RNC Showcases A Message of Hope

RNC Showcases A Message of Hope



By Dorothy Moon, IDGOP Chairwoman


What a week! I’m writing to you from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Idaho’s 32 delegates proudly cast their votes for the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!


America is in a rough place right now. The American Dream seems further out of reach than ever before. Inflation has made groceries, housing, and other basic necessities too expensive for many families. Drugs, crime, and the invasion at our southern border are destroying our communities. The world teeters on the brink of a third world war, and other nations laugh at our lack of leadership.


Even so, this week I have seen hope. Thousands of Republicans from every state and territory have come here to celebrate what made America great, and what will make it great again.


Democrats don’t get it. They don’t understand the economy, they don’t know how to create jobs, and they have no clue about the patriotism that motivates the American people. Over the past four years, the Biden Administration has used this country as a vehicle to implement the most left-wing programs in history, and the American people are suffering for it.


President Trump understands the economy, he knows how to create jobs, and he has a deep love for the people of America. He has also demonstrated courage unmatched by most political leaders. When an assassin’s bullet came within inches of taking his life, he did not cower or crawl, but stood back up and told the crowd to fight!


This week at the RNC we have heard from every area of American life. We heard Sean O’Brien, the president of the Teamsters, explain how to support the American working man. Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas encouraged us to stand tall even when under attack by the violent left. Dr. Ben Carson reminded us of the exceptionalism that has defined America throughout history.


We heard from gold star mothers who lost their children in Afghanistan, an attack President Biden has forgotten. We heard from fraternity brothers at the University of North Carolina who protected the American flag from desecration by violent protestors. Sgt. Bill Pekrul, a genuine hero of World War II, said that if Trump were Commander in Chief once more he would enlist again and storm whatever beach his country needed.


On Wednesday night we listened to the inspiring story of J.D. Vance of Ohio. His path from poverty, through the Marine Corps and Yale Law, and now on the cusp of the vice presidency, shows that the American Dream is not completely lost.


Tonight, Donald Trump himself, less than a week after surviving an assassination attempt, will deliver a message of unity. If we are to make America great again, we must send Trump back to the White House, and with God’s help and yours, we will.

