The new invasion: The influx into the United States of Haitians, already a significant part of the invasion on the U.S. southern border, is expected to escalate dramatically as the civil war and gang violence in Haiti continue to worsen.
The Biden-UN Immigration Invasion Scheme
The unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants into the United States is not happenstance. The Biden administration and United Nations have engineered the deluge. …
By William F. Jasper
The invasion is not stopping; it is accelerating. Our borders are being overrun, and it is no accident. We are witnessing a methodically planned and orchestrated scheme by the Biden administration and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is a continuation of President Obama’s migration plans for “fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” and Biden and the UN have no intention of letting up. They have already brought millions of migrants into the country illegally, and plan to bring in millions more. In fact, they are now in the process of greenlighting the admission of a continuing tsunami of migrants from virtually every country on earth. Haiti is the latest hellhole country set to contribute a new migrant horde.
Propaganda regarding their immigration agenda notwithstanding, Team Biden/UN have no compassion for the migrants. Rather, they are callously endangering migrants’ lives by encouraging them to undertake long, perilous journeys through treacherous mountain and jungle terrain and territories controlled by bandits and drug cartels, where many will be raped, murdered, or robbed, and their children taken for slave labor and sex trafficking. They are using migrants as a political tool to destroy America so that we can be absorbed into their planned New World Order. The Biden State Department and the UN’s IOM, manned by Obama retreads, are ramrodding this treachery, but you and I, the American taxpayers, are footing the bill — in more ways than one.
Here are some pertinent facts, before we dive into the heart of this fast-developing story:
- The IOM, more than a dozen UN agencies, and hundreds of NGOs are operating throughout Mexico and Latin America to aid and abet the migration tidal wave.
- The UN/NGO network provides food, shelter, transportation, maps, logistics, phones, debit cards, and cash to the illegal migrants.
- The UN’s 2024 Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan calls for handing out $1.59 billion in 17 Latin American countries to facilitate migration.
- The UN says migration must be worked into each of the UN’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Thousands of Chinese, Russian, Syrian, Iranian, and Iraqi males of military age have joined the migrant caravans in Mexico and are crossing into the United States.
- Tens of thousands of unvetted illegal migrants have been flown into the interior of the United States and released (see article on page 21).
- According to Health and Human Services whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas, federal authorities cannot account for 85,000 unaccompanied children they released to alleged “sponsors.”
- On his first day in office, Joe Biden began signing executive orders to undo President Trump’s border and immigration policies.
- While refusing to enforce our borders, Biden is spending $2.5 billion in taxpayer funds for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to provide housing, food, dental and medical care, recreation, and entertainment for illegal migrants.
- The Biden State Department is giving millions of dollars to the IOM’s Travel Loan Program to provide interest-free, penalty-free “loans” to refugees.
- The left-wing Migration Policy Institute (MPI) praises Biden for issuing more than 500 executive actions on immigration/migration during his first three years in office.
- According to the UN’s IOM estimates, there were about 281 million international migrants in the world in 2020. Guess where many, if not most, of them want to come?
UN Plans Continuous Deluge
Earlier this year, the UN held a three-day world summit on global migration in Geneva, Switzerland, that will surely provide further impetus for millions more migrants from every country in the world to inundate what’s left of our already-overwhelmed U.S.-Mexico border. It was the 14th Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), which ran from January 23-25. Headquartered in Geneva, the GFMD serves as a central hub bringing together more than a dozen UN agencies, 193 UN member governments, and dozens of international NGOs to promote national and international policies that support worldwide mass migration as “the new normal.” Besides the International Organization for Migration, key actors in the GFMD process and at the GFMD summits include the Davos billionaire cabal of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Wuhan virus spreaders of the World Health Organization, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, a principal funder of leftist and globalist ventures. Add to that the World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Mayors Migration Council, European Union, UN Network on Migration, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UN Population Fund, and UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.
Leading the charge for the Biden administration at the summit was former Obama and Biden State Department lieutenant Amy Pope, who now serves as the director general of the IOM in Geneva. Pope, who was one of the main speakers at the event, has been a key player in the open-borders movement for many years. From the start of her term as IOM chief, Pope made clear that her primary objective is to create and expand “more regular pathways” for migrants to flood the United States and Europe. As to be expected, she is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the leading globalist organization that has been pushing for world government and abolishing borders for more than a century.
As noted above, the IOM estimates that there were about 281 million international migrants in the world in 2020, about 3.6 percent of the global population. And there are more now, including millions of “refugees” from the UN’s bogus global-warming “crisis.” According to the European Parliament, “the number of ‘climate refugees’ will continue to rise,” to the point that “1.2 billion people could be displaced by 2050.” That’s 1.2 billion. And the UN wants to make sure there are plenty of established “pathways” to move them around the globalist chessboard. In one of her first public statements as the new IOM head, Pope said that “we collectively, with our member states and with the support of IOM, need to build up more regular pathways. Whether they are labor pathways, whether they are other humanitarian or family reunification pathways, we need to ensure that people who cannot stay at home have a safe way to move.”
The Associated Press reported on January 22, the day before the opening of the summit, that Pope was launching an IOM “global appeal” for $7.9 billion because “irregular and forced migration have reached unprecedented levels.” However, in combination with the perverse open-borders policies of the Biden administration, much of the unprecedented rush of migrants to our borders, as we report below, can be attributed to the massive financial “pathway” incentives offered by UN agencies in Latin America and elsewhere around the world.
Accelerating Migration Pathways
This “more regular pathways” nostrum, which is a mantra among the professional activists of the massively funded migration lobby, is echoed by their allies in the media. The official agenda for the opening day of the GFMD summit gave priority to a panel discussing “options to accelerate the implementation of … regular and orderly migration pathways.”
In truth, as the unprecedented tsunami of migrants streaming across our border unequivocally testifies, the Biden administration is engaged in a full-blown operation to bring in as many new Democratic voters as possible, who will be beholden to the Democratic Party and who can be counted in the next census for congressional reapportionment to provide more blue districts.
“No Borders at All”
The first thing for Americans to understand about the current migrant crisis is that the alarming images we are now seeing, not only at our southern border but in communities across America, are the result of a very profound unseen revolution that prepared the way for the chaos engulfing us. That unseen revolution took place over the past two decades, with communists, socialists, and globalists promoting the notion that migration across borders is a right, and that national borders are repugnant and immoral in a world evolving toward “global governance.”
Until fairly recently, such thinking was considered so totally daft or outright subversive that no one in mainstream Democratic or Republican circles would bother to give it a moment’s consideration. The call for “open borders” was a product of the crazy fever swamp of the Socialist International, the Communist Party USA, and various “One World” globalist groups. Perhaps you have heard Democratic Socialists of America protesters chant, “No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” Or Antifa thugs screaming, “No ban. No wall. No borders at all.” To those voices on the Left we could add more “centrist” voices, such as the late Robert L. Bartley (CFR), longtime editor of The Wall Street Journal, who repeatedly advocated open borders and said, “I think the nation-state is finished.” Or Harvard economist and Cato Institute director Jeffrey Miron, who penned a 2018 USA Today op-ed titled “Forget the wall already, it’s time for the U.S. to have open borders.” “The solution to America’s immigration problems is open borders,” said Miron, “under which the United States imposes no immigration restrictions at all.”
Migration vs. Immigration
Normal, rational people don’t think that way. But something has obviously changed. A radical, revolutionary idea has taken hold. How? Well, as with so many other previously unthinkable proposals — same-sex “marriage,” transgender child mutilation, sanctioned and subsidized abortion without limits — the idea of a borderless world has been promoted in a decades-long softening-up process, aimed first at the chattering-class intellectuals and then at us common folk. The chief agent in this process has been the Migration Policy Institute, a project of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which has long been a fount of subversive ventures. (Recall that from 1946-1949, the endowment’s president was infamous Soviet spy and CFR member Alger Hiss, recruited by John Foster Dulles, a CFR founding father.)
The MPI has become a force to be reckoned with thanks to generous funding from Carnegie and the usual foundations (Soros, Ford, Rockefeller, Gates, MacArthur, Casey), as well as from the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (!), and the governments of Mexico, Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Sweden, etc.
The Migration Policy Institute was organized in 2001 by Doris Meissner, former commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service under President Bill Clinton (a CFR member, of course). She remains a senior fellow at MPI, where she directs the institute’s U.S. immigration policy work. The MPI works closely with the UN’s IOM, and the two outfits issue joint reports. MPI’s Doris Meissner and IOM’s Amy Pope also co-authored a 2020 study on immigration and border policy for the liberal-left Belfer Center at Harvard.
The Carnegie-Meissner team at MPI has led the way in conflating migration/immigration and migrant/immigrant in policy parlance, as well as creating confusion in the public mind about these similar, but very different, terms. An immigrant is a person who leaves one country and legally enters another country for the purpose of residing there in accordance with that country’s immigration laws. Every nation in the world has borders and enforces immigration laws. It is not a difficult concept. As with your own home, where you have a natural right to determine who may come into your house, at what time, and under what conditions, so, too, with our national homeland do we have a right to set parameters on who may enter, when and how they may enter, and how many may enter. The propagandists for open borders (which really means no borders) want no limits on immigrants. They never cease to remind us that “we are a nation of immigrants.” Yes, immigrants, which means our ancestors came here legally. And the United States is still accepting record numbers of immigrants. The migrationist lobby, however, claims there is a “right to migrate,” and UNICEF advances this notion with tweets such as, “No person is illegal … No one is illegal.”
D.C.-Geneva-Davos New World Order
The Washington, D.C.-Geneva axis coordinating the migration invasion is also tied in to Davos. Geneva not only serves as the headquarters for the Global Forum on Migration and Development and the UN’s International Organization for Migration, but also hosts the headquarters of dozens of UN agencies and hundreds of international NGOs. According to the UN Geneva Office, “Today, Geneva houses around 40 international organizations, 180 permanent missions, and more than 400 NGOs.” That includes UN organizations such as the World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, International Standardization Organization, International Labor Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization, International Bureau of Education, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, World Meteorological Organization, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and UN Program on HIV and AIDS.
Among the powerful NGOs headquartered in this famous Swiss city are the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, World Council of Churches, World Alliance of YMCAs, World Jewish Congress, Lutheran World Forum, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Vaccine Alliance, European Organization for Nuclear Research, and International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association. Perhaps most notable of all in the Geneva NGO universe is the World Economic Forum.
Although the annual jet-setter extravaganzas at Davos tend to associate the WEF in the public mind with that picturesque resort village, the WEF’s headquarters is in Geneva. There the would-be Masters of the Universe and their legions of technocratic minions live in sumptuous luxury insulated from the effects of the horrific policies they are foisting upon the rest of humanity. Although Switzerland has a relatively large population of “resident foreigners,” these are primarily educated European and American professionals employed by the UN technocracy and global corporations. The “progressive” globalists pushing the “welcoming” migration agenda for the rest of the world are not about to swamp their own nest with the planet’s “great unwashed.”
Klaus Schwab’s Migration Network
Mass migration is a key component of the Great Reset program of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, which involves completely “resetting” all humanity economically, politically, socially, psychologically, biologically, morally, and spiritually. The WEF has been an indispensable promoter of the UN’s world-government agenda, in which global migration plays a critical role. The Great Reset cannot hope to succeed without first destabilizing the world with the “Great Resettlement,” which entails shuffling hundreds of millions of migrants around the globe. Mass migration always unsettles and destabilizes, uprooting families and community connections, which then makes it easier to reset everything under a whole new plan. Thus the world movers and shakers of the WEF are regularly treated to articles and presentations on the wondrous benefits of mass migration, such as “Why it’s time to celebrate migrants,” “The Business Case for Migration,” “Migration can support economic development if we let it. Here’s how,” “3 reasons all countries should embrace the Global Compact for Migration,” “Why it’s time to rethink migration,” and “Why we need a global understanding of migration.”
In 2019, the WEF and the UN formalized their decades-long intimate relationship when Klaus Schwab and UN Secretary-General António Guterres signed a WEF-UN Strategic Partnership Framework.
Agenda 2030 Migration Scheme
Global warming, now generally referred to as “climate change,” is falsely claimed by the climate cultists to be a major driver of millions of “climate refugees” worldwide. The UN’s International Organization on Migration has published Migration and the 2030 Agenda: A Guide for Practitioners, which purports to find migration “rights” in all 17 of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and many of the 169 targets listed in the 2030 Agenda. Similarly, a UNESCO publication, Migration Without Borders, claims to find natural-law justification for the “free movement of people.”
Shortly after the UN adopted the Global Compact for Migration and Global Compact on Refugees in 2018, the UN Human Rights Commission ruled that “environmental degradation, climate change and unsustainable development constitute some of the most pressing and serious threats to the ability of present and future generations to enjoy the right to life.”
According to UN Human Rights Committee member Yuval Shany, “This ruling sets forth new standards that could facilitate the success of future climate change-related asylum claims.” In other words, according to the UN, a “refugee” from “climate change” or “unsustainable development” in Syria, Brazil, or Nigeria could rightfully claim asylum in the United States. And, of course, there are plenty of attorneys from the American Civil Liberties Union and left-wing judges who are more than ready and willing to take up such cases to subvert our Constitution and our immigration laws.
The migration tidal wave will continue unless the UN’s aiding and abetting of the phenomenon ceases. As Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies has documented on the ground in Mexico, and as the UN’s own budget documents show, UN agencies have handed out, and are continuing to hand out, billions of dollars in cash, debit cards, and other aid to migrants in 17 Latin American countries. However, the migrants come not only from Latin America, but from virtually every country on the planet.
Get US Out! — and Stop Funding the UN
The UN is providing a giant magnet to draw the migrant waves to our borders. Together with the Biden administration, it is aiding and abetting the migration invasion, which is truly an “existential threat” to our continuance as a nation. Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), respectively, are sponsoring H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, titled the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, to fully withdraw the United States from the United Nations and cease all funding of the UN and its programs. Every member of Congress has taken an oath to defend the Constitution and should support this legislation. However, most of them will not — unless and until enough concerned, informed citizens make them see the light by making them feel the heat.
Published with permission of thenewamerican.com