Washington State isn’t following the science on black bear conservation
“Washington just lost it’s permit-only spring bear season when the state’s Fish and Wildlife Commission vote came up tied 4-4. This is despite the fact that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife staff had recommended the commission approve the hunt, which has taken place each spring since 1999. The vote to stop the spring bear hunt highlights the political divisiveness in the state and game commission, as well as the abuse of power wrought by Gov. Jay Inslee and favoritism for urban areas west of the Cascade Mountains. And it’s emblematic of anti-hunting efforts taking place nationally—including in your state.” — Brian Lynn, VP of communications at Sportsmen’s Alliance, writes in Outdoor Life
In Episode 232 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discusses three important stories floating under the radar: the BLM’s renewable energy push under a “multiple-use” management framework and if going carbon-free is practical; the implications of the cancelled black bear hunt in Washington State; and PERC and Greater Yellowstone Coalition’s partnership of the first Elk Occupancy Agreement and how it advances free market environmentalism.
Listen on Apple Podcasts
KTVH: BLM Director Stone-Manning outlines new direction for agency
Robbie Kroger’s Free Range American Article on Black Bears
Change.org Washington State Bear Petition
HSUS Celebrating Hunt Being Nixed
Gabriella Hoffman is a Media Strategist and Award-Winning Outdoor Writer. She hosts the “District of Conservation” podcast and CFACT’s original YouTube series “Conservation Nation.” Learn more about her work at www.gabriellahoffman.com
From cfact.org