The graveyard visual above summarizes our 2024 wins (click on the image to enlarge). And/or you can CLICK HERE for more detail.
By Judi Caler
In a nutshell, the Convention of States (COS) application passed in none of the 21 States it was filed in. The Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) application—which was introduced in Florida, South Carolina, and Idaho— passed only in Florida, where it was redundant, having already passed in 2014.
The Wolf-PAC application failed in the 5 States where it was introduced—all Democrat states, except for New Hampshire. There, it appeared that Wolf-PAC introduced their application to confuse legislators, in an attempt to defeat our Rescission resolution. The latter amazingly passed the NH House before dying in the Senate.
US Term Limits (USTL) was the only “winner” for 2024, adding applications in Louisiana, Tennessee, and North Carolina to their former count of six states. That makes a total of nine states with USTL applications —all of which previously passed the BBA. And all except North Carolina had passed COS as well.
Rumor has it that USTL now has funding greater than that of COS—so it will most likely be a force to reckon with in 2025. In fact, their new false and absurd narrative, which contradicts 8 or 9 years of USTL testimony insisting Congress will never term-limit itself, gained traction in 2024. They now tell legislators that history proves that the chances of a convention are slim to none, but legislators’ “Yes” votes on applications are needed anyway—to scare Congress into proposing the Amendment themselves!
In March 2024, thanks to our liberal allies, we celebrated New York’s becoming the 9th State in as many years to rescind all their applications. That makes 13 states with no active applications. If four additional states rescind, there won’t be 17 States left for Congress to count to reach the 34-state threshold per Article V.
THANK YOU for your personal visits, remote and in-person testimony, letters, texts, and phone calls. Your results have been amazing—especially considering the tens of millions of dollars we’re up against. During 2024, we sent 87 blasts for 23 States (90% during Jan. thru May)—mostly on applications, but also rescission, rule changes, sunsets, delegate bills, & updates. New in 2024 were outrageous grant requests from the Phoenix Correspondence Commission asking various State Legislatures (i.e., taxpayers) to fund the CON Lobby’s attempts to shred our Constitution!
We don’t expect any more applications to pass in 2024. But the new year is just around the corner, and already applications are being pre-filed for 2025.
Every letter & call counts—in fact all some legislators do is count how many people support or oppose the legislation! So please act on our blasts —even if you write only one sentence. Our Constitution depends upon it. We value your time and send alerts only when we’re fairly certain they can make a difference.
Thank you for defending our Constitution!