Internet of Forests
By Karen Schumacher
Agenda 21 commands the collection of data for sustainable development, and is included in every aspect of life in all chapters. With the advancement of technology, the ability to collect data has essentially been achieved on humans, now the time is ready to target resources. As is the same with data collection for the Internet of Things (IoT), the globalist world is now primed for the Internet of Forests (IoF), starting with the Amazon Rainforest.
The standard lame lines of reasoning are given for this action, “to digitally monitor and protect” the rainforest and ensuring its health for “future generations.” Technologies that execute this mission include cameras, satellite imagery, drone surveillance, environmental sensors, and bio-sensing techniques, With these technologies forest temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and air quality can be monitored. The data will be turned over to artificial intelligence (AI) for analysis to identify environmental threats and create strategies for conservation in “agriculture, renewable energy, eco-tourism, and smart climate adaptation.” Helping local inhabitants “to better manage their resources and improve their quality of life” is another claim for this surveillance. Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest has been an ongoing concern and with IoF technology the rates of deforestation, biodiversity changes, and carbon sequestration can also be monitored. This IoF technology isn’t limited to just forests. Sounds more like a control issue.
The soulless individuals behind this Amazon forest coup include the technology company O.N.E. Amazon, its smart city associate Gorilla Technology and its avaricious corporate collaborators, AECOM, CAF, Abu Dhabi Investment Group, MIT Media Lab, and Goldman Sachs with its own forest monetary scheme. O.N.E. Amazon is doing nothing more than placing a “monetary value” on the forest that includes energy transition and a circular economy.
“By digitising nature itself, we are building a system where sustainability is directly tied to financial growth, ensuring long-term impact for both investors and the planet.” Jay Chandan, Chairman & CEO of Gorilla Technology Group Inc.
Who in tarnation do they think they are fooling? This is just another financial scam being created for the global elite, a new financial market that converts this resource into a digital asset with blockchain technology, and monetizes conservation. It will put a “value” on ecosystem services, land management, and biodiversity restoration that will reap monetary rewards for those who invest. However, using nature to create a digital asset is exactly what the global leaders, such as the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), are doing, degrading a natural asset to a “token” for a new token economy.
The claim that this will also drive economic growth for local communities is more akin to functioning as an overlord of the people who live there. Money is not going to be dished out to them for nothing, they will have to work for the pittance they get, nor will the “benefits of preservation” be shared equitably. Did local inhabitants ask for this?
It isn’t for noble causes of sustainability, or enriching the lives of local communities, it is for the billions that will be made off environmental biodegradable sensors needing constant replacement that will create a forever financial flow, then using that data in such ways that will only benefit the corporate cabal.
Do any of these nabobs running these development corporations and financial institutions sound like they are interested in protecting the environment, or does it sound more like abusing God’s gifts for personal gain at the expense of humanity?
Forest 4.0 has been around for some time. Perhaps initial reasoning for monitoring illegal activity such as with logging and poaching, or forest fire activity were worthy of consideration before taken over by rapacious leeches. While not mentioned, it is likely another intent is merging humans into this bilge through a cyber-physical system, purposefully integrating their activity into the surveillance.
One must not forget that contained within this IoF structure are sub-units such as the Internet of Trees, Forest Fire Internet of Things (FFIoT), and smart forests, all developed right in line with digitization of all things in life for “planetary governance” by technocrats. Spying on trees isn’t limited to the forest, it is also happening in urban areas.
Still in the original spirit of actual concern over forest health, this tyranny is already present in U.S. forests, just without the monetary theft, so far. But eventually, with the recent firing of forest workers, it won’t be long before the corporate predators will be lurking at the door to fund the needed technology that will most likely replace those workers. Surveillance on your camping trip will continue.
That is what is happening, all of the federal job losses are being replaced with technology, and the inevitable public-private partnerships as dictated by Agenda 21.
Americans need to wake up and instead of celebrating America’s return to what it once was, start realizing that the America that once was, will no longer exist. It is being reconstructed right before everyone’s eyes, in exchange for a technological world where decisions will be made based on AI analysis, and not through citizen representation. This will be an America that cannot be fought with traditional warfare as control will have been handed over to a menagerie of computers and software that can seize control over everything with a flip of a switch. Forests are just one more step in the technocratic takeover.