The death of knowledge and the death of outrage… exactly who in government approves these transactions? - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullPresident Trump needs to immediately declare Antifa a terrorist organization so that law enforcement can get to work fighting back against this communist uprising. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullBryan Fischer: McClean is a “hardcore regressive” who is committed to a far-left regressive agenda.“because they're taking American culture backwards, not forwards.” - BY CHAD GROENING AND BILLY DAVIS
Read FullAround the world, students are being conditioned, against their human design, to live a post-apocalyptic obedience regimen. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullYou and I are living in perhaps the most dangerous times in American history. Certainly we are experiencing the most concentrated attacks on our American liberty. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullCut the head off the snake. We’ve got to move to aggressively cut off the funding of domestic terrorism. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullFor government officers to use cell data or infrared technology to track people, they must have either express permission from each person or a warrant... -BY KRISANNE HALL
Read Full...those who love freedom and America must be the adults in the room, firmly demanding this insane lock-down end immediately. God is on our side. - BY LLOYD MARCUS
Read FullJoin Freedom Watch's Justice League and Judicial Selection Strike Force, and help us educate President Trump so he can appoint non-Republican-establishment and courageous intellectually honest judges. - BY LARRY KLAYMAN
Read FullPlatforms which start censoring political speech based on a partisan 'fact checking' agenda are acting as publishers. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullWhen you take the red pill, you see with clarity that millions of American children don't learn to read for a horrifyingly specific reason. - BY BRUCE DEITRICK PRICE
Read FullSolar and Wind Power Must Be Backed With an Equal or Greater Amount of Fossil Fuel Power Running on Standby 100% Of The Time. - BY DR LEHR &
Read Full...authorities fiddled while the city burned. And the fiddling and the burning are largely due to the mainstream media’s burning of truth. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullTheir strategy is to gain power in local city councils across the South to consolidate local power and become competitive in statewide races. - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read FullThe John Birch Society is an activiist/educational organization whose members employ truth as their only weapon. Problems are not a Party Thing, they're a Constitution Thing! - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...some of the pseudo-humanitarian hoaxes that have been used by world-government advocates to undermine American freedom on the road to a New World Order. - BY TNA VIDEO
Read FullStupid is more dangerous than malice. Stupidity is a choice. It involves rejecting the obvious. A stupid person reaches a decision by ignoring the facts. - BY DAVE DAUBENMIRE
Read Full...who is to decide what is normal, mild, moderate, or a severe pandemic? Leave that decision to politicians and bureaucrats, and you have a problem. - BY EDWARD PETER
Read FullIf I were the devil... I'd love the deep state, the corrupt Washington, D.C., swamp and, most of all, its PR division, the liberal media. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThis is an interesting insider’s perspective on this lawsuit and the fact that Governor Inslee backed down from enforcing his proclamations. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThere’s no way a violent, embezzling, dementia-suffering pedophile could legitimately win the White House in November, unless of course, the whole thing gets rigged by mail-in votes.- BY SD WELLS
Read FullIn particular, MP Cunial slammed Gates-funded vaccine schemes that she said had “sterilized millions of women in African” and paralyzed about 500,000 children in India. - BY TIM BROWN
Read Full... it becomes even more so at a time when all the calls are for increased centralization and the voices of the technocratic elite grow louder... -BY PETER BOETKE
Read FullRemarkably, truth of the matter is these facemasks are not really helping anybody, and they’re causing more harm than good. And this is actually well known - BY GUNNER STEELE
Read FullThe ‘crisis’ we currently find ourselves in amounts to no more than a bad flu season. Thousands of doctors/scientists who speak out are silenced or censored. - BY JULIAN McPHERSON
Read FullThis nonsense has nothing to do with science or public health. It is, as always, about politics and power. - BY DAVID CATRON
Read FullWashington State leads the nation in unemployment statistics thanks to bureaucratic incompetence and some help from a Nigerian fraud ring. BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullAll of this is according to a plan laid out in a Rockefeller Foundation document from 2010 in which a particular portion called “Lock Step,” which I... - BY TIM
Read FullSo-called “Green energy” threatens our culture, our freedoms and our pocketbooks, yet provides no net electricity to our electrical networks. Zero-Zip-Nada. - BY DR. JAY LEHR & TERIGI
Read FullContact Tracing violates Idaho citizen’s rights... You take an oath to uphold the US Constitution which includes the Bill of Rights. Please keep that oath! - BY ADRIAN ARP
Read Full...Falling infection rates since lockdowns were lifted suggest that the virus ‘likely has its own dynamics’ which are ‘unrelated to often inconsistent lockdown measures’,... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullWith absentee ballots, ballot harvesting, early voting, and illegals automatically registered to vote at DMV, the amount of cheating already occurring is disgusting and dangerous... - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullGov. Brad Little’s contact tracing strategy is being implemented without legislative oversight. Worse, there’s no guarantee the software used to monitor Covid-19 patients won’t morph into... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullMarc Eberlein: "Property taxes are out of hand, the grocery tax needs to be eliminated, and the growth of government needs to be checked." - BY INWR
Read FullBoise Mayor Lauren McLean is looking to mold Boise from a sleepy capital to a regional hub of art, entertainment, commerce, and, apparently, communism. - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read Full...there are 380 references to ‘education’ in HR 6800. The costs: $58 billion for K-12 education to remain as on-line and data mined as possible; - BY LYNN TAYOR
Read Full