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Trump Verdict Reminds Us of What We Are Up Against
By William S. Hahn
Foreign Affairs, the official publication of the Council on Foreign Relations (the globalist think tank that has infected presidential administrations and guided American foreign policy for more than a century), ran an article a few days before the verdict was reached against President Trump in the New York hush-money trial. The article’s message, along with the verdict, is a resounding reminder of what America and freedom-lovers throughout the world have been facing since even before the founding of the country.
The article, “An ‘America First’ World: What Trump’s Return Might Mean for Global Order,” lamented that a second Trump term would mean a rejection of “the idea that [the United States] has a special responsibility to shape a liberal order that benefits the wider world. That would be an epic departure from 80 years of American strategy.”
This might be true, but those 80 years of American strategy flew in the face of the previous 160-plus years that were based on the solid principles of Americanism the Founding Fathers had installed. The limitations placed upon government prevented it from stifling the creativity, innovation, and work ethic of an industrious population. The results spoke for themselves, as America quickly became known as a bastion of freedom and a beacon of hope and light in a dark, chaotic, and tyrannical world. America’s free-enterprise economic system allowed a rise in prosperity and the free exercise of God-given rights — rights that were protected by various levels of government.
Yet even as Americans were building the fledgling country, others were working to tear it down and build their own version of a collectivist utopia. Under this vision, and as depicted in George Orwell’s 1984, three regions of the globe would dominate and constantly be at war to manipulate and control a supple population. The United States, Russia, and China most resemble those three regions. Russia fell to communist revolution in 1917, and China fell in 1949. The United States is still being worked on, with collectivists, internationalists, and globalists making advances in taking over education, economic systems, industry, politics, communication/media, religion, foreign policy, military leadership, and the justice system — all with the aid of those with willing hands in government as well as those who deny, ignore, or are unaware of the collective forces conspiring against them.
After World War II, a global infrastructure for world government began to be built. The United Nations was the first success, with its many dozens of affiliates now exerting power over its sovereign member states. The foundation of regional government bureaucracy laid in the 1950s over European countries was used to build the powerful European Union decades later. Though the average American might not realize it, this method of building regional governments has been used to ensnare nearly every country, setting the stage for their eventual merger under a one-world government to be run by global technocratic elites. A preview of life under this world government can be seen in the various charters of the UN, which destroy the concept of God-given rights as well as the system of limited government and federalism as set up by the Founding Fathers.
What could this lead to? Infamous examples of 20th-century authoritarianism include Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Japan, Vietnam, Poland, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, North Korea, Mexico, Romania, and many others. The body count in the 20th century alone is well over 200 million.
This is what is at stake for humanity if “We the People” allow the Declaration of Independence, the federal Constitution, and the rest of the foundation of Americanism to be destroyed by a global cabal.
The lawfare leveled against President Trump is indicative of what can happen to someone who works against the collectivist policies of this cabal. Today it’s Trump; tomorrow it might be you. But Americans do not have to stand for this injustice, and it’s high time that they put their time and energy into decisive and constructive action to preserve our founding principles. Start at JBS.org/join.
William S. Hahn is CEO of The John Birch Society.
Published with permission of thenewamerican.com