“The Land belongs to God and we are just sojourners while we are here,” but we do have a stewardship duty.
Read FullPolitical parties are not appropriate objects of loyalty. Neither are governments, religions, church denominations or service and social clubs.
Read Full...are we Lake County residents ready to completely support the political and legal battle that has been handed to our County Commissioners by the CSKT?
Read Full8200+ pages of proposed Idaho Rules, Regulations and Fees are currently open for comment and it is NOT TOO LATE to request a public hearing in your county!
Read FullThe US Constitution ... a daunting task. Maybe you only have five minutes a day, the time it takes to read an email. That may be all you need.
Read Full...instead of enjoying the clear sailing its supporters were expecting, Oregon’s cap-and-trade scheme was sent to the bottom of the sea – for this year.
Read FullNorth Idaho Exposed covered both sides of this event with video commentary and interviews.
Read FullUnless this is exposed and stopped the NEA will be implementing this perverted agenda into ALL public schools starting at kindergarten through 12.
Read FullA defector from Antifa says the time has come to protect Americans generally and college students in particular from the terror group.
Read Full...Kaepernick’s and Nike’s treatment...have turned them into a hot commodity. CBS Sports reports that the shoes are currently selling for upwards of $2,000
Read FullTrillions of dollars in dirty money and taxpayer money. That’s why the fix is in. To ensure the dirty money keeps flowing.
Read Full...President Trump can...regain control of a city where local elected officials have ceded control of the streets to a Leftist terrorist organization
Read Full...carefully consider Frédéric Bastiat’s 1848 essay, “Government,” one of the most insightful critiques ever given for understanding the problems that beset governance.
Read Full...greater accountability on the IRS in the property seizures, as well as protect taxpayers from identity theft, boost whistleblower protections, and modernize the tax agency.
Read FullProfessor Debra Mashek of Harvey Mudd College and Professor Jonathan Haidt of NYU authored “10 Colleges Where You Won’t Have to Walk on Eggshells”
Read FullAmerica is rapidly falling out of love with the radial LGBT movement. And guess who is leading this wave of disaffection? Millennials aged 18-34.
Read FullAs far as we can tell, Kamala Harris’s parents were not American citizens, they were here on student visas. They were not under the jurisdiction of the United States,
Read Full"...ww.schoolshootingdatabase.com, has found that these tragedies have nearly tripled in number since the inception of gun-free zones,” - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full...unconstitutional subsidies, grants, loan guarantees, tax deductions, foreign aid, stimulus plans, regulations and unconstitutional agencies shouldn’t exist in our Constitutional Republic!!!
Read Full...every time the federal government exercises power outside of the constitution, a "nullification of the act is the rightful remedy."
Read Full... they are manually intervening, and removing your content from, from their servers, and they are saying that the algorithms did it.
Read FullNow is the time to have real and meaningful impact on the 8200+ pages of Idaho Rules and Regulations up for public input.
Read Full...includes funding conservation efforts on state and private land that encourages wildlife movement and creating a council to identify priority areas on "non-federal" lands.
Read FullWhy Property Rights Matter shows how people today perceive property rights in a dramatically different way from the ideals held by our founders and early Americans.
Read FullI didn’t like the idea that a County Commissioner could publicly lie and get away with it.
Read FullLeaving ...our forests up to the U.S.F.S. is like putting a blowtorch in the hands of a known arsonist and letting him run wild through our forests
Read Full“The state has effectively blocked us from accessing any sort of state law enforcement databases and we cannot access the detainees themselves in local custody,
Read FullSince the destruction of Venezula, the rest of South America has wised up and elected center-right presidents in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia.
Read Full...nuclear energy is perhaps our best source of electricity. Frightening people away from clean, abundant, safe and affordable nuclear does the world a great disservice.
Read Full...the National Association of Scholars reveals that a number of American colleges have returned to the premise that separate but equal is, in fact, equal.
Read FullGoogle, he said, is a “highly-biased political machine that is bent upon never letting some like Donald Trump come to power again.”
Read FullJust like Obama, Trump must ignore Congress and rule by Executive Order. It’s the only way to save America. The ends justify the means.
Read FullHere is hopefully our last video on this subject for a while, it was interesting covering this and hearing opinions from both sides.
Read Full...would be even more refreshing if all three branches of the federal government took that position on more issues, leaving state decisions to the states.
Read Full...20 major deregulatory efforts, which it projects alone will save consumers and businesses about $220 billion annually, and increase after-inflation incomes by 1.3 percent.
Read FullAmericans are voting with their feet by moving to states where the politicians are taking less of their income.
Read Full