EXCLUSIVE: The Issue With Gem County Mosquito Abatement District

EXCLUSIVE: The Issue With Gem County Mosquito Abatement District


Local citizens speak out regarding concerns over property rights and health effects of chemical spraying in the county.


By Casey Whalen


Citizens in Gem County, Idaho, expressed extreme concerns regarding the Gem County Mosquito Abatement District’s (GCMAD) heavy hand regarding property rights and the potential health hazards of chemical spraying in the environment regarding the control of mosquitos in the county.


Idaho Statute Title 39, Chapter 28 gives broad authority to abatement districts in the state to attempt to control mosquito breeding in the county but at what cost to the populace?


  • Abatement districts can be formed from one or more counties, cities, or towns.
  • Noncontiguous areas can be included if they are at least 40 acres and separated by public property.
  • The abatement district board of trustees is responsible for the district’s operations.
  • The board of trustees has the power to appoint a director, make rules, and control pests.
  • Interim abatement districts can be formed during an emergency.
  • Interim abatement districts can transition into formal abatement districts after a vote by the electorate.


Abatement districts can exercise eminent domain to abate nuisance breeding places.

  • Abatement districts can work with other organizations.
  • Abatement districts can file estimates of funds and reports of expenditures.


These brave citizens in Gem County have documented many encounters with GCMAD and county commissioners, who, according to them have been less than interested in addressing their concerns and shared the need for Idaho Legislators to change the current law in favor of protecting the health and prosperity in the county.


Articles courtesy of Health Freedom Idaho, how you can opt-out in your county.


Pesticides and harmful side effects


https://healthfreedomidaho.com/pesticides-and-harmful-side-effects/Take action.


Create your own no-spray zonehttps://healthfreedomidaho.com/no-spray-zone/

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