Washington State’s Task Force Focuses On Hunting Down Conservatives, Trumpsters

Many BLM terrorists on the streets of Seattle in 2020 carried umbrellas to protect themselves from the pepper spray which police used to help disperse the crowd.


Washington State’s Task Force Focuses On Hunting Down Conservatives, Trumpsters


Defying Trump’s Golden Age


By Diane L. Gruber


Last week was the third meeting of the racist, anti-Bill of Rights, pro-illegal aliens task force established just before Governor-Elect Bob Ferguson left the attorney general’s office and headed for the governor’s mansion. Don’t let the name fool you: “Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force.” After failing to get his “wrong think, wrong speak” bills passed in the 2023 and 2024 Legislative Sessions, he was able to commandeer hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to set up this task force. It is tasked with pretending to study the issues of domestic extremism & mass violence and then drafting legislation for the 2027 Legislative Session which they can trick the legislature into passing. After all, this group of “experts” studied the problem and came up with this solution. Why wouldn’t the lawmakers pass it?  After watching all three (I attended the second and third meetings live, via Zoom) of their meetings (November 22ndJanuary 10th and March 14th) I am convinced of the following:


1.  One need not have law enforcement experience to realize this task force is not interested in reducing violence. It has been set up to find and oppress Conservatives, Christians, Republicans, Trumpsters and various others who have thoughts which have not been approved by Washington State’s far Left politicians, bureaucrats, and their fellow travelers. A member of the public who attended via Zoom characterized the task force as follows:


“It’s a contrived, taxpayer-funded cabal, used to flex the power of the AG/governor, to intimidate and suppress dissent, in violation of the Constitutions of this state, as well as the US. The people who serve on this taskforce are more concerned with pronouns and anti-Trump rhetoric, than to act in harmony with the Constitution.”


2.  During the task force’s March 14th meeting it was obvious that they are carefully crafting their goals to exclude the longstanding domestic violence perpetrated by Black Lives Matter, Antifa, pro-Hamas rioters and other Leftists terrorists. This meeting was solely focused on mass shootings. They excluded any talk of the years-long terrorism (murders, attempted murders, vandalism, arson, assaults, et al) caused by and funded by Democrats. Yes, many mass shootings are in the name of “Leftist causes,” but, though these may cause the loss of many lives, the terrorism is short-lived. The Leftist runs out of bullets, kills him/herself or police kill him or, in a few cases, he/she is arrested. The terrorism is over in one short blast of “glory.” However, the fear caused by BLM, Antifa, Hamas and other Leftists is continuing and shows no signs of stopping. Indeed, residents of SeattlePortlandand Minneapolis, for example, have been suffering from it for almost two decades now.


3.  The task force does not want to hear from the public. During the first and second meeting “the public” were allowed to give one minute comments. I tried to voice a comment at the second meeting, but they turned off my mic because they did not like the fact that I was pointing out that the Head Terrorist for BLM-Seattle was a member of the task force. A common sense voice scared these little racist weenies so much that they changed the rules: No members of the public are allowed to comment anymore. Also, they claim they will read out loud the written comments from the public during their meetings, but did NOT do so at last week’s meeting. No shock there. One of the hallmarks of Leftist committees, task forces, et al is that they do NOT care what the public thinks. After all, “the public” might want them to respect the Bill of Rights.


4.  Expect this task force to recommend that more of YOUR money be used to pay reparations to faux victims which they will create and baby under the legislation they draft. A great deal of time during this meeting dealt with “victims.”


Don’t take my word for it. Michael Jelineo has linked the video from this entire, pathetic March 14th meeting in the following article:


Washington State Attorney General Office’s Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force Part 2



From dianelgruber@substack.com
