The 3 Strong Points Against the Con-Con Con

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Why should we believe that Congress or citizens would magically follow new laws any more than present laws?

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Trump’s Signing of Huge Wilderness Bill Continues Bipartisan Clinton-Bush-Obama War on the West

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...the most controversial — is the designation of 375,000 new acres of wilderness across Utah, California, New Mexico, and Oregon.

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Democrats Want Mueller Report, to Rewrite It and Then Declare Trump Guilty

By 0 Comments reopen the matter and rehash everything Mueller did, thus permitting the leftist lynch mob to reach a different conclusion.

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Republicans Really Do Love Immigrants

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Republicans and conservatives- despite the lies, slander and fake news offered by the liberal media- value and celebrate immigration.

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Why Media Has Become a Tool of the Political Complex

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...act not only legitimizes the heinous manipulation of mainstream media, but allows Congress to FUND IT with TAX PAYER DOLLARS.

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‘Walk Away,’ Urges College Students to Abandon Liberalism and Become Conservative

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‘Walk Away,’ by virtue of its name, is a campaign headed by TPUSA encouraging students to leave liberalism.

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This Case Could Finally Rein in Federal Agencies

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This law makes clear that judges (not federal bureaucrats) “shall decide all relevant questions of law” and “determine the meaning

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Top 10 “Poisons” in American food, water, and medicine – and which body functions they ATTACK

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Some bodies are under attack 24/7 from chemicals in food that the manufacturers call additives, preservatives, or even “natural flavoring.”

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Carl Rove Is What’s Wrong with the Republican Party

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Mr. Rove suggests, now that the Mueller investigation is finished and no collusion was found, that President Trump just turn the other cheek and “move on” with his work

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CNN Officially Out Of Investigative Journalism

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...a little more than three minutes per hour — devoted to all of the other news of the day," said the report.

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Have we gone crazy? WA’s SB5395, SSB5689, SB5082

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Senate Bill 5395 is mandating every school in Washington State promote gender fluidity, transgenderism, the normalization of sexual activity of various kinds to under age,

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Idaho Senate Committee Kills Sex Education ‘Opt-In’ Bill

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One of the most hotly debated education bills of the year, House Bill 120 would have fundamentally restructured Idaho’s sex education law.

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How An ID & WA Small Group Stopped A Goliath?  Saving Our Sovereignty & Independence

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Here is an example of what ‘you’ can do. - BY ANGELO LONZISERO

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More Takeover Of Idaho Land

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...divided up into five ecosystems but the bill has nothing to do with ecosystem protection, it is about taking land.

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Prescribing an Opioid for a Fatal National Law

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The wolf is no more “delisted”, “recovered” or its “management returned to the state” than Eastern European countries were “liberated” after WWII

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Sustainability: The Green New Deal

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California is the perfect example of what America will be reduced to if a proposed Green New Deal goes into action

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Charlie Kirk: President Trump Takes an Important Step for Free Speech on Campus

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By signing his Executive Order he will let universities know that their wallet is in danger of being lightened.

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Presidential Self-Actualization

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...if Trump can flip this Country into something useful, a sort of immortality would be well deserved.

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Court brief shows California and Oregon broke law with Klamath Dam removal plan

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...politicians/bureaucrats...prefer to violate the highest law of the land to pursue their own financial and political agendas

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Cap and Trade & School Bonds: Backdoor to Socialism

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In the end, centralized planning climate change solutions and school bonds are unsustainable.

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The College Cheating Scandal Becomes Personal

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Class-action lawsuits have already been filed from coast to coast.

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Is higher education ripe for creative destruction?

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...Hunter Baker argued that higher education was ripe for massive change and “directly in the path of creative destruction.”

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NorthWest Liberty News Taken Down….Again!

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Somehow, the Database containing my entire website was deleted from my hosting company with no explanation.

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Oppose Renewables at All Costs

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...opposed to renewables of any sort. They are a stain on our system of private property, freedom and self-reliance.

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Sustainability: The Road to Serfdom

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The Ultimate Goal of Sustainable Development is to redistribute wealth away from the middle-class lowering standards of living,

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Snopes Veers Far Left: Smears Tennessee Star And Promotes Bizarre Conspiracy Theory

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...the rise of self-appointed Leftwing “fact checkers” who have created a cottage industry of undermining straight news reporting critical of Democrats and Leftist causes.

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Idaho’s on Fire

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There is no doubt that interests have long planned to control the federally managed lands of Idaho.

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Why Millennials Have Already Racked Up a Trillion Dollars in Debt

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Millennials are stuck with loans they can't afford and degrees they often have no use for.

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The Green Killing Machine and the Red Jihad

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...not a conservative or a Christian. He was a self-proclaimed "eco-fascist" who admires Red China. In China, they put Muslims in camps.

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Beto O’Rourke Apologizes For Writing Poems About Plowing Over Children With A Car

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...describing a scenario in which he would accelerate a car into a group of children while hearing them scream.

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Former Staffer Admits SPLC Is a Money-making Scam

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he Southern Poverty Law Center was long ago exposed as money-making scam. It has amassed almost half-a-billion dollars

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The ultimate government game is to reorganize our cities into massive urban areas where single-family neighborhoods are replaced by the Sustainable/Smart

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Washington Legislature runs wild at mid-session cutoff

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What remains in play this session is breathtaking - a radical agenda that aims to remake our economy and society, without regard for consequences.

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It’s Time to Stand Against the Social Justice Warriors

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It’s time to stand up to these bullies and bring back order, justice, equality and the Freedom of Speech

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Idaho Legislative Update March 15,  2019 from Rep. Priscilla Giddings – District 7

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Funding bills flew through the House this week. The House's version of the school funding formula died in the Senate Education Committee, and the Senate introduced a new bill with

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A Great Anti-Vaccine Article: Tucker Carlson and the real victims of media censorship

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The NVIC is one of dozens of member organizations around the country opposed to mandatory vaccination laws.

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