Deconstructing America
By Karen Schumacher
This short video, made by book of ours around 2020 prior to the presidential election, is titled The New Model: Deconstruction of America. It describes how America is being systematically deconstructed through interstate compacts, regionalism, and public-private partnerships (P3), supporting World Economic Forum (WEF) goals for the Great Reset and its Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the United Nations (UN) sustainable development goals (SDG). The WEF Global Future Councils will be used for regional governance via technocracy.
In the video an Eastern interstate compact is mentioned as it relates to opening up businesses following Covid-19, however a similar compact was made between five Western states and seven Midwestern states. These compacts must have congressional approval, however frequently they do not. The National Center for Interstate Compacts Database tracks all of the interstate compacts in the U.S..
These compacts are not the only regional groups that have formed between states. There are economic regions and Governors Associations. In fact, the United States is already divided into regions.
P3’s are an enmeshment of the private sector with government, a form of corporate fascism, and are found in Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and promoted by the WEF.
At the 20″ mark a bold concept is presented, that at the onset of global governance, the office of president will only be a theatrical position, and global governance will be under the control of the WEF Global Future Councils for regional governance via technocracy. Indeed, WEF recognizes the power of cities to manage everything rather than nations and already have mayors on board for such purposes. Is your city on the list?
There is also a prediction at the 21:41″ mark that if Biden is placed in office it is only that he would be removed due to health reasons in order to put Harris in for her willingness to remove Constitutional protections and put in policies for global governance and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If Harris is elected will this also come to fruition?
While the video claims Trump supports the WEF agenda for stakeholder capitalism, nothing could be found except one Barron’s article that can’t be read without a subscription. Nor did he mention anything similar to that in a 2020 WEF speech. But Biden and Harris endorse it.
Start at the 1:11″ mark. At the 23:30″ mark the video deteriorates into recommending a direct democracy so it is a good place to stop watching.