By Tom DeWeese
It’s urgent! That’s why I’m joining with independent cattle producers across the country to directly contact President Trump to take immediate action to stop the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Cartel!
Please join me in this vital effort.
I simply find it hard to believe that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – a powerful and radical environmental organization – has managed to worm its way into control of the American beef industry.
The WWF advocates that beef consumption is destroying the environment and they are working tirelessly around the world to stop you and me from eating beef.
The World Wildlife Fund has succeeded in taking over the American Cattle Industry!
- They have created the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.
- It comes with an endless list of rules to control how cattlemen are to operate – and those rules increase costs and make it nearly impossible for small farmers
to operate. - They have succeeded in getting the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association to endorse the Roundtable’s crazy rules.
- And the Roundtable now controls the beef packing industry, which in turn, controls the entire beef retail market. Cattlemen either bow to the WWF dictates or are cut out of the industry.
The Roundtable plans come with a strict set of “principles” that are right out of Agenda 21.
Each of these rules is designed to make it impossible for cattle producers to survive. And they are working. Thousands of independent American cattlemen have been forced out of business.
But through the Roundtable, the WWF has managed to take control of the packing industry. There are only four packing companies in the nation, including Tyson Foods, Cargill, JBS, and National Beef. They control the market – so that now means the WWF controls the market.
The first step in the WWF’s diabolical plot to destroy American beef was to get the packers to remove the Country of Origin (COOL) labels from beef packaging.
Now they pretend that beef that actually originates in China and other third world countries is actually American. It’s not! American beef is raised to the highest standards; China is probably near the bottom.
This allows the packers to pay American cattlemen next to nothing, while making bigger profits for themselves.
But beware!!
Watch the news as more and more reports are coming out about tainted beef on grocery shelves.
This is the result of the deception about the origin of the beef.
And the result of bad beef are consumers’ growing fears to buy it.
That is exactly what the WWF is counting on – fear – to get you to stop eating beef.
This is about protecting YOUR health.
It’s about protecting YOUR freedom of choice about what you eat.
It’s about saving the hardworking, dedicated American cattlemen who have worked for generations to feed us the highest quality food in the world.
It’s all under siege from a zealous and powerful band of radicals who will stop at nothing to enforce their agenda on us.
The World Wildlife Fund is on a mission to control massive amounts of land across the American Northwest and block it from human use.
That’s why the WWF is striving to control water use that is designed to drive property owners off of their land.
Killing the cattle industry is a major tool in their arsenal to achieving their goal of control.
Across the west courageous independent cattle growers are trying to fight back to save their industry, their family ranches, and the great independent American lifestyle that has safely and abundantly fed our nation for more than two centuries
Over the past year I have had the privilege of meeting and working with these courageous freedom fighters. I have seen their pain and desperation as a powerful force has just moved in and taken control of their industry.
The cattlemen are up against a massive force that controls political power and a enormous war chest of unlimited funds.
How do the cattlemen fight back?
I told them to take dramatic action that can be seen and felt in the halls of government.
And I told them that, if the beef consumers (you) could hear the truth about how the WWF assault on American beef is endangering our lives, we could stop this!
They have heard me and they are taking action.
The first step is to flood the White House switchboard with phone calls and messages asking President Trump to take action to pull back government regulations that are helping the WWF take control.
The first step is to demand that the true Country of Origin Label be placed on every package of beef in your grocery so you know where it comes from.
President Trump can make that happen with one phone call to Sonny Perdue, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
That will be a major first step.
So, please, will you join me and these courageous yet desperate cattlemen by making a simple call to the White House switchboard and leave a message to President Trump, asking him to order his USDA Secretary to enforce Country of Origin labeling on American beef?
There is obviously much more to be done – but this one phone call will be a major first step. Please join me in this vital effort.
I promised the cattlemen I would help them win.
Will you join me in that promise with your donation to APC? Rich, please help me with your immediate gift of $25 or even as much as $75. I assure you every dollar will be used to help us win this fight.
I know you just witnessed the outrageous actions at the United Nations where forces like the World Wildlife Fund shamefully used a young girl to drive their vicious lies and propaganda.
This fight against the cattlemen is the SAME fight. We must stop them from destroying our freedom and our way of life.
My American Policy Center is one of the most determined organizations in the nation to sound the alarm and stop these radicals. Without your financial support how can I stand up to them?