Warning about Education vouchers
From The Publius Huldah
Don’t fall for this. Government control follows “government” money. Here’s a paper by conservative constitutional attorney William Olson: https://publiushuldah.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/william-olson-on-school-vouchers.pdf
Here are several short articles written by educators warning that government control follows “government” money: https://publiushuldah.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/vouchers-booklet-chaplain-ray-moore.pdf
Public Education opened up the great gates of hell to our Country. I realize the “education” lobby is strong and legislators are afraid to take them on. But you can phase out feeding the “education” racket.
E.g., if the public schools are funded in part by real property taxes, then pass a law which permits the taxpayers to designate where that portion of their property taxes earmarked for “education” goes.
Idaho should stop taking federal education funds. If you don’t want federal control, then don’t take the money.
You can starve out the public schools while encouraging non-government education. E.g., Let parents who own real property designate all of that portion of their property taxes which goes to the education lobby to private schooling. THAT is “school choice”. Let taxpayers with no school age children also designate where that portion of their property tax bill goes.
Read Samuel Blumenfeld’s book, Is public education necessary?
It is a fascinating book which exposes the true purpose of public “education” from the start: The goal was to produce generations of ignorant Americans who know nothing and can’t think – and hence can be controlled. So public education has achieved exactly what was intended by those behind it.
Joanna Martin