Islamo-Marxist Regime Leads UN Push for “Greening” Education
By Alex Newman
BAKU, Azerbaijan — Children must be “educated” to become “green” activists for radical political and economic transformation to save the planet from alleged man-made global warming, top officials from the Islamo-Marxist regime told governments and kleptocrats assembled at the 29th annual United Nations “climate change” summit.
The regime in the “former” Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan, which hosted the controversial UN summit, was a star player in moving the climate agenda forward. It is known for massive oil and gas exports, enormous corruption, genocidal targeting of Armenian Christians, arresting and torturing domestic dissidents, and other horrors.
One of the key agenda items pushed by the UN and its hosts was “greening” education. As The Newman Report documented last week, a major part of that scheme advanced at the COP29 will be to incorporate “climate literacy metrics” in international standardized testing run by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
“Education Minister” Emin Amrullayev with Azerbaijan’s regime publicly endorsed the global indoctrination push at the “Greening Education and Climate Resilience” event. In fact, he said the main goal of the “transformative” changes taking place to make education more “green” was to have children around the world indoctrinated and tested on climate.
“This involves incorporating climate literacy into educational standards and developing students’ skills for active participation in solving environmental problems,” Amrullayev said, without elaborating on what that might look like. But of course, the “former” Soviet Republic has plenty of experience indoctrinating children.
“Education is not just a pathway to understanding; it is a mechanism for significant change,” said Amrullayev. “We are proud to work with international partners such as UNESCO, the OECD, and the Partnership for Environmental Education. UNESCO’s broad initiative to green education systems, including greening curricula and schools, is raising awareness of climate change at all levels.”
The regime’s “education” czar was especially proud of its work with UN agencies to have “climate” indoctrination tested on standardized tests. “As chair of COP29, we propose to include climate change awareness as a measurable component within PISA assessments,” he said, referring to the “Programme for International Student Assessment” (PISA).
“This project goes beyond measuring student knowledge,” Amrullayev continued. “Using this information, we will be able to develop better policies and teaching strategies that prepare young people for future challenges. The PISA platform is already a trusted global benchmark, and the new focus on climate literacy has the potential to spark change around the world.”
Amrullayev boss, “President” Ilham Aliyev, is the son of late Soviet Azerbaijani dictator Heydar Aliyev who, like all Soviet puppets, ruthlessly indoctrinated children to believe in communism and tyranny. Just last year, the regime ethnically cleansed an ancient Christian nation on its border, basically eliminating the republic of Nagorno-Karabak while bribing U.S. Democrats to look the other way.
Other Azerbaijani government officials — many of them who have, like the dictator’s family, been involved in “politics” since the nation’s Soviet days — also emphasized the importance of indoctrinating of children. Indeed, aside from demands for more money, “education” was one of the major themes of the whole COP29 climate summit.
Azerbaijan Deputy Foreign Minister Yalchin Rafiyev, for instance, called for increased “investment” (government spending) on teaching “human capital” (citizens/subjects/serfs) about the supposed dangers of man-made global warming. “Investments in human capital must begin from the earliest stages of life,” he declared, echoing communist tacticians everywhere.
Speaking at a joint session at COP29 on “The Baku Initiative for Human Development to Ensure Climate Resilience,” Rafiyev said “empowering children and youth” through “education” was part of creating a “sustainable society.” “These investments must not only enhance resilience but also contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change,” he added.
Perhaps most alarmingly, the high-ranking official argued that the indoctrination programs would prepare the “future workforce” for the demands of what he described as a “green economy.” That term has a very specific and significant meaning in UN and communist circles. The UN outlined its vision in a 2012 report at the UN’s RIO+20 Conference on Sustainable Development.
“Specifically, in a transition to a green economy, public policies will need to be used strategically to reorient consumption, investments, and other economic activities,” the document explains, touting CO2 reduction and mass indoctrination. “Transitioning to a green economy requires a fundamental shift in the way we think and act.”
For years, critics have ridiculed “green” movement leaders as “watermelons.” That is because they are said to be “green” on the outside, but “red” (communist) on the inside. And it is not just Azerbaijan’s Islamo-Marxist regime that is dominated by “former” Soviet bosses.
The same trends are seen at the UN. UNESCO, the UN “education” agency leading the charge, was led by a “former” Communist bigwig who served in a key role in the mass-murdering regime that enslaved Bulgaria. The top “education” official at UNESCO is literally a card-carrying member of the Chinese Communist Party, which has murdered more people than any government in human history.
To help the cause, UNESCO even put out a helpful video for COP29 outlining its vision for “greening” what it calls education. It pledges work on “greening” curricula, schools, teacher training programs, and even the communities of those being groomed for what it promises will be a “sustainable” future.
The UN has been very clear in its agreements, including the UN 2030 Agenda and more recently the Pact for the Future, that everybody must participate. Azerbaijani Member of “Parliament” Nigar Mammadova, speaking at the “Communicating Climate Change through Education: The Crucial Role of Youth and Educators” event, agreed.
“COP29 serves as an important platform for helping countries fulfill their commitments in this area,” she told attendees. “Climate education should be part of every student’s preparation for future challenges.” This “climate education” should help children “respond” to the supposed “climate crisis,” the regime official added.
Of course, it was not just the UN and the Azeri regime. Numerous other UN member governments, including brutal autocracies and kleptocracies notorious for murdering and abusing citizens, wholeheartedly endorsed the “greening” of education scheming. Many could barely contain their glee as they bragged about their own indoctrination programs.
UN agencies also boasted of their progress worldwide. “It is clear that climate topics need to be integrated into school curricula,” said UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for Partnerships Kitty van der Heijden, claiming this was required under the Paris Agreement and other international instruments approved by the UN.
“Young people do not want to sit idle; they want to work and be part of the green economy that is inevitably becoming a reality,” continued van der Heijden, adding that there should be a focus on providing “social services” to children. “That is where climate investments should be directed.”
The fact that a brutal Islamo-Marxist regime that is completely dependent on hydrocarbon-fuel exports for its very survival is leading the UN push to indoctrinate children with “climate” propaganda is very telling. As communists are fond of saying, “the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.”
Clearly, “climate” concerns are just a pretext for tyranny: globalism, economic controls, social engineering, and more. And just as clearly, indoctrinating the next generation with “climate education” is the weapon of choice. With Trump in the White House, there has never been a better time to shut it all down.
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