Another Reason Why Illegal Aliens Are Needed

Another Reason Why Illegal Aliens Are Needed



By Karen Schumacher


When thinking about illegal aliens there is a generally understood idea that they are being brought to the U.S. for the primary purpose of voting for one particular party.  But it should also be considered that these human beings are being manipulated and used to achieve other goals.


The “The Problem-Reaction-Solution theory, often intertwined with the Hegelian Dialectic,” comes to mind.  Clearly the border crisis is one of deliberate making and goes beyond just giving illegals, or non-citizens, the ability to vote.  Along with the pressure illegals create on the medical and educational systems, the other crisis being brought to our attention is housing, or more commonly referenced as the “lack of affordable housing.


Across America states are frantically scrambling to build “affordable” housing.  Without the massive influx of illegal aliens would this need even exist?


Several governors, and others, gathered together to solve this housing crisis and share solutions, with others imploring the federal government for help.  Some of these solutions include changing land use and zoning policies from single homes to dense housing such as apartments (stack & pack) or upzoning, building near public transportation, giving tax credits and subsidizing home ownership (wealth redistribution), and prohibiting discrimination based on lower incomes.  There has also been the suggestion for ending single family housing because it is racist.  What isn’t mentioned however, is how small the square footage is in these apartment and multifamily dwellings.  One covert aspect is how this also contributes to lowering population growth, no room to grow a family.


Over the years most have probably noticed an increasing number of apartments and “multi-family” dwellings being built in their communities along with “Green,” “public,” or “open” space, infill development, and of course, emphasis on biking, walking, and use of mass transportation.  Most of this can be found in the city and county comprehensive plans.


It has long been understood the United Nations (UN) has promoted a “stack-and-pack” philosophy in housing and the declaration that housing is a “right“.  Changes in comprehensive plans that support mixed use, dense housing, access to mass transportation, and other concepts are usually introduced by city or county planners who develop them, of which many belong to the American Planning Association (APA).  APA is a professional non-governmental organization that partners with the UN (pg 15), UN Habitat, and supports UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specifically SDG #11, Human Settlements.


All of this falls under the UN Habitat New Urban Agenda (NUA) which is being taught to APA members.  UN Habitat has Five Principles for urban planning: high density, diversified and socially equal communities, walking and biking, diverse housing, local access to employment and other services (mixed use), and of course affordable to all.  A more in depth version can be found here.  The video game Minecraft has even been used to promote a “block by block” (pg 46) vision of creating cities with these principles (pg 27).  U.S. Housing & Urban Development (HUD) is also guilty of frolicking with the UN for these types of policies.


So how does illegal alien migration fit into this?  Illegals are allowed to flow across the border which puts pressure on every city to house them, causing a crisis.  In response, state and federal governments have to find solutions.  What better way to execute UN SDG #11, by changing communities that will conform to the concepts of density, mass transportation, and social equity, while living and working in a crowded area, crammed into a small acreage under total surveillance with few options to escape.  It also means the end of a nation-state, not just for the U.S., but for all other cultures as well.  And these governors are falling into the trap by using “solutions” that advance the agenda with more redistribution of wealth.


Harris’s 25k down payment for first home buyers may also be part of the subterfuge, using that money to enforce “fair housing laws” that mandates acceptance, and supports the continued need for illegal aliens because of the percentage of them that work in housing construction.  Her proposal also includes “…giving builders a tax credit for constructing starter homes” which, without a doubt, would have strings attached to build those homes with UN “neighborhood” requirements, and 15 minute cities, or 20 minute neighborhoods in mind.  Regardless, her spreading the wealth scheme is really just a stolen slice of the already existing Biden legislation which he can’t get passed.


The most damning is expectation that all of these individuals, with different backgrounds, culture, and beliefs will somehow magically live and get along with each other in bliss under the guise of “social inclusion.”  But, equity isn’t just about race.  It includes gender, economic (lower incomes), and health equity.


As part of Habitat III, Migration cities are a mandate (pg 7).  Everyone will be expected to “Fully respect the rights of refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons regardless of their migration status  (pg 5).  It is a deliberate redistribution of populations to sparsely populated areas by the International Organization of Migration (IOM) in which the United States is a member, and further advance all SDGs.  Perhaps this explains why small communities such as Springfield, Ohio are being inundated with illegal aliens.


No matter which UN documents are read, it is all the same.  Cities will be compact, socially inclusive, resilient, walkable, connected, multi-modal with mixed use, have limited land use with public space, all crammed into a tiny area with 61 people/acre (pg 4), with no ability to escape other than through restricted transportation.  It also means a person is forced to use only those things that are available to them, with no other options.  These are guidelines for the whole world.  It is nothing more than an execution of a totalitarian state where “equitable distribution of costs, benefits and opportunities of urban development (pg 34)” is forced upon every human being.


For those countries who are asserting their sovereignty against this, it comes with a high economic cost.  A good example of why international law is so dangerous and why the U.S. should exit external forces such as the UN and all of its organizations.


Now all of this may trigger some surveillance because it sounds like racist, discriminatory, biased, and hateful rhetoric.  But it is not.  It is a tragic statement about how each culture is being robbed of its right for continued existence, and the right for a human to live in the culture to which they were born, rather than being forced into a planned world vision by those who have no respect for humans at all.  As described by this Ohio woman, it is about cultural differences creating a dystopian world for the community, and not the envisioned World Economic Forum utopia as the “lifeblood of social change.”


It isn’t about affordable housing or even migration.  It is about using illegal aliens for a globalist agenda to erase the sovereignty, identity, and culture of each nation for global citizenship in a global world.



