Dr. Shiva Exposes Everything the Deep State’s trying to hide about the Coronavirus and the claims by Fauci, Birx, Gates and the W.H.O.’s Covid-19 Endgame –INTERVIEW BY GARY FRANCHI
Read FullThat Sheriff Wheeler’s very temperate letter to the governor would stir such intemperate responses from the left-tilted media and intolerant “progressives” is hardly surprising. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullCol Shane Day: "...the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists.” - BY ROWAN SCARBOROUGH
Read FullInslee has accidently become a true change agent in Washington State, but probably not the way he planned. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read Full...the bill accepts the universe in which the Left operates; namely, that we need to move away from reliable energy and work on global warming priorities. - BY DANIEL HOROWITZ
Read FullI hope readers can recognize the absurdity of claims that the burning of fossil fuels and releasing their carbon dioxide control earth temperatures. BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullIt is our individual responsibility to decide what happens, even during a crisis and should not be solely dictated by federal or state governments. - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullObviously, Gov. Inslee places more value on political correctness and maintaining ties to China than on saving American lives. - BY STEVE BUSCH
Read FullThey also oppose any changes in law, such as Voter ID statutes, that might reduce vote fraud and thus Democrat vote totals. - BY STEVE BYAS
Read Full...$6 trillion stimulus package: where most of that money is going and the refusal of Massie on the floor of the House for a recorded vote. - BY TNA VIDEO
Read FullSo there, we got it all fixed up now. Last thing we need is the usual suspects screaming “fake news”. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIES.COM
Read FullAIM, Inc. was founded for one sole purpose. The construction of a greyhound track, and eventual casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIES.COM
Read FullWe’re quite sure Dougo will call this post and others we make “fake news,” then go cry to officials that he was wronged. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIESONLINE.COM
Read FullIf any candidate had what Doug O has in his past, we’d expose them as well. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIES.COM
Read FullDo I still believe we are submitting and standing down to the powers that be, and allowing them to control us and our livelihood? You betcha... -BY COREY LYNN
Read Fullthe Fed is creating trillions of currency out of thin air using "Special Purpose Vehicles" (better known as front companies) to buy up real assets including... - BY TNA
Read Full...We must retain only what government services are truly critical at this stage to weather the economic blizzard, avoid doing more harm, and help average people... -BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThe destruction of the economy will result in many more deaths and hardships than COVID-19 could ever imagine. - BY PATRICK WOOD
Read Full...Tedros, who has no medical degree but got the top UN job with fervent backing from Communist China, is an actual communist with a long pedigree... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full*Through the UNESCO/Gates agreement for ‘one world curriculum’, we knew that the UN would be firmly entrenched in our nation. - BY LYNN TAYLOR
Read FullChina lied, WHO lied, our so-called experts in government may not be as expert as we’d like, “time was squandered by the CDC, not the president,” - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullHere’s the mantra for the day: “Wear a Mask, Get Back to Work!” - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThe truth is that left-wing math never adds up, and left-wing economics? “Fahgettaboudit!” - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThe order declared a host of goods — from clothing, toys, electronics and jewelry to paint, gardening and sports equipment — off limits to in-store customers. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullNot only was this bailout costly in dollars and cents but it provided the democrats with an opportunity to advance much of their agenda by holding... - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read Full... left-wing groups are arming a multimillion-dollar campaign to not only alter the voting system in this election, but to also make universal mail voting a... - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full...this is one of the rare situations where treasurers can unilaterally make a decision which has a real positive impact on the lives of local property owners. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullIdaho’s Fairness in Women’s Sports Act provides that “athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls shall not be open to students of the male sex.” - BY DOREEN DENNY
Read FullFear and propaganda are key weapons in this assault on constitutional government,...deployed with great skill to put in place the final element of the battle plan: - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullCompiliation of excellent video reporting by citizens revealling blatant false reporting from big media and virtual inactivity at Hospitals and emergency centers. - BY DANA ASHLIE
Read FullPlanned Parenthood received $616.8 million from taxpayers in the last fiscal year. - BY TIM BROWN
Read FullThe U.S. Constitution and most state constitutions have been suspended. Your freedom to earn a living, travel, worship, and even mingle with others have been abridged. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIf you want to support your candidates at the ballot box, you must request an absentee ballot now. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION
Read FullThe Bonner County Idaho Sheriff Daryl Wheeler is asking Governor Little to ease the restrictions in Idaho. - BY BRET ROUSH
Read FullThis path chosen by Idaho’s Executive Branch is unconstitutional, un-American, NOT the Idaho way. ...there is a real illness attacking our state, country, and world. - BY REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullQuotiing Thomas Jefferson: "Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated." - BY BRYAN FISCHER
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