Interview with Peter Murphey of Intermarket Forecasting – TPUSA EVENT THE PEOPLE’S CONVENTION
By Casey Whalen
Following the below interview with Peter Murphy, he sent me the following remarks to accompany the video:
“Consistently good portfolio outcomes require reliable asset allocation guidance that arises from consistently accurate price forecasts. Forecasting accuracy is thus the root means to outperformance in every style and strategy. Our 24-year track record proves that market price changes (hence relative allocations) can be reliably forecast using a disciplined, all-forward-looking (all-price-based) method. IFI’s unique investment forecasting, allocation, research and consulting services help wealth managers out-perform by mitigating or solving their most challenging problems – throughout the cycle.
“Visit the titles and summaries of our 1,088 research reports here and filter by 45 different categories including input asset class (examining the forecasting power of inputs like bonds and commodities); and target asset class (where we look at how – and how not – to reliably forecast asset classes like equities or their subclasses). Our 117 yield curve and 197 Fed monetary policy analyses are fact-based, inter-connected and state-of-the art.”
Casey Whalen
Investigative Journalist / Videographer
Cell: 208.691.5287
Email: northidahoexposed@protonmail.com
Proprietor of North Idaho Exposed
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