The big medical lie – the medical system follows the Hippocratic Oath – DO NO HARM. We’ve been programmed to believe the system cares about individuals. - BY SCOTT SCHARA
Read FullThe will of the people was throttled by force. included courts and the military as well as election officials and machines programmed to cheat. - BY KAT STANELL
Read FullSchool districts are not required to notify parents that they can opt their children out of sex education under Idaho code. - BY ANNA MILLER AND SCOTT YENOR
Read FullIt’s doubtful Republicans had anything to do with planting them. That can be attributed to Biden. It looks like Obama’s fingerprints are all over this. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullBiden NEVER does the right thing.... Neither does his still-hidden-boss-man Barack Obama! Biden, Obama, DOJ, mainstream and social media continue lying. - BY JUDI MCLEOD
Read FullNations get fatter/sicker as traditional diets of fresh produce sourced from local farmers are displaced by fast food pink slime sourced from the 'industrialized' Big Food oligopoly. -BY JAMES CORBETT
Read FullAll but three Republicans of the original ten and venomous billionaire elitists Klaus Schwab and George Soros have announced they won’t attend the WEF's Davos summit. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullDavid Londo, called the redeployment of air marshals to the southern border “insane” considering the latest aviation threat from Al Qaeda. - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullWhatever else it may be—a danger, menace, or threat—the government is certainly not looking out for our best interests, nor is it a friend to freedom. - BY JOHN
Read FullA recent poll found that only 16% of Gen Zers felt "pride" in country. That's something that surely brings a tear to Lady Liberty's eye. - BY JARRETT STEPMAN
Read FullAs people wake up by the millions worldwide, the Deep State is planning crisis after crisis to keep the evil agenda moving forward. - BY GREG HUINTER
Read FullGovernor Newsom could benefit from a few takeaways about energy literacy that he, and others in America’s ruling class and the media refuse to discuss. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullThomas Paine published the first edition of Common Sense – a 47 page pamphlet that defended and inspired the cause of independence like no other. - BY MICHAEL BOLTON
Read FullRight now, none of the rationalizations offered by the media for Biden’s actions over the past few days work anymore. - BY DAVID HARSANYI
Read FullThe FAKE Philanthropists of the NIC Foundation, and the FAKE "Friends of NIC" will see that NIC is destroyed before they will willingly give up control. - BY NISGR
Read FullThe Idaho Republican Party’s new grassroots leadership is both competent and capable and absolutely working for the people. We can expect sound leadership moving forward. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read Full"I'm not opposed to "True" science. The trouble's that a host of media, politicians, sensationalists, and special interests stand between true science and the general population. - BY ROBERT
Read FullThe governor’s budget recommendation doesn’t have to be approved. Lawmakers have various options at their disposal to address the governor’s proposal besides rubber-stamping it. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION STAFF
Read FullWe need bold leadership, especially from our church leaders to speak truth. - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullAny way you measure it, 2022 was not a record setting year for extreme weather. - BY STERLING BURNETT, Ph.D.
Read Full“We look forward to a comprehensive briefing on his discussions when Governor Kemp returns to Georgia,” stated the Georgia Record. - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read FullLike his predecessor, Gov. Brad Little has resorted to accounting gimmicks to make his budget appear more “conservative” than it really is. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullI'll be rooting for the Freedom Caucus guys to pleasantly surprise us by hanging tough against the business-as-usual crowd and starting to implement some serious changes. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullAmerica's in a life-or-death battle for its very soul, both in its public school classrooms and in its Christian church pews. Freedom is in the balance. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullSCOTUS specifically limited the question it wants addressed to “Whether the State applicants may intervene to challenge the District Court’s summary judgment order.” - BY DON C. BROCKETT
Read FullIt's an absolute disaster of a policy blueprint. If followed, will lead the state further down the path of greater government dependency, socialism, and unfettered transgenderism. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullXi Jinping and many of the CCICED elites, from Han Zheng on down, are boon companions of Klaus Schwab and the billionaire jet-setters of WEF. - BY WILLIAM F.
Read FullSpeaker Kevin McCarthy confirms that Eric Swalwell, Ilhan Omar, and Adam Schiff are off their committees! - BY M DOWLING
Read FullFrom endless media propaganda promoting the narrative to social-media engineered radicalization, the signs are everywhere. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullA special report, a Better Identity Coalition State Blueprint Dec 2022, has been prepared to give legislators. Contact legislators to reject this corporate proposal. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullDiscreetly, with the Sustainable Develeopment Goals, the global becomes local. Our founding principles are simply erased and replaced. - BY SARAH WINTERS
Read FullDr. David Bell: "Whilst growing their industry's finances, public health professionals are degrading themselves and betraying society based on incessant lying. They'll inevitably face consequences…" - BY DR.
Read FullRep. Paul Gosar plans to investigate a potential coup planned between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and General Mark Milley. He sees Milley as a “traitor.” - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThis is written for all those Americans who still think that politics is a dirty word, and that it is something for somebody else to fix. - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullDemocrats are the evilest political force the world has ever known, and they must be dealt with accordingly. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full