Chris Wallace Swims Over To CNN’s Sinking Ship In Cringeworthy Sayonara
Shame on Fox News for providing shelter to Chris Wallace long enough to see a Marxist Government installed in the White House!
By Judi McLeod
It would have made a better Christmas present last year than this one: Chris Wallace’s sudden departure from Fox News.
It would have been better for Fox News to have announced it, rather to have heard about it from CNN.
News about the talking heads of cable television never survives in the realm of spin for overly long.
Imagine the arrogance of advertising his new job streaming over at Fake News CNN at the same time he was bidding Sayonara to those watching him on Fox!
“At the end of his show, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace announced that after 18 years, he would be leaving his show to cryptically pursue an endeavor “beyond politics” and for his own interests. An endeavor he described as a “new adventure.” But according to new reporting, he seemed to be jumping ship to swim over to CNN. (NewsBusters, Dec. 12, 2021)
“According to reporting from Variety, “A person familiar with the matter suggested Wallace may be jumping to CNN Plus.”
“This was later confirmed by Mediaite. “Chris Wallace is leaving Fox News. He is set to join CNN’s soon-to-launch streaming platform CNN+, as first reported by Variety and confirmed by Mediaite,” wrote Joe DePaolo.”
But the unvarnished, un-spun truth really is that Chris Wallace jumped ship at Fox’s expense to swim over to CNN, many months ago.
Imagine the arrogance of advertising his new job streaming over at Fake News CNN at the same time he was bidding Sayonara to those watching him on Fox!
Guess Wallace can’t help but be overjoyed that he’s the new kid on the block replacing Chris Cuomo
“In a statement published on Sunday, CNN+ confirmed that Wallace was joining the streaming service. As part of that statement, Wallace said: (NewsBusters)
‘I am thrilled to join CNN+. After decades in broadcast and cable news, I am excited to explore the world of streaming. I look forward to the new freedom and flexibility streaming affords in interviewing major figures across the news landscape – and finding new ways to tell stories.
“As I embark on this adventure, I am honored and delighted to join Jeff Zucker and his great team. I can’t wait to get started.
Guess Wallace can’t help but be overjoyed that he’s the new kid on the block replacing Chris Cuomo.
Few are wasting any Kleenex at the Wallace departure
“Finally, a personal note,” he declared on his now-former Sunday show. “After 18 years. This is my final Fox News Sunday. It is the last time – and I say this with real sadness – we will meet like this.” (NewsBusters)
Few are wasting any Kleenex at the Wallace departure.
“Wallace didn’t seem to be bitter or angry with his employer. In fact, he praised his bosses for letting him run the show the way he wanted: (NewsBusters)
“18 years ago, the bosses here at Fox promised me they would never interfere with a guest I booked or a question I asked. And they kept that promise. I have been free to report to the best of my ability to cover the stories I think are important, to hold our country’s leaders to account.”
All country leaders, that is, other than the Barack Obama-controlled Joe Biden, who continues to take America over the cliff.
“He reminisced and thanked his audience: (NewsBusters)
“It’s been a great ride. We’ve covered five presidential elections interviewed every president since George H. W. Bush.
“Traveled the world sitting down with France’s Emmanuel Macron and Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
“And I’ve gotten to spend Sunday mornings with you. It may sound corny, but I feel we built a community here. There’s a lot you can do on Sunday mornings. The fact you’ve chosen to spend this hour with us is something I cherish.
“But after 18 years, I have decided to leave Fox. I want to try something new; to go beyond politics to all the things I’m interested in. I’m ready for a new adventure. And I hope you’ll check it out,” he said. “And so, for the last time, dear friends, that’s it for today have a great week. And I hope you’ll keep watching Fox News Sunday.”
But it was vile Chris Wallace’s big foot that stomped any professionalism or fairness
“Wallace’s recent years with the network were a bit of a mixed bag. In October of 2020, Wallace complained on Fox News Channel about former President Trump’s conduct during the debate he moderated, equating it to Trump stomping on his cake: (NewsBusters)
“And I felt like I had gotten together all of the ingredients. I had baked this beautiful, delicious cake. And then, frankly, the President put his foot in it. And that was frustrating, because—frustrating for me, because I tried hard to prepare for a serious debate.”
But it was vile Chris Wallace’s ’s big foot that stomped any professionalism or fairness when he went after Trump, in effect replacing Biden as the main debater in that so-called “serious debate”.
Wallace was still scraping up cake crumbs on Election night when Biden, who never left his Delaware basement during most of the entire election campaign, emerged the ‘winner’, and the Fox News host remained stonily silent when his network called Arizona for Biden when folk were till out voting.
No matter how one cuts the stomped on Chris Wallace cake, his leaving Fox News in the midst of a busy holiday season with so much going wrong in America leaves an indelible stain on Fox News.
Shame on Fox News for providing shelter to Chris Wallace long enough to see a Marxist Government installed in the White House!
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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, and Foxnews.com.
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