What Was Behind 9/11?

What Was Behind 9/11?



By Karen Schumacher


Although twenty three years have passed since that tragic day, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (ae911truth) is a group of professionals who have studied the official 9/11 report on the structural collapse of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7).




This one hour video questions the official narrative about the collapse of the twin towers.  In this video, Roland Angle raises counterpoints to the official narrative and identifies individuals who are “persons of interest (POI)” for their roles on 9/11.


A deeper look at the structural failures are examined in these two videos.  Starting at the 4:40″ mark in this video, Mr. Angle gives a more in-depth talk on WTC 7, as well as a more in-depth perspective on the Twin Towers collapse in this video beginning at the 5:35″ mark.  At the 15″ mark, Mr. Angle mentions how building codes were, and are still being changed as a result.


The collapse of  those buildings is still being questioned and studied, and those narratives have been countered.  Efforts by ae911 to publish information on its findings have been rejected, which in today’s world is no surprise.


Because there was no federal agency for an investigation of this type, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), was assigned to investigate what caused the three buildings to collapse.  The NCST Act of October, 2002, authorized the NIST investigation and was given $16 million dollars.  The objective was to determine how the buildings collapsed, the evacuation process, and the emergency response.  The 4th objective was to make buildings safer.  Investigation reports on the Twin Towers were released in September, 2005, and in November, 2008 on WTC 7.


The role of NIST is to “promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness” by “advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.”  As part of a federal agency, NIST being assigned to investigate 9/11 is one of the concerns.


The National Construction Safety Team Act was authorized in October, 2002 and included recommendations for improvements in building standards, codes and practice.  It also states NIST “shall not publicly release information if the Director finds that the disclosure might jeopardize public safety (Sec 7(d);” and “As part of the act, no part of any report resulting from investigations can be admitted as evidence or used in any suit or action for damages.  Additionally, NIST employees are not permitted to serve as expert witnesses.”


In addition, NIST also received a new NFRL facility, is now the lead federal agency overseeing NEHRP, NWIR, and was enabled “to initiate, develop and establish a world-class disaster resilience program.”  Needless to say, NIST expanded exponentially after the investigation.


NIST POI – Persons of interest


Many of the POI have interesting backgrounds and as a result of the investigation were given awards and elevated positions in their fields.  At the time, many of them belonged to professional associations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), National Academy of Engineering (NAE), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), ASTM International (ASTMI), and some had associations with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


Lead Technical Investigator, Shyam Sunder, noted that NIST had a “significant impact on design and construction practice for high-rise buildings in New York City, across the U.S., and around the world.”


It was Dr. John Gross that claimed there was no molten steel found at the site.  He also received a Gold medal award from the DOC.  Roberto Ballarini and co-editor Kaspar Willam were the individuals who refused to publish the ae911 report that countered the official narrative in an ASCE journal.


Patrick D. Gallagher  was previous acting Deputy Secretary for DOC and was the individual who refused to release information on the NIST investigation citing disclosure of that information might jeopardize public safety (pg 6-7) which originated from HR  4687 (Sec 7(d)).


At the time of 9/11, Jerome Hauer was a national security advisor with HHS.  He played the part of the FEMA Director in the June, 2001 mock global pandemic exercise Dark Winter, alongside DOD Secretary John White.


Is there a connection with Agenda 21?


Without congressional authorization, GHW Bush signed Agenda 21 in 1992.  In 1993 WJ Clinton, by executive order, created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) that inserted Agenda 21, also known as Sustainable Development (SD), into federal policy as per Goal 33.8.  The Council brought together heads of federal agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGO), Tribes, and corporations to implement policies for SD, that is Agenda 21.


The Council concluded its work by 1999 and released its report of recommendations.  By this time, additional federal agencies (DOS, USIJI, USAID, USCIB ), NGOs, and corporations had been involved.  The DOC and U.S. Department of State was involved from the beginning.


PCSD and NIST Involvement


Beginning on page 138, there are people and agencies of interest involved in the PCSD that may relate to what happened on 9/11, including associations with World Economic Forum (WEF) corporations GE, Exxon, Novartis, DOW, BP, GM, and MIT.  Other involved organizations include the Trilateral Commission, WBCSD, World Resources Institute, American Planning Association, OECD, UNDP, USCIB, and IISD, to name just a few.


It is here the intrigue begins with 9/11.  It is through the DOC that NIST practices SD.  Agenda 21 Chapter 27 calls for strengthening the role of NGOs which includes professional organizations.  NIST POI belonged to several professional groups that are UN affiliated NGOs, or that support current SD Goals (SDG): MIT (collaborates with UN); AAAS, ASTM International; ASCE signed onto SD and current SDGs; NASEM, in which NAE belongs, were part of the MDG, and now SDG; NAE works with the International Academy of Engineering (IEA) and used SD in 2006.


In the PCSD the same is true.  The Trilateral Commission, World Resources Institute, American Planning Association, USCIB, and IISD are all UN affiliated NGOs.  All support SD, and in particular, the Trilateral Commission also has a Task Force on Global Capitalism in Transition, which aligns with the Agenda 21 objective to change the economic development model that will end capitalism.


New high rise building codes were generated by NIST.  This is just what WEF wants, along with the transformation of cities, a “9/11 legacy.”  NIST has a close relationship with the US Green Building Council (USGBC), another UN affiliated NGO and is a participating WEF member.  Its LEED program is certified for the Great Reset Fourth Industrial Revolution.  How these new codes can eventually contribute to corporate profits is promising.  At the time, PCSD discussions included buildings and the PCSD recommended adopting “regulatory policy incentives that encourage continuous improvement of codes and standards for buildings” (Action 2 pg 24).”  That is exactly what happened with high rise buildings and NIST recommendations.


Another 9/11 outcome was the development of disaster resilience programs by NIST.  Agenda 21, Chapter 7, covers building safety and pre-disaster planning, both natural and man-made.  Goal 7.61(g)(h)  “develop training programmes…which cover all aspects of disaster mitigation, including urban search and rescue, emergency communications, early warning techniques, and pre-disaster planning;” Goal 7.62(a) focus on “adopting effective strategies and guidelines for post-disaster reconstruction; opportunities that post-disaster reconstruction provides to introduce sustainable settlement patterns;  Goal 7.65 “conduct training programmes on disaster-resistant construction methods for contractors and builders;” Goal 7.66 “Training programmes should be extended…to cover all aspects of…post-disaster construction and rehabilitation.”


The most tragic part is that NIST is a participant with WEF.  This relationship advances UN and WEF plans for disaster resilience, while DNA work during 9/11, and DNA profiling NIST currently performs meet another WEF objective.  Although not addressing humans specifically in Agenda 21, it does reference the need for a genetic pool on animals in Goal  6.21.  NIST is also working with WEF to make sure IoT devices are protected from hacking and data can continue to flow for surveillance.


To further advance Agenda 21 objectives, as previously noted, Jerome Hauser played the part of FEMA Director in the mock global pandemic exercise Dark Winter.  It was almost as if a pandemic was being considered for a catastrophic event but would not bring the necessary draconian steps to begin the Agenda 21 implementations.  Mr. Hauser was ready to inflict the initial vaccine objectives of Agenda 21 Goal 16.13 (e)(f) following the anthrax attack in 02′.  A more in-depth look at Dark Winter can be found here, which does reference Jerome Hauer’s involvement.


Mr. Sunder has also assisted with Agenda 21 Chapter 40 for data collection, and led DOC “efforts to transform NTIS into a force for delivering innovative data services to meet the 21st century needs of federal agencies” for construction and just plain old snooping.


It wasn’t until Event 201, with DHS, DOD, and other WEF partners, that the global pandemic agenda was finalized enough to execute Covid-19 and further advance changes in building construction.  Along with Covid-19, 9/11 brought us draconian actions and laws that stripped Constitutional rights that might just be needed to control the transition to full SD.




Agenda 21 has never been about the environment, it has been “to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history” as confirmed by Christiana Figueres (she was at meetings, pg 134), and the PCSD set about creating the framework for a full global economy.  The DOC has historically been involved in economic growth, public safety, and since 1995 the global economy, an area the PCSD focused on with its International Capital Flows and Multilateral Agreements (pg 128), and has been used to achieve Agenda 21 Goals 2.5, and 2.9(a).


Initially launched in 2010, U.S. wealth has been redistributed to other countries for global SD as described in 2.8.  Originally named the Global Development Policy, it is now called the U.S. Strategy on Global Development with wealth being redistributed in 2010, and 2015.  Slowed because of multiple world crises, it picked up again in 2023, and 2024.


What better tribute could GW Bush give to his father’s legacy than by initiating the actual implementation of Agenda 21.  It is unknown if the Bush administration knew about 9/11 in advance, or used it as an opportunity to execute a few first stepping stones to Agenda 21 with building code changes and disaster planning.  But there sure are coincidences with NIST and PCSD being so involved with the UN and WEF.


For anyone who has not made a regular study of A21/2030, the UN, and WEF, all of this sounds pretty preposterous, and perhaps so.  But it does make one wonder about the massive involvement by the government with the UN and WEF.  For those who have studied it, there are striking similarities between the two groups and it does raise questionable connections.  It took one year before 9/11 was officially investigated, was this time used to determine how this catastrophic event could be used to begin the implementation of Agenda 21?
