Do You Have A Digital Twin?
By Karen Schumacher
As most Americans are focused on navigating through their lives, finding eggless recipes or settling for a hot dog over a cheap cut of beef, combining trips to town into one in order to save gas, or putting on an extra sweatshirt so the thermostat can be lowered just one more degree, their attention probably isn’t on the dark backrooms filled with nameless individuals where a digital replica of themselves is being built.
A digital twin is a virtual representation “of products, processes, and facilities that enterprises use to design, simulate, and operate their physical counterparts.” It is “designed to reflect a physical object accurately…spans the object’s lifecycle, is updated from real-time data and uses simulation, machine learning and reasoning to help make decisions.”
The “object” is fitted with sensors that measure its functions, produce data about those functions, then the “processing system” applies that information to a digital copy. This digital copy can be used to conduct different simulations, then analyze the resulting information made by the digital copy, of course using artificial intelligence (AI). If successful, that new information can then be fed back to the original object for improvement. Excellent! No harm from experimentation is caused to the original. Any number of simulations can be run on a digital twin simultaneously.
There are different types of digital twins which can be applied in many different areas, and then integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) as data is transmitted over the internet. Perhaps an easy way to conceptualize a digital twin can be taken from the movie Apollo 13. The astronauts used simulators to train for the mission and when in trouble in space, the ground crew were able to simulate corrections to the problem using the same equipment. Whatever happened on the mission was replicated in real time at NASA.
Examples of digital twins today include cities and urban planning, factories and manufacturing, car manufacturing, and even earth. Digital twin technology is just a ” virtual model of a physical object”. Since humans are increasingly seen as just objects, it only makes sense that they too, should have a digital twin.
Just think how much data has been accumulated on each person in order to create a digital twin. The face from a driver’s license, body measurements from health records, opinions from social media, interests from internet searches, preferences from debit or credit card transactions, wealth from banking records, behavior from law enforcement or visits to mental health centers, fingerprints, even genetic data has all been collected. All of this contributes to one’s own digital trail that governments, with technocrats, have successfully built as a data collecting infrastructure for a copy of every human. All of that data can be used to create your digital twin.
Where does that digital twin reside as it is connected the same way as its real life counterpart, unlike a virtual world like metaverse. Perhaps in your smartphone as it is the vital link to IoT, in petabytes of data, or perhaps in a cloud. That smartphone collects data from sensors making it easy to create a digital version.
Which brings up healthcare, a government obsession. From vaccines to what everyone eats, and overall health, there is an ongoing obsession that everyone receives good healthcare, like the government is even supposed to be in charge of anyone’s health. Well, that is data needed for a digital twin.
Personal data collection through medical devices for the Internet of Bodies (IoB) will assist in creating this digital patient twin. Like any other object, this twin can be loaded onto a computer and experiments conducted for improved health outcomes. But with all of those sensors, how else can that digital twin possibly be manipulated?
Producing a full body digital twin may be a little too ambitious so the technocrats are taking it one step, rather, one organ, at a time. Everyone needs a heart so that is a good place to start, with eyes and brains on the horizon. Given the human body is so complex it may take some time to create a full digital twin, however with hard work, we may have a digital twin by the end of this decade. Or maybe it is being built right now as data is pillaged. With 6G technology, the possibility of everyone having a digital twin, can perhaps again, happen as early as the end of this decade. Regardless, the World Economic Forum only sees digital twins as a force for improvement in the world.
Depending on one’s belief system, or experiences in life, AI is being used to create a digital twin, somewhat, of deceased loved ones with whom survivors can interact. Does that make having a digital twin worthy of creation?
At least a digital twin earth is being created. However, in this Ted talk, Dr. Dirk Helbing discusses how a digital twin world has already been created, especially by the government through its Sentient World Simulation (SWS). A full description of SWS can be found here. Current information on SWS is difficult to find but this article has an interesting short video on its purpose.
Massive amounts of AI are needed to create these twins. Elon Musk, with his supercomputer xAI Colossus project is fulfilling that need.
Who are these nameless individuals that for some reason have found nothing in life that is fulfilling, to the point where they have to create a fantasy world where they can escape life itself, with potential means to control it? While much of this information speaks to what benefits this technology will bring mankind, it begs the question, does it?
It might be time to stop feeding your digital twin.