Corrupt Government Foundations
By Karen Schumacher
Over the last 20 years or so corporations have successfully used foundations to promote their goodness to the public. But it is really just part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) scam for environmental, social governance (ESG) and making themselves look good with social responsibility. What these corporate foundations really do is pass the cost of donations and charity work onto consumer prices, then turn around and deduct it as a charitable contribution for tax reduction purposes.
It isn’t clear if corporations came up with this scam on their own or if they hijacked the idea from the federal government.
One federal agency taking a whack at aligning with a foundation is the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). In 2007 Congress created legislation authorizing the creation of a foundation for the FDA, calling it the Reagan Udall Foundation. The purpose of the foundation was forming an expert panel that supported regulatory scientific research of interest resulting in improved development, manufacture, and evaluation of FDA-regulated products in medicine, food, medical devices, and other products. Appallingly, Johnson and Johnson, General Electric Co. maker of medical devices, and Grocery Manufacturers Association, including its members Hormel Foods and Kellogg’s were chosen to initially lead the foundation in 2007. Thus began this corporate and government entanglement which really made corporations the regulatory bodies.
The “expert” panel was also assigned the task of identifying research and development that would assist in evaluating product safety, and was authorized to award grants, enter into contracts, memorandum of understanding, or cooperative agreements with scientists, entities, universities, public-private partnerships, higher education, and industry, to efficiently and effectively accomplish its goals. As a foundation, it was also authorized to accept donations. Therein lies the corruption. How much influence do grants and corporate donations have over product approval?
In October, 2024, based on a report from the Reagan Udall Foundation, the FDA reorganized and created the Human Foods Program. This will expand government and regulatory actions, especially over the food industry. The FDA requested an extra $15 million to execute this program.
Another foundation was created in 2014 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as part of the Farm Bill to boost the agricultural economy. Again there is the entanglement of public and private resources for scientific and technological research.
Called the Foundation for Food & Agricultural Research (FFAR), it is comprised of seven advisory councils that cover soil, water, crops, animal systems, urban food systems, health-agriculture nexus, and “AgMission”. Contained within these advisory councils are members from the private sector, universities, and non-profits. The Board of Directors has a similar mix and even includes one member from the Gates Foundation.
In its twisted thinking, FFAR thinks it is fine to use government funding “to form partnerships that match the public funds with private sector investments.” Do they not understand this is crony capitalism or worse, and the influence of these corporate partnerships is a conflict of interest? FFAR might be the group that has funded research in support of the regulatory attacks on cattle and pushing gene-edited food. In 2022, FFAR had assets over $151 million, having received money from the Rockefeller Foundation, with ongoing support from the Gates Foundation, McDonalds, Pepsi, Syngenta, Nature Conservancy, Bayer, Cargill, and Tyson, most of which are WEF members and partners. How corrupt is it that FFAR gives research grants to these corporations that conducts research which promotes their own products or interests?
Government regulation over food has been around for over a century, but it is small businesses that suffer as a result from being unable to meet the regulatory requirements that larger corporations can afford. This is exactly what global corporations want, especially those associated with WEF, to push out the little guy.
The potential for conflict of interest and corporate influence over federal regulatory agencies through these foundations is an issue raised by this Congressional Research Service report and others. This is the government corruption that needs to end.
President Elect Donald Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr) as Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). For years RFK Jr. has been an open critic of the corruption in the FDA and alignment with corporate interests, and the food industry. While the media wants to falsely paint of picture of only anti-vaccine rhetoric towards Kennedy, it is very possible it is intended as a distraction from the danger big pharma is in with Kennedy as a possible head of HHS as he is fully aware of the corruption in government by big pharma. Kennedy doesn’t oppose vaccines but does want more safety requirements for them, and should be given only by choice.
Having always spoke about it consistently, he is also a critic of the food industry and its contributions to the poorer health of children and adults as he talks about here starting around the 9:50 minute mark. He goes on to reflect that he has been asked to end the corruption, conflicts of interest in regulatory agencies, and end the “corporate capture” of industries they are supposed to regulate. That is a direct reflection on these foundations and how they have been used to corrupt the science and influence decisions that only benefit corporate profits. A return to the science transparency is also needed, including science that conflicts with commercial interests of pharmaceutical industries. He once again reiterates the freedom of choice and informed consent in taking a vaccine and the need for science in vaccine safety.
It is just one way the government has allowed corruption by corporations. It all goes back to Agenda 21 through Agenda 2030 and now to the WEF. Even though promises have been made to take this corruption out of government there is no guarantee and with this new administration vigilance is still needed to ensure that happens.