Government Crimes Against Humanity
The story of civilization is, to borrow a phrase from 18th century Scottish poet Robert Burns, man’s inhumanity to man or, more commonly, crimes against humanity. When people talk about this phenomenon, they usually are referring to criminal behavior — things like rape, torture, murder, and worse, both on a one-on-one scale and in all-out war. Today, however, the perpetuators of crimes against humanity are to be found in government aggression against its own citizens.
What has developed in the United States and many other Western countries over the centuries is a culture of political violence that brings misery, fear, and poverty to hundreds of millions of people on a daily basis. Men and women being arrested by federal agents for praying in front of abortion clinics or protesting at school board meetings are two glaring examples of this. At the other extreme is the legal persecution of leading presidential candidates, whether they be in the United States, Russia, Venezuela, or any other country. No one is safe from government persecution if he opposes the ruling class.
While the weaponization of government to preserve power for those already in power is not new to the world, it has increased at a meteoric pace over the past 15 years. Barack Obama let it be known that his goal was to fundamentally change the United States of America, and, like it or not, he succeeded in doing just that. Like Lenin, Stalin, and Castro before him, Obama and those who helped him destroy the existing order now live in luxury while those in the middle and lower classes are struggling to survive. In other words, contrary to what they would like you to believe, leftwing revolutionaries are not interested in helping anyone; they are in it for themselves. As Napoleon famously put it, “Vanity made the Revolution; liberty was only a pretext.”
The father of collectivist thought, Karl Marx, was not only notoriously vain, but a clearly frustrated and angry man. Even so, it’s possible he was sincere in his belief that communism would be a panacea for the proletariat, and he was certain that a communist revolution was inevitable. He also believed it would be a bottom-up revolution that would be led by the poverty-stricken masses.
History, however, proved Marx wrong. Instead, when Lenin came along, he made the Bolshevik Revolution a top-down affair, because, to his dismay, the proletariat generally supported the royal family. For a bloodthirsty psychopath like Lenin, the solution was simply to murder those who refused to cooperate with his plans. It was a classic example of crimes against humanity. Ditto with Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, and every other communist revolutionary throughout history. All of them were ruthlessly inhumane to their own citizens.
Because of the brilliance the Founding Fathers demonstrated in creating a framework for their new country, with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights being used as the key structural elements, the United States has managed to survive the constant onslaught of would-be revolutionaries who would like to tear it all down and install an elite class to rule over the masses. That is, until Barack Obama came along and began instituting his fundamental changes.
With the trend toward tyranny accelerating since the advent of Obama, it has become ever more apparent that the issue is no longer Republicans versus Democrats, but, rather, the government versus the people. Nevertheless, it’s important for politicians to keep up the ruse of Republicans versus Democrats, because it makes it easier for them to maintain power over the faceless and nameless serfs whose duty they believe it is to obey them.
With the government leviathan firmly in control of our lives, crimes against humanity are now perpetrated in the United States in more subtle ways than physical violence. Today, they are carried out via actions like eliminating voter ID, fraudulently named trillion-dollar spending bills, gun-control laws, censorship disguised as “fact checking,” replacing the voter base with illegal immigrants, the installation of puppet presidents who are either cognitively impaired or too IQ-challenged to talk coherently, and, above all, nonstop lying as a way of life.
You may be inclined to argue that these things are not really inhumane acts, because they aren’t violent, but, in fact, they are. One way or another, virtually all of these acts — and many more as bad or worse — lead to human suffering. For example, illegal immigrants steal, rape, murder, and siphon off resources from American citizens. Trillion-dollar spending bills reduce the value of people’s paychecks and savings, which makes it difficult for them to afford good medical care and groceries. Gun-control laws get innocent people killed. Stupid and cognitively impaired leaders make terrible decisions that do, indeed, cause suffering and death.
What is most disconcerting about all this is that Republicans refuse to take a stand against the evilness of Democrats. The reason for this could be the desire for personal gain (Let’s face it, most of them are in on the take.); it could be cowardice; or it could just be a combination of stupidity and naivety. Every case is different, but all that matters is that most Republicans do virtually nothing to stop Democrats from perpetrating crimes against the masses on a daily basis. If you assume that those Republicans who refuse to stand up to Democrats are good people, then it’s a perfect example of evil prevailing when good men and women do nothing.
By all means, Republicans have to run the table on November 5, but even if they gain control of the presidency, the House, and the Senate, evil will continue to triumph unless good men and women demonstrate they are prepared to do something about it. That said, a good first step in that direction would be to remain steadfast about adding a proof of citizenship requirement for voting to a proposed continuing resolution to fund the government at current inhumane spending levels for six more months.
Better yet, forget the citizenship requirement for now, and just shut down the government until spending levels are brought under control. To continue to spend trillions of borrowed dollars on top of a $35 trillion debt is nothing short of a crime against humanity. As cadaver Joe would say, that’s not hyperbole — and for once he would be right.
Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.
From robertringer.com