Banning parties can’t stop people from associating with each other anymore than banning liquor stopped them from distilling it illegally. But both would have failed if... BY TJ MARTENELLI
Read FullIn all of my years of fighting the lies and insane policies of the radical environmental movement, this is...their DUMBEST and most dangerous plan ever! - BY TOM DeWEESE
Read FullDownload my Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan, so you can see EXACTLY how, we, can ensure that Idaho continues to be a bastion of liberty and prosperity for generations to come.
Read FullThis event was attended by over 300 people in a town hall type atmosphere where Mr. Bundy answered multiple questions from those in attendance. - VIDEOGRAPHY BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullIn the inverted world, good guys become bad guys; bad guys become protected guys; public officials behind the invisible wall are inducted into networks of secrecy... - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullAt the hospital in question, about one or two occurred every three months or so. Now, dozens of stillbirths are occurring monthly – a substantial increase. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullRemember when you go out to vote on Tuesday that a vote for the Biden Democrats is a vote for Barack Obama. - BY JUDI McCLOUD
Read Full...a report released this year...revealed that prevailing in legal action against government agents at the state level can be just as insurmountable, if not more so. - BY TJ MARTNELL
Read FullNever forget that the UN climate process is laden with profiteers more than happy to sell the Socialists the “rope they hang us with.” - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullPaul Homewood bluntly notes:..."In any other field of science, to be so thoroughly wrong for so long would have quickly led to well earned oblivion.” - BY JACK DINI
Read FullEven the usual Democrat rigging and stealing won’t be able to overcome the tens of millions of angry middle class Americans coming with pitchforks to... - BY WAYNE ALLYN
Read FullThe new U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS) mentions climate change a whopping 63 times (compared to 71 mentions of Russia and 55 mentions of China). - BY ERIN SIKORSKY
Read FullA discussion of the implementation of this agenda, its impact on your investing approach and many things you may not know about it, but need to. - BY TOM DeWEESE
Read FullEvery fair-minded person needs to read this and decide for themselves if it merits consideration. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe “historical record indicates when a sitting president increases his vote totals relative to his original election, he's reelected...Trump increased his by 10 million votes. BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullIf you care about your children, do not allow them to be injected with these immune-destroying shots. -BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThe Biden administration's claiming “presidential communications privilege” in federal court to prevent release of information about an executive order instructing federal agencies to help register more voters. - BY FRED LUCAS
Read FullGroundbreaking: Study Details How Media, Big Tech Censored Doctors and Scientists Who Challenged COVID Narrative - BY MICHAEL NEVRADAKIS, Ph.D.
Read FullVoters who care about election integrity should pay close attention to these referenda so they know what they’re voting for. - BY HANS von SPAKOVSKY
Read FullAn Article V convention may seem like a viable solution on its surface, but when this issue is evaluated from...nothing could be further from the truth! - BY BRANDON SEMROW
Read FullStalling for time isn't for giviving the vote counters time to get things right. It gives them time to make things very, very wrong. - BY SELWN DUKE
Read FullHigher levels of CO2 have been demonstrated to increase the greening of the earth not creation of death and destruction as the fearmongers would have it. - BY ART GOPLAN
Read Full“Since the rules affect about 760,000 marginal wells producing about 8% of America’s oil and natural gas, shutting them down by regulation would take away... - BY JACK McEVOY
Read Full…is this more like Jussie Smollett's fraud scandal, with a story that's pure fraud and fantasy, or more like the Hunter Biden laptop scandal? - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullYou can tell a coup has occurred when perversity of all kinds, particularly sexual, is celebrated and normality is derided as “fascism” or some form... - BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
Read FullApproximately 2.7 million illegal aliens have been “encountered” at our borders this year, bringing the total during Joe Biden’s one-year, eight-month tenure to a staggering 5.5 million. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullObeah: a set of beliefs...generally considered to be evil. If Caribbean nations can rid themselves of Obeah, there’s no reason the US can’t do the same. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullSimply, it's a violation of law. Remember recently when DHS was creating a disinformation task force? Remember how it was quickly terminated? Well…it was never terminated. - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullThe UN’s COP-27 Climate Change controllers wants us to pay 30% GDP ($390 billion yr.) which is half our cost on Medicare annually. - BY ROBERT LYMAN, DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullInflation is defined as an increase in the money supply. Inflation can also be caused by an increase in the rate in which money is spent. - BY JIM
Read FullBiden'S circumventing the legislative branch by moving to force people into using electric vehicles . This plan would impose the costliest regulatory burden ever inflicted on the public. - BY DERRICK MORGAN
Read FullIn reality, COVID jab-pushing clergy have contributed to hundreds of thousands of serious injuries and deaths,32 so rather than build trust, they’ve broken it. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullI've never seen abortion activists marching with and supported by their mothers. Have you? - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullShockingly, hospitals are paid incentives that can reach $500,000 or more per COVID patient by the US government according to analysis by attorneys who recently filed... BY DR. LEE VLIET
Read FullWe are watching the Earth being destroyed, and the so-called saviors of the Earth are sitting on their hands!. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullThis CDC decision is child abuse, reckless endangerment, negligence, medical malpractice, fraud, insanity, conspiracy, cover-up, and crimes against humanity, all rolled into one. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read Full