Incoming Trump Officials Vow to Eliminate Government Agencies
By Paul Dragu
Over the last half century, the U.S. federal government has created at least twelve new agencies out of thin air, including the Department of Education, Department of Energy and even FEMA. These agencies have burdened taxpayers with more debt and more obstructive regulations. But now there’s a bit of hope that this trend will be reversed. People associated with the incoming Trump administration are publicly announcing that they’re seeking to eliminate entire government agencies. TNA‘s editorial staff discusses how much of the government is unconstitutional and what needs to go.
Also in this episode:
Alex Newman reports on the COP29 climate conference;
Is Joe Biden leaving office with a bang? He just authorized the first use of U.S.-supplied long-range missiles by Ukraine for strikes inside Russia;
Term limits are being touted as a remedy to the D.C. Swamp corruption by some conservatives. We break down why term limits are a terrible idea.
Read Biden Authorizes Long-range Missile Strikes Inside Russia. WW3, Nuclear War Ahead?
Check out all our exclusive COP29 coverage HERE
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Paul Dragu
Paul Dragu is a senior editor at The New American, award-winning reporter, host of The New American Daily, and writer of Defector: A True Story of Tyranny, Liberty and Purpose.
Published with permission of thenewamerican.com