#KillShotGate Updated: Pfizer Knew, and the FDA, Too
By Diana West
Get ready for the most important, most damning news “The News” will not report because if they did, not only would Hell freeze over, but these censorship centers still known as “news media” would turn to stone, pillars of salt, stags, laurel trees, columns of fire and other pleasing supernatural spectacles.
So they won’t. Silence across “The News” is both their means of existence and their reason for existence; conversely, our chance for salvation, if not necessarily existence, lies in making as much noise, racket, and any kind of publicity about it, including sharing it person to person, friend to friend, relative to relative (if possible), like the new samizdat.
The BIg Story? Pfizer knew. The FDA knew. Big Pharma and Uncle Sam knew. They were completely, bald-facedly, complicity aware by February 2021 that the Pfizer C19 injections had already been fatal to 1,223 persons. “Safe and effective”? Sure, like Russian Roulette.
Newly released Pfizer documents show that Pfizer received 42,086 reports enumerating 158,893 “adverse events” in the first 90 days of the global EUA experimental mRNA injection experiment. Besides fatalities, these reports document nearly 26,000 nervous system disorders. Among Pfizer-listed injuries, muscoloskeletal, skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal, blood, cardiac and other grievous injuries very quickly became a part of what Pfizer stone-heartedly describes in its release as the “post-marketing experience.”
NB: “post-marketing experience” is Pfizer’s euphemism for human suffering and loss resulting from its C19 genetic therapy “jab.”
The significance of this news is indisputable, its sourcing impeccable. It is based on over 91 pages of Pfizer-created documents (just a fraction of Pfizer’s licensing application to the FDA), which the FDA has begun releasing to the public under court order, thanks to the FOIA efforts of attorney Aaron Siri and a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency.
The fact is, Pfizer’s guilty knowledge, now documented, was shared with the US government. That means it is Uncle Sam’s guilty knowledge, too. This can’t repeated often enough: Big Pharma and Uncle Sam knew the shots would kill and maim some of us, but they went ahead and forced them on all of us anyway, yes, knowingly killing and maiming along the way — now including children.
If this isn’t a crime against humanity, I don’t know what is. It calls for screaming headlines — the 72-point-banner-kind — across the top of front pages everywhere. These front pages should be gripped in clenched fists, shaken in faces, marched into boardrooms, hospitals, schools, Walgreens and other injection sites. They should be burned in massive pyres (along with face masks) outside the DOJ, the Congress, the White House, the CDC, the FDA, NIH, Fauci’s house and Mar-a-Lago from now till doomsday.
However, this same vital, horrific information, this critically important evidence of willful harm on the part of our own and other governments is almost nowhere to be gleaned — unless you know how to fool the censors and where to look, for example, at Natural News, Celia Farber’s Substack, Health Impact News.
Read more here, here, here, here and spread the word everywhere you can.
From DianaWest.net