Evidence Shows At Least Two Shooters Were In Butler, PA
It’s time to lay out information that cannot be ignored. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13 was deemed to be conducted by a lone shooter. Isn’t it always that case? Think Lee Harvey Oswald. Think Sirhan Sirhan. Call me jaded, but enough evidence on JFK’s assassination has come out to cast a wide net of doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald was even involved. Many now say he was groomed to be the patsy.
And just recently, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explained in an interview how the narrative of Sirhan Sirhan killing his father was false, and that it was Thane Eugene Cesar who was the actual shooter. Cesar was hired as a security guard at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles just one day prior to RFK’s assassination.
And yet, in both assassinations, we were told the shooter was a lone gunman.
Again, call me jaded. I don’t buy it.
Hunter Biden’s Laptop
Remember when the New York Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop three weeks before the 2020 presidential election? And remember that 51 former U.S. intelligence officials signed a letter stating the Biden laptop story had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign?
We now know the laptop story was accurate, and the FBI knew it from day one.
That means we also now know that 51 former intelligence officials conspired to keep Americans from learning the truth. Yes. Intelligence officials in our own government were misleading us. And it’s a fair bet to say that they did not want Donald Trump to have four more years in the White House.
The Audio Evidence is Clear
So now we’re being told that 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks was the lone gunman in the attempt on Trump’s life on July 13.
After reviewing the evidence that’s come out so far, I’m not buying it.
Most damning is the audio recordings of the event. But I’m not going to explain it all, I want you to hear it for yourself.
The following video was released on July 18 by Chris Martenson, co-founder of Peak Prosperity. Martenson holds a Ph.D. in pathology from Duke University, and his analysis of the audio clearly indicates that shots were fired from two separate locations.
The video here is 32 minutes long, and I highly recommend people listen to the entire analysis. However, if you have only 90 seconds, jump ahead to the 18:00 minute mark and listen for 90 seconds. You will hear two distinctly different sounding guns.
Audio Analysis of Attempted Ass*ss*nation Indicates AT LEAST Two Shooters
After listening to / watching that video several times, I now have half a mind to collect 51 signatures from forensic ballistic experts stating that audio analysis of the shooting of Donald Trump indicates at least two shooters were involved – thus disproving the government’s narrative that Thomas Matthew Crooks was a lone gunman.
This assassination attempt requires a full-blown investigation by people from OUTSIDE our government, because at this point, unless the narrative changes to say two shooters were involved, I’m inclined to think a cover-up is in place. And if that’s the case, then to me, what happened leans toward treason.
Changes Are Needed
It is sad to think the people in our government have become so corrupt. It’s sad to think that the people who’ve sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution are grasping to hang on to their power, and would go so far as to kill the man who would interrupt their progress in dismantling America.
Changes are needed. The halls of government need to be cleaned. Is it possible? Perhaps. But only with the help of Almighty God. My sources who have been in the trenches of D.C. tell me that what we call the Deep State is broader and deeper than any of us think. I’m not ready to give up on America yet, but I also know we can’t do it alone.
Seriously. Pause and pray.
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