Is Trump Wrong to call Kamala Harris a Communist?

Is Trump Wrong to call Kamala Harris a Communist?



By Trevor Loudon


Is President Donald Trump wrong to call his opponent Vice President Kamala Harris a communist? Is it ridiculous to consider the possibility that America may “elect” a communist president on November 5?

President Trump is right. Kamala Harris is a communist. But it’s way worse than that. 

In my latest book: STEALTH: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots, I prove that Kamala Harris is the product of a Chinese Communist Party-supported American Maoist movement that has been infiltrating this country’s key institutions since the 1960s.


In STEALTH, I detail how both of Kamala Harris’s parents were dedicated, lifetime Marxists. Kamala Harris was born into and raised in the revolutionary movement that admired communist leaders like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Kamala Harris has worked with communists – mainly Maoists – for her entire political career. Kamala Harris enjoyed the support of pro-China financial and political benefactors who carefully promoted her and managed her rise to power.


Kamala Harris and the Maoist movement that made her is getting ready to implement a profoundly anti-American agenda starting the day after the election. After three and a half years of brutal Biden/Harris policies, is your family ready for eight-plus years of President Kamala Harris doubling down and intensifying those destructive policies?


Under a Kamala Harris presidency, expect a seismic shift: tens of millions of newly enfranchised non-citizens, overwhelmingly supporting her agenda, alongside a Supreme Court stacked in her favor. This means the end of competitive elections and any judicial oversight.


Prepare for:

  • The Annihilation of the Republican Party – No more opposition, just a one-party rule.
  • Demise of the Energy Sector – Your gas, your power, all at the mercy of unchecked green policies.
  • Economic Collapse – Watch as your jobs, your savings, vanish into the wind of progressive economic experiments.
  • Military Weakness – A once formidable force, now a shadow of its former self, unable to defend or project power.
  • Justice System in Shambles – Law and order? More like lawlessness and disorder under political whims.
  • Education Indoctrination – Schools become centers for ideological brainwashing, not learning.
  • Corporate Compliance – Businesses either bow to the new regime or face extinction.
  • Religious Persecution – Churches, the bedrock of many communities, targeted and silenced.


Given the circumstances, might you prefer to remain in the dark about the true intentions of the Harris administration and their agenda for America?


A Personal Appeal


I have an appeal to make to the American people, and indeed, people of good will around the world. While in my home country of New Zealand, I became aware of the threat of a deeply subversive group of Marxists whose ultimate goal was communist revolution, or to overthrow the West. These individuals were not loyal to New Zealand, but to the Soviet Union, Cuba, China and Iran. My 2016 film “Enemies Within” documents the journey that led to this discovery.


I fought the battle from my home country by writing a blog and getting involved in politics, but it soon became clear that the Marxists were targeting America. If America falls, so does the West. So I moved to America, where I have been writing books and speaking at thousands of events over the last ten years. Despite this effort, it appears as though the Marxist revolution is about to be cemented. This is not hyperbole.


I wrote STEALTH: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots as a warning. Please read it and share it with as many people as you can.


Friends, if America elects Kamala Harris, I fear that the West will finally be lost. 


P.S. If you’d like a personally autographed copy for yourself, or as a gift (and you don’t mind waiting a few extra days), please order directly at



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