Building Sustainably Post Disaster
By Karen Schumacher
The United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) are both full of dichotomies. Both advocate for the protection of natural resources such as forests, yet the very practices they promote, such as opposition to logging and thinning while preserving old growth are the very practices that promote forest destruction with wildfires. These destructive practices lead to the absurd justification that climate change is causing the problem.
Mass hysterical concern is broadcast over not having enough food for the future, but they are doing everything to end food production in order to bring in profit making endeavors for lab grown meat and insect production.
While they also claim to promote and advance the protection and rights of women and girls, opposing mutilation of both, simultaneously they advocate for the mutilation of females with sexual reassignment, forever stripping them of their biological gifts. How about that protection for unborn girls WEF?
Such is the case with the wildfires in California, a complex dichotomy hiding a vile purpose for rebuilding sustainably, compliments of the WEF.
California governor, Gavin Newsom, is a WEF Young Global Leader graduate. Drunk on WEF ideologies, Newsom may be one WEF catalyst for destroying a city with fire, and in spite of all the criticism, he has executed his job well for WEF.
Newsom, and even the WEF, were well aware increasing wildfire risks and difficulty in obtaining homeowner’s insurance clear back to 2023. Making it easier for insurance companies to raise rates faster, which WEF spoke about in 2019, was Newsom’s solution in 2024.
Redistributing the cost burden for insurance coverage to other citizens was another Newsom WEF supported solution. No action was taken to address the real problem, fire prevention measures to reduce the risks, even though the responsibility for failure of land management policies is spread among many agencies and individuals. Coincidentally, an Allstate representative is a contributing member to WEF and State Farm is a WEF member. How convenient to have insurance companies as part of the cadre of conspirators.
Perhaps one of the more suspicious actions Newsom took was pre-positioning 110 fire engines and hundreds of firefighters throughout Southern California on January 6, one day before the fire broke out. What was the incentive?
While Newsom doesn’t have enough money for fire prevention measures he does have plenty for opposing a president and cutting emissions. He lives in the future, just as WEF does, issuing an EO to cut regulations and streamline rebuilding “while enhancing wildfire resilience and safety” after the disaster. Too bad he wasn’t thinking about that a few months ago. Doesn’t matter, WEF has a plan he can follow to build a safer city after the fire.
Karen Bass, Los Angeles Mayor, is no peach herself. Once considered a possible Biden running mate, she also served in Congress. It is her earlier history that is concerning. In 1973 she traveled to Cuba as part of the Venceremos Brigade, a coalition in support of Cuba. This group also engaged in spying activity, in which Bass became an alleged leader in California. She also involves Los Angles in the C40 organization with other nefarious partners, For her role in the fires, she cut $17.6 million from the LAFD in the 2024 budget, withheld assistance to victims, and failed to institute fire prevention measures.
Although not a direct WEF participant, Ms. Bass promotes WEF agendas through her green year projects in infrastructure and jobs. Conserving 82 billion gallons of rainwater was put to good use by stashing it underground rather than storing it for future use in wildfires, no doubt in line with the WEF circular, reuse water plan.
WEF recognized Ms. Bass in 2022 for becoming mayor of the “second-largest city” in the U.S., and for being an integral participant in the Citywide Adaptive Reuse ordinance which was also cheered by the WEF (pg 19). The wildfire will expedite the building and code changes for adaptive reuse.
However, Ms. Bass is working with WEF in a more sinister way. Similar to the WEF Young Global Leaders is the Global Shapers program, led by Klaus Schwab. This program is made up of “hubs” spread across cities in the world, one of which is Los Angeles. Issues they work on include equity and protecting nature with WEF as a partner.
The Shapers expand their efforts through Neighborhood Councils, coordinating with the City of Los Angeles, Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (EmpowerLA). Neighborhood Councils are funded by WEF and are “taxpayer-funded, hyperlocal governing bodies who advocate for their communities with LA City Hall on important issues like development, homelessness, and transportation policy.” They also meet in Switzerland annually. Translated, these Councils are WEF and push WEF agendas.
Karen Bass is actively involved with the Global Shapers front organization EmpowerLA, and even has a Board of Neighborhood Commissioners that set policies on Neighborhood Councils to “function as a catalyst for change.” Not without conflict, these Councils reside within the areas of devastation. What a coincidence.
WEF has a history of plans for rebuilding after disasters such as earthquakes, conflict, and pandemics, how much money can be made, and how debris can be used. It has been experimenting around with housing with its own schemes for the world to rebuild cities, with specific ways it should be done (pg 10-11). Yup, they got a one size fits all solution for the world.
Perhaps the most sick and twisted historical WEF perspective is describing 9/11 as a “legacy” for creating smart cities, a perspective that probably overshadows all disasters, and viewed only as an opportunity for advancement of its agendas through devastating events.
All of this may seem way off track from the devastation caused by the fires. But it is an important message that WEF has its tentacles deep within state and local governments. Both Newsom and Bass have deep involvement with WEF agendas and should be highly suspected to execute WEF’s edicts on how to rebuild. Newsom announced his LA 2.0 plan without any understandable direction, then shifted to an LA Rises initiative to “rebuild and reimagine”, using WEF language. Other than raking in money from the wealthy, it isn’t clear just how that money would specifically be spent.
WEF just keeps blaming the elusive climate change narrative, rather than address the actual causes of wildfires. Climate polices won’t change as they are needed to continue the disasters in order to build the new utopian, Agenda 21 world. WEF loves disasters and crises for that reason, building the world they want. If a crisis doesn’t exist, they will fabricate one. Thus, the dichotomy, destroy cities for the purpose of rebuilding them.
Governor Newsom and Mayor Bass are good soldiers for WEF. He speaks to all of these issues in this video.