbing conspiracy inside the FBI to interfere in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win. - BY JOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON
Read FullIt’s no surprise that the political establishment is hoping and praying that Trump never returns to the Oval Office. - BY LUIS MIQUEL
Read FullEducation system's severely damaged and individual County Sheriff departments are in the unique position to help repair what's broken there too. - BY STEVE ROSSITER
Read FullThe BOS is enraged because he cleaned up the filthy, dangerous homeless camps. They are trying to remove him for cause...the cause is him doing his job. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullPaul Marik, MD: “There is only one way to get rid of spike protein, and that’s by stimulating autophagy. That is the only way.” - BY ICWA
Read Full“Here in Idaho, we are proud that we have led the country in protecting preborn lives." - BY GOVERNOR BRAD LITTLE
Read FullGarland said there is no provision for cases where abortion is necessary to prevent serious jeopardy to the woman’s health. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullEnvironmental activism demands have reached previously unimaginable extremes – based primarily on GIGO computer models and wild assertions... - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read FullThe Washington state utility 16-page report titled “Wind Power and Clean Energy Policy Perspectives” of July 14, 2020 provides a devastating counter attack to the wind lobbyists... -BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullFundamentally, the people must always be ready to nullify acts of tyranny when people in power refuse to abide by written guarantees. - BY TJ MARTINELL
Read FullAs Pelosi stays mum on Taiwan, her network is lobbying for CCP social credit companies. -BY NATALIE WINTERS
Read FullThis classwide settlement providing compensation and the opportunity to return to work is the first of its kind nationally involving COVID shot mandates. - BY AMERICAN FAMILY NEWS STAFF
Read FullAll of the doctors passed away within the Greater Toronto Area. There is another who died in July as well. - BY SEAN ADL-TABATABAI
Read FullUsing data recently published by US Geological Survey and World Bank, it is now clear that conversion to electric transportation is impossible. - BY DAVID BOLENIUS, MBA, MS, Geologist,
Read FullActivist judges colluded with activist environmentalists to make the process of defending a permit near impossible. - BY ROBERT LYMAN, DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullSmall modular reactors, the next generation of nuclear technology, promise safety, low cost, and energy independence. Will bureaucrats stand in the way? - BY ED HISERODT
Read FullAccording to, CRT is an "outgrowth of the European Marxist school of critical theory" and an "academic movement which seeks to link racism, race, and power." - BY JAY CLEMONS
Read FullThe Biden administration has sold nearly 6 million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to an entity tied to the CCP records show. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullSex crimes with children, child exploitation, money laundering, perjury, and pay to play, reads the partial list of crimes that, claim NYPD sources... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullAccrediting bodies ram DEI rules into standards linked to federal funding. -BY ANNA K. MILLER
Read FullThe move is intended to generate $124 billion through improved “tax enforcement” measures and fight inflation, according to the Democrat summary of the bill. - BY JACK McEVOY
Read Full