Every American now has to wonder if justice was uppermost in the minds of the court’s members when they nixed Texas v. Pennsylvania. - BY MATTHEW VADUM
Read FullSome people find the idea of microchipping, especially of children, very Orwellian fraught with potential attempts to control and manipulate by the people in charge. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullPowell told the Epoch Times the evidence of foreign interference is "more than sufficient to trigger" the order, providing the president "all kinds of power... - BY JOE KOVACS
Read FullFrom completely unnecessary and counter-productive covid lockdowns to the forced wearing of worthless masks, to Biden’s promise of a “dark winter” if he is elected... - BY DAVE KING
Read FullDespite best efforts of the media (mainstream and social) to convince Americans that there was no voter fraud in the election, the people aren’t buying it. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullThe dismissal of the Texas case is a sure recipe for continued election chaos, if not a spark to ignite what amounts to a civil war. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe independent fact-checkers policing Americans online are tied to George Soros, Hillary Clinton, the Chinese Communist Party, and CNN. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe Idaho Department of Health and Welfare oversight board voted...to have the government play a central role in who lives and who dies. - BY DR. JOHN M. LIVINGSTON
Read FullJoe Biden, and his fellow Democrats, apparently big U.S. automakers, have joined the rush to transform U.S. transportation to 100% electric vehicles (EV) whether We the People... - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullThe Biden administration has said it won’t build “another foot” of the border wall, which would terminate existing contracts and cost taxpayers billions of dollars... - BY KAYLEE GREENLEE
Read FullThe fact that this action has the effect of fraudulently overthrowing the existing government by illicit methods means that this is an act of treason ... - BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read FullPresident Donald Trump vowed that his campaign will “continue to go forward” with its legal challenges related to the Nov. 3 election. - BY JACK PHILLIPS
Read FullThese men have done great things for America and the American people. Both deserve a pardon so they can move on with their lives and legacies. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullPresident John F. Kennedy, 1962; "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - BY FREEDOM MAN STAFF
Read FullFor the election returns in many precincts to happen the way they did, Biden would have to flip a coin 1,000 times getting heads every time. - BY JAY VALENTINE
Read FullIt is time for everyone who swore an oath to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” to act upon it. - BY MARK MEGAHAN
Read FullWhat is the point of swearing the oath if you can violate it with impunity? NWO “elites” have constantly advanced their agenda because we play nice. - BY ROBERT SMITH
Read FullThe World Economic Forum (WEF), through its corporate partnerships, has a plan to indoctrinate every citizen on its Great Reset agenda. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullIn the same way that Lincoln used executive power to hold the country together during the Civil War, Trump can do the same. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullAmid allegations of voter fraud, litigation in key states, and state legislative hearings, the public is more focused on the electors’ voting set for Monday. - BY FRED LUCAS
Read FullThe letter indicates that Hunter and James Biden acted as agents of the Chinese Communist Party...and that CEFC was an extension of the communist Chinese government. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullIn Washington State's Capital City of Olympia, the decay is advancing and there appears to be no political will to stop it. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullCIA got its start in Shanghai as part of HSBC (Hong Cong, Shanghai Banking Corporation) owns Dominion voting machines and James Comey became a board member. – BY DANIEL NATAL
Read Full...over 300 protesters assembled at CDH in Boise to peacefully show their desire ensuring the rights of the citizenry be left intact. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullEnough already. Using infection rates (real or fabricated) to justify lockdowns ensures that they will continue in perpetuity. - BY E.F. CHARLES
Read FullUnlike all other vaccines, the genetic damage of which is not necessarily permanent, mRNA genetic damage is “irreversible and irreparable,” Kennedy notes. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullIf the governor of Florida handles this breakthrough correctly, it could be the beginning of the end for one widespread piece of COVID test fakery... - BY JON RAPPAPORT
Read FullThe CFR/Aspen Institute promote efforts to: Nationalize our police, Nationalize the media, Merge the U.S. & EU, Global government, and UN Control of the Internet - BY CHRIS STEVENS
Read FullOnce again, in their never-ending quest to destroy conservatives, the liberal media distort and lie about the Idaho Freedom Foundation,... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullFreedom Foundation complaints to the PDC have resulted in Washington state unions paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties for concealing millions of dollars in penalties. - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullThe RHAZers have called for reinforcements via Twitter. Apparently, that’s okay with Jack Dorsey and his staff. It would only be a problem were they conservatives. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullLet us not be naïve: Government is a criminal enterprise, and the vast majority of politicians are corrupt and vile human beings. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullNo one is yet talking about the fact that a network run by pro-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) activists solicited hundreds of thousands of votes for Biden... - BY TREVOR
Read FullJoe Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.” - BY CHUCK ROSS
Read Full...who will fight for American people? The feckless GOP pols who have stood around and let 2020 happen? Perhaps we’re going to have to fight for ourselves. - BY SCOTT MCKAY
Read FullEvery opposing point of view...is now labeled “disinformation” and falsely described as being a “threat to democracy”. Free countries remain free when people challenge the government. - BY DANIEL
Read Full