Would Democrats & Deep State Rather Destroy America, Burn it All to the Ground, See Millions of Americans Die in Nuclear War, Than Allow Trump to Make America Great Again?
By Wayne Allyn Root
It’s been clear for four long years now that Democrats hate us.
Exhibit A is Attorney General Merrick Garland and his Gestapo-like DOJ. Never forget this DOJ wanted to persecute American moms and dads for disagreeing with government policy at PTA meetings.
Never forget they sent Pro Life grandmothers to prison for many years for singing bible verses and praying silently outside abortion clinics.
Never forget they spied on religious Catholics at church.
Never forget they entrapped and persecuted peaceful protestors on January 6th like they were terrorists. American citizens were thrown into rat and mold-infested prisons, and faced cruel and unusual treatment- including years in solitary confinement.
That’s how much Democrats and the Deep State hate us.
But that was only the start of their hatred towards the American people.
They designated anyone who loves America as “domestic terrorists.”
They opened the borders and waved the whole world in- including terrorists from Hamas and Hezbollah, murderers, rapists, gangbangers, kidnappers, drug traffickers and pedophiles. They welcomed in military-aged males by the hundreds of thousands from our mortal enemy China.
What is this army of foreign invaders about to do when Trump takes over?
They funded and elected DA’s who let every heinous criminal out on the streets in a revolving door, while persecuting Republicans.
They made sure stealing up to $1,200 was no longer a crime, so retail stores were looted of everything they had on their shelves, forcing tens of thousands of stores out of business.
They tried to defund the police- the only thing standing between law-abiding American families and mobs of violent thugs.
They mandated a deadly, untested, experimental vaccine- violating the Nuremberg Code and forcing working Americans to choose between keeping their jobs and risking their lives. How many Americans died?
They spent taxpayer money to ban and censor anyone who criticized or questioned our government- labeling us as domestic terrorists and conspiracy theorists.
Never forget how FEMA abandoned Trump voters who lost everything after Hurricane Helene. Today they are living in misery, in tents, in below freezing temperatures.
That’s how much they hate us.
And let’s not forget the economy. Every single net job gain in America for the past four years was for illegal aliens, while insane levels of spending and debt for millions of illegal foreign invaders created the worst inflation of our lifetimes.
Then they used lies, fraud, and propaganda to gaslight voters into believing everything was fine.
Despite all of that, the American people woke up to the truth, recognized the intentional destruction of this great country, and voted in Donald J. Trump in a modern-day landslide.
And yes, it was a landslide- Trump won an electoral landslide, swept all seven swing states, won the popular vote (despite massive voter fraud and rigging in blue states), and his coattails brought in a Republican House and Senate.
So, YES this was both a Trump landslide and a repudiation of Kamala and Democrats.
The problem is, now they hate us even more. Now they feel humiliated and repudiated. We rejected their gaslighting. We chose sanity, patriotism and prosperity over abortion to the moment of birth and transgender insanity. They’re in shock. So, now these vile, violent, mentally-ill, communist zealots don’t just hate us. Now it’s a red hot “I hope you die” hatred.
So, now their plans have turned deadly.
Democrats and the Deep State hate Trump so much, hate Trump voters so much, hate you and me so much, I believe they’d rather see America in World War 3…see us nuked…see us dead…see our nation turned into a post-Apocalyptic nuclear “Mad Max,” than allow Trump to make America great again.
Democrats and the Deep State want to wreck this country. Their attitude is, if they can’t have it, no one can. So, they are trying desperately to force not only World War 3, but nuclear war.
First, they broke the U.S. piggy bank to fund Ukraine- a totally corrupt, neo-Nazi-dominated country, in a losing war with Russia. They wasted over $200 billion dollars of our taxpayer money- with much of it stolen by Zelensky, his generals and the Ukrainian mafia. Much of that money was also laundered to Democrats.
Then with Trump as President-elect and the clock ticking, desperate puppet Biden (and his handlers) authorized US long range missiles to be fired by Ukraine deep inside Russia- a declaration of war by America against Russia.
The Biden administration admits discussing sending nuclear weapons to Ukraine.
Days ago, it got worse. The US handed $20 billion dollars of frozen Russian money to Ukraine. Putin considers that money stolen from his central bank. We rubbed it in his nose by handing his money to Ukraine.
Puppet Joe Biden and his boss Obama (and whoever is pulling Obama’s strings) clearly and desperately want America to be stuck in the middle of World War 3. They’re clearly trying to goad Putin into starting it with a nuclear attack.
I’m worried that we have pushed Putin into a corner. My gut says he feels left with no choice, but to fire a small tactical nuke at a city in Ukraine. Thousands will die, so Putin can show NATO, America and the world he means business.
That’s how WW3 starts.
The question is…why are Democrats and the Deep State so desperate for a catastrophe?
My gut says they hate Trump and Trump voters so much…if they can’t stop Trump from taking over, at the very least they want to destroy his presidency before it starts.
If they can’t have power and control, then they’d rather burn this country to the ground. Anything to make Trump’s presidency a failure and disaster. Even if millions of Americans have to die.
They want to hand Trump a catastrophe. They want to destroy his chances of peace and prosperity. They want Trump to spend his entire term dealing with nuclear war and the prospect of America in ruins.
That’s how much they hate Trump, Trump voters, and you and me.
This is all clearly happening right in front of us.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!
Published with permission of rootforamerica.com