The Stage Is Set For Global Governance
By Karen Schumacher
While many focus on the coming “new world order,” it being referenced that way by Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Biden, the proper term is really global governance.
Because America has failed in its responsibility to keep the government in check, government institutions are now out of control. The truth is, the list is endless for all the federal government agencies controlling our lives.
But what has happened with this unchecked federal government cancer is that United Nations (UN) institutions are structured to easily take over the global governance role, hand in hand with the global corporate world through the World Economic Forum (WEF). And both organizations know it.
Thanks to WJ Clinton, in 1993, without any congressional legislation, he inserted sustainable development, AKA Agenda 21, into federal government policy in partnership with corporations and non-governmental organizations. Effectively it meant that the UN Agenda 21 was firmly planted within the federal government.
Enough time has now passed, 31 years, for the structure to be in place that UN organizations can assume the full role for global governance. Here are a few examples.
As a partner, the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) is ready to manage all the production of food and forests (pg 15) in place of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and as a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) partner.
For all the environmental issues the UN Environmental Program (UNEP) can take over for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). After all, both organizations have signed a memorandum of understanding since 2016 to implement Agenda 2030 and essentially UNEP goals have been implemented by the EPA already. The EPA was the first to implement Agenda 21 and has formed partnerships with other UN outfits, such as the World Health Organization.
The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is ready to manage education as the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) entered into a partnership many years ago for sustainable development. That is why the U.S. education system has been destroyed, it has been run by the UN for years.
It was clear during Covid-19 that the World Health Organization (WHO) was calling the shots, no pun intended, and along with the EPA, stands ready as a partner to assume the role of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for all healthcare and other issues that fall under the FDA.
For the environment, the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will easily replace the Department of Interior (DOI) since both are already partners along with other federal agencies and follow the same policies. One such policy being implemented is the unauthorized 30×30 agenda that is straight out of the IUCN.
In the United States the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve supposedly control the economy however the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and the World Bank Group will toss out any need for those institutions and banks, especially with central bank digital currency (CBDC).
With the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD), perhaps there will no longer be any need for Congress as the OECD can take over writing policies.
The same goes for housing and communities, UN Habitat can take over for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as those goals have already been adopted.
Sucking the wealth out of the US and giving it to the rest of the world, the USAID is fully committed to the SDGs in partnership with the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
There are so many more examples of UN institutions that are ready to assume the role of governing the world. Some institutions are more prepared than others, but that pesky Constitution might be getting in the way. Here is just a partial list of all UN organizations that provide the structure for global governance.
Out of just the few federal agencies mentioned, how many are now a threat to Americans? How are just these few agencies being used to harm Americans?
WEF has its own ideas of global governance with global future councils replacing the voice of the people with corporate technocrats advising the UN on how to run the ship.
The UN will be holding its Summit of the Future September 20-23, 2024 to facilitate achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDG). In preparation for the summit, the UN has created a Pact for the Future with 60 action items that covers not only the SDGs but also collectivism, world conflicts, justice, terrorism, weapons, finances, technology, and strengthening the UN. Action 41 is devoted to transforming global governance and reinvigorating the multilateral system while Action 50-55 will reform the international financial architecture that will ensure the redistribution of wealth equally across the world. In its Declaration on Future Generations it declares to further commit “to build a stronger, more effective and resilient multilateral system based on international law, with the United Nations at its core”.
Federal agencies will only be a facade of a sovereign government, it will be UN agencies and WEF making the decisions as the shadow government.
While everyone is focused on the election, this coup is underway. Given the entanglement that already exists between the federal government and the UN, it might just be possible for this coup to actually occur, regardless of who is elected. Harris hasn’t made a specific statement about supporting the SDGs but her stated ideologies reflect agreement with them, and behind the scenes she participates in implementing them.
On the other hand, during his previous administration, Trump declared to the UN “the future does not belong to the globalists” and withdrew from some UN institutions while not recognizing others, and by other accounts undermined the SDGs. Does he really understand just how deep this cesspool goes?
Regardless of who is elected, it will be important to monitor the results of this summit and involvement of the federal government.