Since the Sorriest Candidate Ever Chosen to Run for President’s Been Confirmed by the Obamas Now, The Steal Must Be In via Dirty Judges

Since the Sorriest Candidate Ever Chosen to Run for President’s Been Confirmed by the Obamas Now, The Steal Must Be In via Dirty Judges



By Rich Loudenback


Kamala Harris is the worst Presidential candidate in the history of the United States and she doesn’t even legally qualify to be President because she is not a natural born citizen. See here and here.  But so much for what’s Constitutionally legal.


Since the Dimms’ anointed Marxist leaders, the Obamas, that’s plural, both of them, now have announced support for Kackelfest Kamala, shocking most of us, they must be in 100% for their ability to once again successfully steal the election.  Michelle so easily and this early announcing she obviously isn’t running will shock a lot of people, especially Wayne Allyn Root. See here, here and here.


I’m sure the stealing will include voting from millions of the illegal aliens they have invited in and pampered with billions of our tax dollars to love the goodies so much they are encouraging others to come to the free banquet.  – A pure Marxism tact


As impressive as most Americans with common sense are about the need to restore our values, our Constitution and righting our federal government from its current state of utter chicanery and especially with the GOP’s impressive determination and plan to check the Dimm’s stealing strategy this time, my opinion is that like last time it will all come down to Soros type Judges not giving standing or just saying hell no to both the iron clad legal proof as presented by Mike Lindell and Dinesh D’Souza on last time’s theft.


The Supreme Court needs to wake up and rule over these vermin judges or recognize if America goes down their cushy prestigious positions will probably dissolve with it because the World Government won’t be needing them.  Although, they might be paid off to retire comfortably, with an ‘oh well’ attitude of comfortableness.


Oh, they will need another perfect puppet fit for Obama’s completion of his transformation, and I think what’s more fitting for these DEI creeps than to appoint a feckless ‘done nothing’ gay guy as VP.  I’m betting on Buttigieg as the person best fitted as another Obama puppet.


Now having said all this, there are a lot of things that can still happen.  Such as, Obama getting people to enforce the law on natural born citizens taking the Kackelgirl out, and then, oh darn, saying, “I guess we’ll just have to have Michelle against her preference, step up to complete the transformation of America.”


Please God, help us. Pray, pray, pray and raise hell with our legislators to pour themselves into this perhaps last fight we’ll have for America.
