Is the Worst Yet to Come?
During Dan Bongino’s appearance on stage with Tucker Carlson last week, Tucker asked him if he thought people had had enough and are ready to push back and turn the country turnaround. Bongino is generally viewed as an optimistic guy, so his answer was probably a bit unsettling to most people. He said that while he hated to admit it, he honestly believes Americans have not suffered enough to finally stand up to the Democrat Reich’s evil ways and say, “No more!”
While it’s a sobering thought, I must admit that I, too, have long suspected this to be true. My assessment comes from the fact that even if Republicans win the presidency, the Senate, and the House, roughly half of all voters will have voted for Democrats. That’s one out of every two voters!
What this means is that after all the suffering, after all the lies and hoaxes they have been exposed to, after having to put up with illegal migrants being given a free pass into their country (and cities) and treated better than U.S. citizens, after watching politicians fan the flames of inflation ever higher with reckless spending on outrageous programs that their own constituents don’t want, half the country still insists on voting for more of the same. It’s hard to understand, but so long as that is the case, there will be no reckoning and no U-turn for America.
Clearly, then, the real problem America has is the people who keep voting anti-American hatemongers into office no matter how much evil those hatemongers subject their own voters to. Which begs the question, why in the world does anyone ever vote for a Democrat in the first place? Is it masochism? Stupidity? Lack of information? Naiveté? Or simply an inherent evilness? One or more of these reasons probably covers everyone who will be voting for more despair, more pain, and more destruction in the upcoming election.
I say this with certainty, because I personally have acquaintances and family members who are smart and successful, but have made it clear they will always vote Democrat regardless of the facts. By their own admission, they get their news from MSNBC, CNN, and the radical-left networks. They never watch Fox News, let alone Newsmax, which means most everything they believe is false. Like Trump’s latest would-be assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, they harbor an abundance of hate but are sorely lacking in knowledge.
Right now, Democrat voters are using Donald Trump as an excuse for their masochistic voting addiction, but they delude themselves. You can take it to the bank that if the United States somehow manages to have another election in 2028, Democrats will paint Ron DeSantis, Glenn Youngkin, Vivek Ramaswamy, Byron Donalds, or any other Republican presidential candidate as a fascist, racist, and hatemonger who wants to suspend the Constitution, outlaw abortion, repress minority voter registration, and worse. It’s their playbook, and it’s not about to change, because Democrats are equal-opportunity haters.
Any way you slice it, the horrifying result of all this hatred is that Kamala Harris, a totally unqualified Marxist who knows pretty much nothing about anything, could actually become president of the United States! It’s a mind-boggling prospect, but rest assured that the 50 percent of the electorate that votes blindly for Democrats, coupled with massive election fraud, is capable of producing miraculous results.
I’m still hoping that Trump and Republicans can overcome the Democrats’ well-oiled election-fraud machine and run the table, but what happens to America if they should fail in their efforts? Aside and apart from the thousands of bone-crushing new laws, regulations, and executive orders Democrats would generate, the Kamala puppeteers’ new tax plan alone would likely send the United States into a steep depression overnight. We’re talking about a 28 percent corporate tax, a 44 percent capital-gains tax, and a 25 percent tax on unrealized gains. These three figures alone are enough to destroy what’s left of the American economy.
Even the normally measured Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase chairman, said he believes the United States may be heading for that most dreaded of all economic scenarios, stagflation — a shrinking economy and shrinking wages coupled with rampant inflation. And if that should happen, I believe the country will go into a doomsday tailspin much quicker than most people realize. When I say quicker than most people realize, I’m talking about the economy, the border, and violent crime going completely off the rails and the country descending into the kind of chaos common to third-world countries. Worst of all, once Democrats are in full control, they absolutely will pass laws and edicts to make sure they stay in power indefinitely.
So, here we are at the crossroads between freedom and tyranny, and Republicans have all the facts on their side. The problem, however, is that they have yet to prove they can communicate those facts to undecided voters. Preaching to the choir is a waste of time and energy. The Trump rallies are nice and all that, but the well-meaning folks at those rallies have already decided to vote for him, so why not spend your time and money getting your message out to undecided voters? And hurry up about it, because you only have a few weeks to do it; early voting has already begun!
At the other extreme you have Kamala’s fact-free, well-practiced hyperbole and platitudes that include such zingers as “I grew up in a middleclass family,” “What I do offer is a new generation of leadership for our country,” and “When I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much in mind with investing in the ambitions and aspirations of the incredible American people.” Don’t laugh, because tens of millions of people are going to vote for this pure, unadulterated manure. And until and unless a significant number of those people somehow come to their senses, I’m afraid Dan Bongino is right: The worst is yet to come, because people have not yet suffered enough.
Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.
From robertringer.com