By Kathleen Marquardt
We now live in a world of “truths by proxy” where the global elite determine the truth no matter what the science says. But, of course, the science books have been morphed into teaching the science of global warming. What is that? Since Day One, the old science of Copernicus, Archimedes, Newton, Einstein, et al, has been replaced by a politically correct, scientifically corrupt and nonsensical science of rebuilding the earth to self-destruct – but taking out man first.
When the Globalists realized that a New Ice Age wasn’t going to fly, that it was too obvious that we weren’t going to be wiped out by glaciers, even in the long-distant future, they knew they would have to come up with a somewhat-believable bogeyman. Through the Club of Rome, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.” 1
That was the first step of the Hegelian Dialectic being used to turn modern science upside-down. We no longer fear space aliens because we are told we are the thesis; we are the devil incarnate. So, how do we fix this? Ah, now we get to the anthesis, we must reduce (to a whopping extent) man’s existence on this orb. When the population has been reduced by some 90+%, the world will have achieved the thesis, or the solution.
But while many can see that the Globalist/Green plan for Mother Earth is doing the opposite of what we are told it will do. That is, the Montreal Protocol, the Climate Change Plan is destroying the earth and all of its inhabitants, not just us. And the destruction is happening more rapidly as our governments are working toward the thesis stage of Global Climate Change (the model to save the world is destroying it).
To the rescue come some scientists who understand that the Earth was set up to be self-healing, to operate with the tools it came with. In other words, it was fixed before the Globalists took over, thus there was no thesis to fend off. J. Marvin Herndon, and Mark Whiteside have written an academic paper, “Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A case of Planetary Treason”, 2 showing that the Globalist’s Climate Plan is the thesis. Look at their case. It is Planetary Treason.
Earth’s life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly ultraviolet radiation. This breakdown is a direct result of human activities including the large-scale manipulation of processes that affect Earth’s climate, otherwise known as geoengineering. We present further evidence that coal fly ash, utilized in tropospheric aerosol geoengineering, is the primary cause of stratospheric ozone depletion, not chlorofluorocarbons, as “decreed” by the Montreal Protocol. The misdiagnosis was a potentially fatal mistake by mankind. … Contrary to the prevailing narrative, the stratospheric ozone layer has already been badly damaged and now increasingly deadly ultraviolet radiation, UVB and UV-C, penetrates to Earth’s surface. Our time is short to permanently end all geoengineering activities, and to reduce and/or eliminate all sources of aerosolized coal fly ash” (ed note: Aerosolized coal fly ash comes from the flue gasses of coal-fired furnaces or the fluidized bed of coal and biomass boilers. It’s a by-product of burning coal in coal-fired power plants and other industries, and is captured in the stack using filters, electrostatic precipitators, and other air pollution control devices.) 3 “… including first and foremost the jet-sprayed 4 emplacements into the troposphere that are systematically breaking down Earth’s support systems and poisoning life on this planet.” (Emphasis mine.)
The ”misdiagnosis” was deliberate, not a mistake by unsound science. The science was first written correctly, then changed. The scientists with integrity intact, withdrew their names from the document. Richard Benedick, an employee of the State Department, said “A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect”. So, it was edited to scare the pants off you.
Dr. Stephen Schneider told a group of scientists, “We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” 5
Former Senator Tim Wirth, “Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing — in terms of economic policy and environmental policy”.
And, according to Henry Lamb, in his book The Rise of Global Governance, “There is little or no reliable scientific data to support the global warming theory. The theory is based on computer models which the IPCC has revised downward three times since 1990.” 6
One more note on the early days of so-called Global Warming (changed to Climate Change when, even with many of the instruments placed in heat-sink areas, there wasn’t a perceptible rise in temperatures: in 1995, in Leipzig, Germany, world renown climatologists adopted the Leipzig Declaration stating: …most scientists now accept the fact that actual observations from earth satellites show no climate warming whatsoever). Based on the evidence available to us, we cannot subscribe to the so-called ‘scientific consensus’ that envisages climate catastrophe.” 7
At the Rio Summit in 1992, Principle 15 actually stated that “threats (of Climate Change) do not have to be verified or confirmed, simply declared”. How scientific (but it squares with the rest of the Climate Change science).
Back to Planetary Treason, the key:
“DELIBERATE COLLAPSE OF EARTH’S BIOSPHERE Anyone with a deep connection to nature can see how badly the natural world is suffering. Once healthy forests are now dying. Fields and roadsides no longer bustle with insect life and each spring and fall migration brings fewer and fewer birds. The richness and diversity of life on Earth is disappearing at an incredible rate. Beyond the explosion of species extinction, there are massive population declines of both plants and animals with cascading effects on ecosystems necessary for our continued existence. Human activities have destroyed over two-thirds of the world’s wildlife in just the past fifty years and there is no end in sight. Few scientists have found the courage to sound the alarm about our dire situation. And far fewer realize that much of our current environmental crisis is deliberately caused. Science appropriately applied has the potential to improve life on Earth. But for decades Earth science has been twisted and defiled, used as a tool to disrupt natural processes on a global scale, to destroy life, and to deceive humanity. Here we disclose the causal commonality underlying the collapse of the biosphere which, we submit, constitutes no less than Planetary Treason.”
The major culprits:
“The United Nations has been at the forefront of activities related to the destruction of Earth’s natural environment and the collapse of the biosphere. The 1978 United Nations’ “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques” [ENMOD], as we revealed, obligates signatory nations to fundamentally compromise their own sovereignty and to bring about widespread, permanent agricultural devastation. Instead of prohibiting “Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques”, as its title suggests, ENMOD obligates signatory nations to participate in unspecified “peaceful” environmental modification activities performed by unspecified entities, under unspecified circumstances, without limitation to harm. Whether harm is inflicted on a nation or a region’s agriculture, its environment, or on the health of its citizenry does not matter from ENMOD’s international legal point of view because its intent is “peaceful.” Nevertheless, large-scale environment modification cannot be construed as “peaceful.” Instead, it is fundamentally hostile as it damages Earth’s self-protective natural processes.
“The veil of ENMOD deception was pierced by applying precise knowledge of contract law to ENMOD’s Articles. The highly secret “peaceful” environmental modification project activity was discovered by an accidental release of material “pseudo-cryoconite” from an aircraft in 2016, which appears to have been formulated to melt Arctic ice, presumably, to open a northern passage for ships from China.”
This is from the abstract. There is much more to be learned from this document, so, please take the time to read it and understand how damaging the Climate Protocols are to us and everything on this earth. As the authors so chillingly end:
The global technological assault on our planet’s natural environment and all its biota by barbarian entities without compassion or remorse is no less than Planetary Treason. Unless global populations demand an end to the technological assault on our environment, replete with its dissemination of false information [136], we will inevitably continue to charge forward in the first ever anthropogenic species extinction… Our time is short, it’s less than a minute before midnight for climate collapse and complete biosphere breakdown. Our children face a ghastly future, potentially within the current decade.
Kill the beast.
Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider. The First Global Revolution (The Club of Rome), 1993. p.115
Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason, by J. Marvin Herndon and Mark Whiteside
Google AI
Dixy Lee Ray, Trashing the Planet, Op cit., p.5
Ibid, pl 167
Henry Lamb, The Rise of Global Governance, p.131
“Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change”, from eco-logic, July/1996, p.15
Kathleen Marquardt
Kathleen Marquardt has been an advocate for property rights and freedom for decades. While not intending to be an activist, she has become a leader and an avid supporter of constitutional rights, promoter of civility, sound science, and reason. She is dedicated to exposing the fallacies of the radical environmental and animal rights movements. She has been featured in national publications including Fortune, People, the Washington Post, and Field and Stream, as well as television news programs such as Hard Copy, The McLaughlin Group, Geraldo, and many others. Today, she serves as Vice President of American Policy Center. Kathleen now writes and speaks on Agenda21/2030, and its threat to our culture and our system of representative government.
Published with permission of americanpolicy.org