Jeremy Grantham, chief investment strategist at GMO, has seen it coming for months: the implosion of one of the greatest stock-market bubbles in history. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullShea discussed a wide swath of topics to include the recent national elections, the ongoing chaos and division transforming America, ushering in the globalist paradigm. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullDeclares that any public health measure by the state that infringes on the Washington state Constitution or the United States Constitution may not be enforced. - BY REP ROB CHASE
Read FullNow is the time to pay attention and engage. They may want to ignore you, but it is worth letting them know what you think regardless. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThis shift into terror now characterizes the brutal Biden regime, which is already hard at work destroying jobs...and flooding the US with violent illegal alien criminals. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullJoe Biden and his brutal regime against the American people are merely one cog in the global machine to achieve mass depopulation by any means necessary. - BY MIKE
Read FullTrump is relentless. He may be the most relentless human in world history. The secret to Trump’s success is “the Art of the Comeback.” - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...does anyone in this administration look at what has happened in other nations that have tried this (for example Spain and Germany)? - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read’s the time to fight back: to resist any and all unconstitutional edicts. Once controlling strategies are in place, it will be too late. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read Full..history teaches with laser clarity that there are no guardrails restraining the behavior of the Left when it is so empowered. with its current critical reins - BY MATT BRACKEN
Read Full...a return to the pro-Iranian policies of the Obama era and a message to Arab peoples of the Middle East that they are on their own... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullWind and solar replacing other fuels is physically impossible, The ultimately failed effort is going to make electricity far more costly and less reliable. BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullA new “study” from the CDC claims that depriving children of in-person education due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is both misguided and unscientific. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullBootlickers who believe everything the government and Democrats tell them are being encouraged to use Birdwatch to challenge “misinformation and disinformation” in an open-source format.- BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullTruth-trouncing AOC is a must to bring an end to the hysterical hyperbole of unscrupulous politicians like the former bartender from Manhattan’s Union Square. - BY JUDI MCCLOUD
Read Full...the Founders were right in making the Second Amendment the anchor to the First. All other barriers against a complete Democratic tyranny are already giving way. - BY BOB ADLEMANN
Read FullIn other words, as Americans are struggling to get the vaccine, this clown is going to give our vaccines to the world. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullIdaho’s Emergency Operations Plan, states a moderate pandemic fatality rate is 1.5 percent, a rate is 2.5 percent. FACT: this number actually represents 0.1%. – BY DR. JOHN
Read FullKerry’s remarks were made ahead of Biden’s signing of a host of executive actions on Wednesday pushing his $2 trillion Green New Deal-inspired climate agenda. - BY EBONY BOWDEN
Read Full...Big Government, Big Tech, academia, and entertainment are the four pillars that are destroying our countries foundations. Hell-bent on the destruction of our basic liberties... - BY JOHN C. VELISEK
Read Full... the Biden/Harris regime will take on the Second Amendment like they are already attacking the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution... - BY LANCE D. JOHNSON
Read FullThe faster Democrats can change American demographics, the sooner they can make their 1984 dream, and your nightmare, a reality. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullTwitter is continuing to allow users to post and maintain content celebrating and in some cases encouraging progressive-aligned violence even as it cracks down on content... - BY DANIEL PAYNE
Read show trials and political purges. Only the unity that comes from eliminating the political opposition in your very own Bidenist banana republic. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullWe have some serious priorities to tackle this 2021 Legislative Session, and the COVID response and emergency declarations are probably the most serious. - BY REP. RON NATE
Read FullScott Jensen: "...if hospitals could hit 161 admissions with coronavirus patients, they would be eligible for a $77,000 per admission payment because of the CARES Act." -BY ZOEY SKY
Read FullMerck announced it is discontinuing development of its Covid-19 vaccine candidates after early studies showed immune responses were inferior to natural infection and other Covid-19 vaccines. - BY NOAH
Read FullInformation indicates that not only is China’s communist regime running an influence campaign in America, it is infiltrating organizations worldwide. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThe coronavirus is a respiratory virus, and unless you breathe through your rectum, anal swabs are nothing more than obedience training for sheeple. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullOn his first day in the Oval Office…Joe Biden quickly removed the bust of Winston Churchill and replaced it with one of Cesar Chavez. – BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullToday, there are rumors that cartels are expanding operations as they take advantage of lax enforcement by the Biden Administration. - BY TEXAS REP. CHIP ROY
Read FullThere will be additional efforts to ‘de-person’ Trump supporters and deny them basic civil rights over the fabricated claim that they are ‘national security risks.’ - BY JD HEYES
Read Full...the 56-year old OB/GYN physician was healthy when he received the COVID-19 vaccine and began exhibiting symptoms of bleeding under the skin within 72 hours. - BY BARBARA LOE FISHER
Read FullBy threatening 80 million Trump supporters for ‘inciting insurrection and engaging in domestic terror’, the FBI is trying to silence as many people as possible, - BY LANCE D. JOHNSON
Read FullEvery individual, from all walks of life, including those in government, Big Tech, the media, and corporations, needs to make the right choice. - BY EPOCH TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD
Read FullNow that Trump has left office, things will move quickly. If things go as expected, society will begin fighting on many levels. - BY SGT. A. MERICA
Read Full