The UN Said It Themselves

The UN Said It Themselves



By Karen Schumacher


Everyone has probably learned that the United Nations (UN) Pact for the Future was passed on September 22, 2024.  U.S. Secretary of State Blinken did the honors of signing for the U.S., expressing devotion to the UN Charter, Declaration for Human Rights, collectivism, corporatism, and strengthening “the ability of multilateral development banks to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).”  He needs to read the Constitution.  The description of this action is best summarized in the UN’s own words, highlighting what it thinks is most important, and remaining vague.  What is most important is to not forget about it.  The official Pact document can be found here.


The United States was committed to Agenda 2030 and the SDGs the year they were introduced in 2015.  Concern has been expressed that this Pact will give the UN unprecedented power and authority.  But in reality, everything in the Pact is already happening.


1.  “Overall, the agreement of the Pact is a strong statement of countries’ commitment to the United Nations, the international system and international law.”


While UN officials deny the Secretariat General does not have any singular power to make decisions, this summarized statement by the UN clearly points to UN authority internationally and reiterated by Sec. Blinken, and as noted by the U.S. since 2015.


2.  The press release also announces the “transformation of global governance” as an issue with “key deliverables” that include Security Council reform, eliminating nuclear weapons, strengthening international frameworks that govern outer space, and laws of war applying to new technologies.  It advocates for peace while developing laws for war?


The UN Security Council is an abject failure, even called that by its own, is biased, and does nothing more than validate the reality that individuals, and/or countries, who want power and control with no ability to solve problems, can’t get along.  Reforming it won’t solve that primary problem.  It also wants control over outer space so any space exploration by the U.S. government would be under UN governance.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used more in war so how countries fight a war would be dictated by the UN, the alleged institution of peace.  Every country needs to return to managing their own security.


3.  “Pact is designed to turbo-charge implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),“The SDGs are the goals that intend to fully transform life for all humans across the world, impacting every aspect of lives and how life is lived.  The U.S. signed this in 1992 with Agenda 21 and all federal agencies have been implementing SDGs since that time.


4.  The Pact will “reform of the international financial architecture so that it better represents and serves developing countries.”                                      This is referencing the massive takeover of the economy with the ability to control it across the world.  Redistribution of wealth will be more controlled, and as the press release states it “better represents and serves developing countries,” giving them a “greater say in how decisions are taken at international financial institutions,” and the ability to “borrow sustainably to invest in their future.”  This massive economic takeover to redistribute wealth between countries includes “accelerating measures to address the challenge of climate change, including through delivering more finance to help countries adapt to climate change and invest in renewable energy.”  However, money from the United States has already been redistributed to the rest of the world for decades.


As Christine Figueres stated, the intent has always been “to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history”.  That is what Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset is about, ending capitalism as we know it.


5.  As part of the UN summary it includes “A commitment to consider ways to introduce a global minimum level of taxation on high-net-worth individuals.
If they are referring to corporations, after all they are people, it won’t cost them anything.  Any increase in taxation will be passed onto the consumer, the tax cost will be redistributed down on each person.


The summary does include one dangerous aspect, the “Global Digital Compact…the first comprehensive global framework for digital cooperation and AI governance.” Not mentioned is the intention for the UN to have “global governance of digital technology” which includes “data governance.


The World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda is the 4th Industrial Revolution (4thIR) which requires everyone to live life via the internet.  Internet of Things (IoT) will connect every aspect of life for constant monitoring, there will be no escape.  All information will originate from the UN and be state run.  Along with that will be the complete loss of freedom of speech.  Censorship is already happening, especially by government collusion with the private sector.


Because of global corporate power through the WEF, there is no reason full internet control cannot be achieved because of partnerships with media sources.  It will be impossible to live life without use of the internet.  That is the intent.


6.  Finally, the “importance of engagement of other stakeholders in global governance, including local and regional governments, civil society, private sector and others.” is included.  This is the melding of government with corporations and non-governmental organizations (NGO) which are defined as civil society.  It does not include citizen representation.  This really began with the President’s Council on Sustainable Development back in 1999 and now public-private partnerships are routine.


This Pact was developed with major backing and involvement of China.  Needless to say, China leads in the control over their society by punishing behaviors not considered acceptable.


Nothing of this has anything to do with saving the planet, or climate change.  It has always been about “intentionally…to change the economic development model.” It has been a strategic and Godless move by individuals and groups who want control.  WEF can hardly contain its excitement and have already created the Centre for the New Economy and Society in which multiple organizations are involved along with foreign corporations.


Even if the U.S. were to exit the UN, there would be no way to escape this agenda.  With the 4th IR every activity would require use of the internet that will forever enslave the world.  Corporations will have control over everything and all of them are attached to the WEF.  Klaus Schwab outlines the world in which we will be forced to live, and decisions will be made between the government, corporations, and NGOs.


Good gracious, this Pact only reaffirms what is being done to the world, not what it will do.  We have been given many opportunities to prevent the advancement of this agenda.  What is everyone willing to do now?


There are a couple of examples of what can be done.  Norway recently passed a law that mandates acceptance of cash and strengthened the right to do so.  The government wisely recognized that in the event of “power outages, system failures, or digital attacks” access to financial transactions would be impossible.  The federal government should do the same.  Stick that in your arse WEF.


In the U.S., as difficult as the situation is and as impactful as it may be on Americans, the U.S. port strike on the east coast isn’t just about money.  It is also about being replaced with robots, and that is exactly what the WEF wants.  For this alone, they should be applauded.  Add that to your arse WEF.


It is this is the type of courage and resolve that everyone should be willing to take.  Yes, a continued strike will hurt, but in the long run these workers are standing up to an agenda that intends to destroy all of us.


Time is running out to stop this agenda.  Everyone needs to stand up and take action against it.

