Woke Is WEF
By Karen Schumacher
“Woke” is a term that has developed over the last several years that doesn’t seem to have one clear meaning. According to Elaine Richardson it originated from Black Culture, and first appeared around the 1960’s to 1970s. Still others believe its use began in the early 1900’s. According to Merriam-Webster, it is defined as being “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice.” One central theme to its meaning is its attachment to social justice.
Some examples or activities that are considered woke include celebrities that preach environmentalism while flying in private jets; equity and inclusion; changing names of sports teams or removing monuments; demanding diversity except in thought; attaching every issue to racism; advocating for open borders but living in gated communities; advocating for defunding the police then hiring private security; demanding pronoun use; silencing speakers on college campuses; promoting cancel culture as a means of social justice; and demanding tolerance of everyone except those who oppose certain behaviors or who have dissenting views. Sadly, this is just a short list of woke.
Woke is also a part of the political realm, with Republicans, or the “right wing”, pointing fingers at Democrats for its woke ideology, and the “left wing” pointing to the right as being oppressive and racist.
The truth is, woke is nothing but a cadre of ideological agendas warmed over by the United Nations (UN) and promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). But the term woke is not used by the UN or WEF to define these ideologies, they are buried under the terms social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
With its massive partnerships and control over corporate media and entertainment, the term woke is being used as a disguise for the true UN and WEF agendas, much like sustainable development is used as a guise to hide the fact that is really Agenda 21. WEF understands this power of the media and continues to work on shaping information fed to the masses. It also aids in generating blame and division that distracts from the truth. Some have written about this and how propaganda and manipulation by corporate interests have entered the public realm.
The integration of “woke” into all facets of society really came from the WEF (pg 10). As DEI is now being dismantled, what will WEF come up with next to continue its advancement of this ideology, especially with it being removed from education? Surely, WEF will not give it up.
The new methodology is already in the works, one of which is creating separate corporations that will filter DEI for them, and from which the corporation can then hire, no one the wiser.
Another method is creating yet another group to work on the issue. By studying past difficulties and successes, it became clear that “upskilling” workers, rather educating them into DEI, would work (pg 38). Or you can have individuals just “self-identify” whatever it is they want others to know (Pepsico –pg 10), or just pay for the agenda.
Perhaps the most ominous future direction, already in place with the environment, social governance model (ESG), is merging capitalism with socialism “to create a productive and inclusive economic and social model.” One can’t get more woke than that.
WEF won’t let woke go anywhere, it is here to stay, just hidden under a new canopy of lies.
The next time an issue is being described as woke, just remember it is the UN and especially WEF spreading propaganda, not the right or left. Don’t be distracted from the real perpetrators. They are the real enemy and need to be targeted as such. Both have been getting away with it for several years, and for several years everyone has been buying into it. Everyone buying into this narrative are the puppets being used to divide societies so a new societal order can be installed, one without any uniqueness or identity, just equity.
Regardless of who came up with the saying, the one who shook the jar is the one that is guilty, and that would be the UN and WEF. They are the enemy.