Calls for Bill Gates to be arrested swell after billionaire eugenicist calls India a “testing ground” for his chemical “experiments”
By Ethan Huff
The world is waking up to the ugly truth about billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates of Microsoft fame.
In a recent interview – watch below – Gates casually admitted that he is experimenting on poor people in developing India, a country he described as “kind of a laboratory to try things.”
“Then, when you prove them out in India, you can take to other places,” Gates said about how his chemical experiments in India allow him to then export those chemicals to sell in other countries.
“And so, our biggest non-U.S. office for the [Gates Foundation] is in, is in India and the most number of pilot rollout things we’re doing anywhere in the world are with partners in India.”
(Related: Rumors are circulating that the days of Bill Gates having any power over anything “are numbered.”)
World calls for Bill Gates to be prosecuted
Gates has always had trouble reading the room, but these latest callous statements in reference to human beings he is using as human guinea pigs is prompting such widespread outrage that the cringe, in this case, is truly off the charts.
“Arrest Bill Gates for crimes against humanity,” tweeted Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10).
Pharmaceutical and vaccine giant Pfizer is also highly active in India where the rules and regulations are much easier to bend. Pfizer tests deadly, experimental drugs on the Indian people before proceeding to commercially sell those same drugs to people throughout the West.
“If your governments weren’t under the influence of the World Economic Forum’s young global leaders, they would never have opposed government agencies conducting their own clinical trials for new medicines entering the country,” tweeted “OurVoicesMatter” (@OV_Matter).
“Just look at what happened with Pfizer when India proposed conducting their own trials.”
Another person on X / Twitter could not help but notice how casually and openly Gates talks about his eugenics agenda.
“Treating a whole country as a testing ground shows a complete lack of respect for its people,” this person said in the kindest possible way about who Gates really is.
“Seriously, why do they let this lunatic do this stuff??” asked another about Gates. “He’s not a doctor! He’s some psycho egomaniac that for some reason some clowns listen to.”
It is not just greed that drives Gates but also mass death, suggested another about the psychopathic nature of Gates, which is apparent every time he opens his mealy mouth to start dispensing his reprobate thoughts.
“Is he saying that there are so many Indians that it doesn’t matter, or that their lives are worth less?” wrote another. “If he is, that is actual racism, as opposed to the bigotry that is normally labeled as racism in the media etc.”
Another chimed in that this is par for the course in India, which is being ravaged and raped by multinational corporations and Western government for profit.
“Although there have been great strides made in the last few years on the infrastructure and economic front and especially in the space and tech front, and Despite conventional PR, India has become a free for all for thugs and free for all gunda Raj due to the loss of any sense of long term vision based on fundamentals, loss of identity, loss of sovereignty, with too many home grown enemies (portrayed as social justice warriors fighting for democracy) amplified by outside influences that are working hard to Balkanize and destroy the civilization piece meal,” tweeted “shashi kusuma” (@ShashiKusuma).
“This is yet another example of such debauchery.”
Bill Gates is a mass murderer, even though he still roams free as a “philanthropist.” Find out more at Evil.news.
Sources for this article include:
From naturalnews.com