The First Americans Built This Monument as a Blueprint, Declaring Laws Based on Christian Morals is the Only Way to Keep America Great
The National Monument to the Forefathers, standing over 80 feet tall in Plymouth, Massachusetts, serves as a profound testament to the ideals and principles upon which the United States was founded. Erected in 1889, this majestic monument stands as a tribute to the Pilgrims who arrived on the shores of America seeking freedom and a new way of life. It symbolizes the foundational values of faith, liberty, morality, education, and law, all of which were integral to the development of American society.
At the heart of the National Monument to the Forefathers lies a profound directive about the importance of morality and religious principles in the maintenance of a free society. The monument portrays various allegorical figures, each representing essential virtues necessary for the preservation of liberty. Among these virtues, the influence of Christian morality is unmistakable. The monument’s design and symbolism underscore the idea that the principles of Christianity are indispensable to the proper functioning of a just and free society.
Indeed, the message conveyed by the National Monument to the Forefathers is clear: a society can only maintain its freedom and prosperity when its laws and moral framework are grounded in the principles of Christianity. The Pilgrims who settled in America sought to establish a society where they could freely practice their faith without fear of persecution. In doing so, they laid the groundwork for a nation where religious freedom and moral values played a central role in shaping the laws and governance.
Throughout American history, the influence of Christian morality on the nation’s laws and institutions has been profound. Many of the fundamental principles enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are rooted in Christian values. The National Monument to the Forefathers serves as a powerful reminder of the essential role that Christian morality plays in the maintenance of a free and just society.
How to Win the Culture War and Reverse America’s Moral Decay
Under the ‘police powers’ of the tenth amendment, it is clearly stated that the regulation of health, wellbeing, morality, and education of citizens is under the sole authority of the states. Police powers are the powers of a state government to make and enforce all laws necessary to preserve public health, safety, and the general welfare of the citizens of the country.
These powers originate from the English common law system, and when the Constitution was ratified in 1788, the states did not surrender their powers as a condition of creating the federal government. The federal government has very few actual powers, the states hold most of the power.
When pundits use the term “culture war” they are talking about a war for the culture of the next generation. What better way for the left to win this war than to launch a new unchallenged trend of sexual deviancy, deconstruct all social norms, and destroy the old Christian moral order to shape the culture of impressionable youth to create a future generation of useful ideologues.
The Atlantic recently wrote that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito wants to ‘roll back the 20th century,’ criticizing him for his ‘dark and dangerous’ plan, but this is the exact prescription needed to cure the ills causing the rot of western society.
There is a difference between moral courage and physical courage. Many of the current Republican politicians have plenty of physical courage, especially given that several of them served in the armed forces and have experience on an actual battlefield. But, moral courage is what they lack.
Republicans must stop drifting with the moral current of the world created by those who seek to destroy it and start changing it back to its original direction. They must start doing what is right simply because it is right, even in the face of fierce backlash.
Here are policies that Republican state legislators and governors should be pushing for within the states Republicans control.
Form an Entirely New Statewide Curriculum for Public Schools
Conservatives have many more children than liberals do and it’s not even close. But there are major obstacles standing in the way of our children adopting our Christian conservative values through and after college. The educational system is one of these obstacles.
It is not enough to attempt to pass one law that ‘bans’ this or that from schools and employment – this is a temporary band-aid that will be ripped off by propagandists finding loopholes in the laws. Republican states must form an entirely new curriculum. One that is created under a conservative framework, and one that is pro-family, pro-nation, and pro-Christianity. The common core framework must go as well.
All of the textbooks and Chromebook curricula children use from kindergarten all the way through college are created by the big three publishers. McGraw Hill, Houghton Mifflin, and Pearson Education.
Just a cursory look at the Twitter accounts of these publishers will show you their worldview. As long as all of the same text and suggested reading lists continue to be used, everything else is futile.
School boards are where the fight should begin, but republican governors have the power to jumpstart the needed change and open up a state power source parents can tap into.
Ban Abortion in Red States
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision in favor of Norma McCorvey (“Jane Roe“) that held that women in the United States have a fundamental right to choose whether or not to have abortions without excessive government restriction, and struck down Texas’s abortion ban as unconstitutional.
Recently, the high court voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. The move according to national polling was wildly unpopular, but this is one issue conservatives stood unified on, refusing to forfeit even almost 50 years later.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, less than 1% of abortions are due to rape, over 40% of women who have abortions have had at least one in the past, and over 25% of women who have abortions have had at least two in the past. Based on these statistics, abortion has become a form of contraceptive for women in the nation, especially in our more decadent society that exists today.
Because of the clear language under the police powers of the tenth amendment, Justice Clarence Thomas has consistently opined that the Roe decision “doesn’t have a shred of constitutional support.”
It’s time for states to completely ban the monstrous act of abortion, and in doing so it will not only save countless lives, but it will help win the culture war, reverse the moral degradation of society, help to restore moral order, and keep red states red.
Obergefell v Hodges and Gay Marriage in Red States
In Alito’s recent draft opinion on Roe v Wade, Alito also explicitly criticizes Lawrence v. Texas (legalizing sodomy) and Obergefell v. Hodges in the same way, calling those rulings unconstitutional.
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have blasted the high court’s 2015 same-sex marriage decision before when the pair declined to hear a case brought by Kim Davis, the former Kentucky county clerk, largely because the case was not a good enough representation of the ruling. Alito and Thomas agreed with the decision not to hear the case but used the occasion to take a legal baseball bat to the court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision.
“Davis may have been one of the first victims of this court’s cavalier treatment of religion in its Obergefell decision,” Thomas and Alito wrote. But they agreed that the court properly decided not to take up Davis’ case because, they said, it does not “cleanly” present the issues in the court’s 5-4 decision five years ago. Nevertheless, they said, the case “provides a stark reminder” of the consequences of the same-sex marriage decision. By choosing to endorse “a novel constitutional right over the religious liberty interests explicitly protected in the First Amendment, and by doing so undemocratically, the court has created a problem that only it can fix,” they said. “Until then, Obergefell will continue to have ruinous consequences for religious liberty.”
What we are witnessing today with trans kids, drag story hour, indoctrination on public access tv, and the in-your-face celebration of perversion every June is a result of there being zero opposition to their starting point. Today, it doesn’t matter what those who seek to destroy this country do – or how it affects the religious beliefs of other people – because they now have obtained complete control of the moral current of the country.
Just as Republicans aim to do with gun rights and Roe v Wade, Republican state legislators should be pushing to pass laws within their states that they control, to force a new decision on the disaster that was Obergefell v Hodges.
Ban LGBT Curriculum, Celebration of ‘Pride Month,’ and LGBT Groups from Public Schools in Red States
“I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values, and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.” – György Lukács, a Marxist philosopher who instituted one of the first sex education programs for children
It has been widely reported that kids as young as 5 in schools across the country are being subjected to a radical sex education agenda, that is rooted in old Marxist philosophy aiming to destroy all social norms in order to create new generations of useful ideologues.
Republican lawmakers in Florida passed a bill that bans discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in public schools from kindergarten through third grade but put simply, the bill does not go far enough. Teachers and schools should not be able to promote gender studies, LGBT rhetoric, or have LGBT groups.
Many Republican legislators have labeled themselves as ‘staunchly conservative’ over the years, but have only seemed willing to defend the values that conservatives haven’t completely conceded on. For policies like gun rights and abortion, Republicans haven’t wavered much and have had major successes.
As we have reported, this is happening in red states just as much as in blue states, and it is easy to stop. That is of course if we have the courage to do what needs to be done.
Support for same-sex marriage in the U.S. has reached an all-time high of 70%, according to a poll released by Gallup. The rise in support stems largely from a surge in support from Republicans, who for the first time approve of same-sex marriage at 55%.
This change highlights the complete forfeiture by conservatives on these issues, and now we are witnessing the consequences.
According to Gallup studies published in papers like the Guardian, the percentage of adults in the US who identify as LGBTQ+ has also doubled over the past 10 years. The poll results show a record 7.1% of American adults identify as LGBTQ+, jumping from 3.5% in 2012.
The poll also found that 21% of Generation-Z – those born between 1997 and 2003 – identify as LGBTQ, more than double the proportion of the previous millennial generation.
Within just a few years, America went from even Barack Obama opposing Gay Marriage, to it becoming ‘controversial’ to oppose trans kids, drag story hour, and teachers quite literally grooming children.
This is a result of Republicans deciding a long time ago that socially conservative values are not worth fighting for.
Enforce Pornography and Obscenity Laws in Red States
Recent studies indicate 90 percent of teens have viewed porn online, and 10 percent admit to daily use. This is due to increased smartphone usage among children and adolescents, with elementary-age smartphone ownership rising to over 50 percent in recent years.
Ten years ago, just a small percentage of teens viewed porn intentionally or accidentally each year, according to the American Psychological Association (APA). According to studies, kids as young as 5 are starting to watch porn. It’s not always intentional; it may be the youngest sees an older sibling watching it and simply follows the path.
Research demonstrates that parents are, for the most part, unaware of their children’s porn usage, with half of the parents unaware their teens had seen pornography and teens have seen up to 10 times more pornography than their parents believe. Parents especially underestimated their teen’s exposure to extreme content, such as violent porn, which is just as easy to access as traditional pornography content.
According to scientists and researchers like Gary Wilson who wrote the book “Your Brain on Porn”, viewing pornographic material changes the structure of your brain in the same way that using heroin does.
According to some studies, the complete rewiring that occurs in the brain from consuming pornography is lasting and in a lot of cases permanent. Porn-induced erectile dysfunction has also become a rampant problem among men who view porn regularly, and lower testosterone is also linked to porn viewing.
Additionally, porn viewing is associated with more liberal beliefs according to research published in Psychology Today. According to other research, those that consume porn become more egalitarian, less religious, more likely to be open to breaking through traditional sex and gender roles, and more likely to adopt liberal beliefs about abortion, immigration, and men and women sharing traditional roles.
Researchers behind a 2017 study found that many porn users are compulsive, distressed, depressed, or all three. Another study showed that the volume of gray matter in a person’s right caudate was negatively correlated with how much porn they view.
Just a short time ago, the only pornography that was available to people was in the form of a magazine, or at an adult bar. Consumers were and still are expected to show a form of identification to be able to purchase adult magazines or enter an adult bar.
Today, young children can access porn at lightning speed with just a click of a button on their smartphone, and never have to prove that they are old enough to access the material.
Republican state legislators must be willing to address this public health crisis by mandating pornography websites require consumers to show some form of age verification to be able to access the website within their states. If you have to verify your age to buy a magazine, cigarettes, or enter an adult bar, you should have to for digital pornography as well.
Ban Puberty Blockers, Cross-Sex Hormones, and Transitional Surgery for Minors in Red States
Up until just a few years ago, what scientists call gender dysphoria largely only affected a minuscule portion of the American population, almost 100% boys, starting at the age of 2, with most of those cases resolving themselves by puberty. Today, ‘gender dysphoria’ now affects a much larger portion of the US population, it has flipped to mainly girls, with many of the cases starting at the age of 12.
Today, tens of thousands of children – mostly young girls – are finding LGBT influencers online and following their guidance on how to obtain things like breast binders, and then going on to take testosterone and puberty blockers, all before the age where their alleged gender dysphoria is statistically the most likely to resolve itself.
Many young women are then going to get double mastectomies and other irreversible procedures, only to regret their decision later in life. In a recent 60 Minutes segment, Lesley Stahl documented the current pandemic of rapid-onset gender dysphoria, where teens and young adults are going on to get irreversible procedures after not being questioned at all by the doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists they see beforehand, mostly due to the doctors’ fear of backlash.
Top trans researchers like Dr Ray Blanchard say this new pandemic of rapid-onset gender dysphoria likely stems from other mental disorders like dissociative disorder, and that any procedure should not be considered until at least the age of 21. All of the best scientific studies, with the best methodology, and little to no loss of follow-up, show the worst outcomes for those that transition.
Republicans must redeclare their sovereignty over the states they control, and their authority to do what’s in the best interest of the American citizens, standing strong in the face of backlash.
Ban Drag Story Hour in Red States
In a string of incidents in Texas and other states, Drag queens who have been invited to perform sexually provocative dances in front of children, have been found out only later to have a criminal history of sexually abusing children. This practice is putting kids at risk, and it is being paid for by the taxpaying citizens of the state. David Robinson, whose drag queen name is Miss Kitty Litter ATX, read stories to children at the Blackshear Fine Arts Academy back in 2019, despite his criminal record.
The Austin Intermediate School District (AISD) assured parents that Robinson was properly screened despite his history as a sex offender. Around the same time, an Austin school on the other side of the district featured a drag queen who put make-up on children all day despite not being licensed to do so.
In October of 2019, the AISD approved new sexual education standards that give children pointers on how to perform anal sex and encourage them to get abortions without their parental consent. Since then, ‘drag story hour’ has become even more ubiquitous. Despite the name, the ‘drag queens’ invited to these events do everything but read to the children.
Taxpayers in republican controlled states should not have to pay for this, and Republicans must move to ban this practice in public libraries and schools in states they control.
Ban Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports in Red States
We have yet to see female-to-male trans athletes competing in male sports, but male-to-female trans athletes competing in female sports has become quite the phenomenon. One example would be the male-to-female transgender high school sophomores, Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood, who came in first and second place, respectively, in the 100-meter race at the State Open Finals.
This angered the parents who complained they had a competitive advantage over the girls competing against them. Miller and Yearwood were not even a blip on the radar when they competed in boy’s track, but when they decided to transfer over to girl’s track they dominated, putting scholarship hopes at risk for many of the girls. This is just one example of hundreds where the story ended the same way.
Republicans must move to unequivocally ban trans athletes from competing in women’s and girls’ sports.
Maximum Penalties for Child Offenders in Red States
The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect defines child sexual assault as “contacts or interactions between a child and an adult when the child is used for the perpetrator’s sexual stimulation or another person when the perpetrator or another person is in a position of control over the victim.” Sexual abuse not only includes inappropriate contact but also exposing one’s genitals to a child or making a child view pornographic materials.
Depending on the state, convictions of child sexual abuse can be severe. For example, in Georgia, a child molestation conviction imposes a sentence of 5 to 25 years for a first offense and 10 years to life for subsequent convictions. California’s penal code imposes up to eight years for each felony count of lewd or lascivious acts with a minor under the age of 14.
Many states require the convicted, upon release, to register with the national sex offender’s database. They have to provide their name and residence as well as their fingerprints, DNA, criminal history, and photo and vehicle registration.
This is unacceptable. Parents should not have to spend hours digging through sex offender registries in their neighborhood, or the place they’re looking to buy a home to make sure their children are safe.
If there is indisputable evidence that someone molested or performed a sexual act with a minor, they should face the maximum penalty in prison of 25 years without the possibility of parole.
Pass Voter Integrity Bills in Red States
Leading up to the 2020 election, a coalition including the AFL-CIO, the US Chamber of Commerce, and several NGOs were successful in getting state governments to change their election laws right before the 2020 election.
Mayors in the largest cities set up illegal unmanned drop boxes in democrat strongholds, which is a violation of state law as well as the equal protection clause of the constitution.
Politicians told voters in certain states to register as ‘indefinitely confined’ before the election, this allowed hundreds of thousands of ballots to be processed without going through the proper verification process.
Tens of millions of ballots were sent out to people who did not request them, and millions of those ballots were harvested and turned in. Additionally, election workers processed many ballots after deadlines, leading to a historic election where we witness the absolute lowest mail-in-ballot rejection rate in the history of the country.
Recently, the non-profit organization ‘True the Vote,’ released thousands of hours of footage showing over 2,000 people visiting drop boxes 20 times each on average, dropping off stacks of ballots.
If Republicans want to restore faith in the electoral process and win elections, they must pass the strictest voter integrity bills within the states they control, institute strict voter ID laws, and ban the sort of mail-in-ballot madness we saw during the 2020 election.
Create County Republican Vetting Systems in Red States to Root Out Democrats in Disguise
Because Democrats can’t win elections in many conservative parts of the country, certain counties in red states have put in place a rating and vetting system that aims to determine if the person running is actually conservative.
If they have determined they are a democrat in disguise, they decline to endorse the candidate and the chances of them winning office are slim.
In Kootenai county Idaho, the Republican central committee does this flawlessly, and their chairman, Brent Reagan, explains it simply:
“The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee candidate rating and vetting process is just that, a process involving questionnaires, interviews, candidate forums, due diligence, sub-committee reports, discussion and debate, and finally a vote by the full KCRCC, Reagan says.
“Candidates are initially invited to fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire and the candidates’ answers are available on our website. They are then interviewed by our Election Committee. We conduct candidate forums for committee members and visitors to meet and question the candidates.”
Pass and Enforce Vagrancy Laws, Reopen Mental Institutions
In a fairly recent documentary about the homelessness crisis in Seattle, KOMO Anchor Eric Johnson gave us an in-depth look at the impact the drug and homelessness problem is having on the city of Seattle.
The documentary, “Seattle is Dying,” aired on KOMO-TV in March 2019. Since then, the problem has only gotten worse. In cities like San Francisco, Seattle, and even cities in republican controlled states like Utah, homelessness is exponentially increasing.
Anonymous police officers who made statements in the documentary, give us some insight as to why this is occurring.
One police officer nicknamed the city of Seattle ‘Free-attle.’ He says this nickname is fitting because when homeless people go there, they get free food, free syringes, free clothes, free tents, and more saliently they’re mostly free of prosecution.
The same is happening in cities like San Francisco, where Walgreens had to close down because their security was not allowed to stop shoplifters, and the DA refuses to prosecute them.
Many of the property crimes, and some of the violent crimes are committed by homeless men who are picked up and then almost immediately released. Recidivism is especially high in places that have lenient policies regarding homelessness.
The crisis is so out of control that many taxpayers are fleeing these places for more conservative-leaning suburbs or other states entirely. In Los Angeles and other liberal cities, the homeless are allowed to set up camp almost wherever they choose and are given all of their basic necessities weekly.
In the 1960s, laws were changed to limit the ability of state and local officials to admit people into mental health hospitals. This lead to budget cuts in both state and federal funding for mental health programs.
As a result, states across the country began closing and downsizing their psychiatric hospitals. More continued to do so over the following decades, into the 1980s.
Republicans must pass and enforce laws against this, prosecute those who commit crimes, and institutionalize those on the street. Homeless camps – especially those in places that incentivize them to stay – should not be allowed in a sane society.
From dailyveracity.com