Beware: Many So-Called ‘Conservatives’ Vote Against the Party Platform
Idaho’s primary elections are approaching (May 21), and battles for Republican offices have genuinely heated up in the state. Many lies are being floated these days by establishment Republicans, and it’s only proper to set the record straight.
Two years ago, conservatives won many positions in the formerly incognito Precinct Committeemen positions. Because it’s true that all politics are local, that wave of people who were tired of the status quo turned the tide of the state Republican party. Overwhelmingly, they voted out many establishment stalwarts, and one prime result of that was Dorothy Moon defeating Tom Luna by a vote of 434-287 at the state Republican convention to become the new chair of the Idaho Republican Party.
The real Tom Luna
Frankly, replacing Luna was needed. The state Republican party, consisting mostly of Precinct Committeemen (your neighbors) create the Idaho Republican Platform, but damned if many of the establishment office holders in this state have been voting in alignment with it. For example, it’s difficult to find a conservative who thinks Common Core is good for our children, and its purpose runs counter the education plank in the Idaho Republican Platform. What most people don’t know it was Tom Luna’s and Butch Otter’s signatures that brought Common Core to Idaho.
Read that again: Tom Luna and Butch Otter signed the paper that brought Common Core to Idaho.
That’s right. Not a single legislator cast any votes for the Obama-endorsed federal takeover of education standards. For this invasive program that actually dumbs down our students we can thank Luna and Otter.
There’s a lot of activity swirling around Luna, but for now, know that Luna is a driving force behind the falsely named “Gem State Conservatives.” Don’t get me wrong, Luna is a charming man. I’ve met him. He could successfully sell ice cubes in Antarctica. But his charm is deceptive because Luna is absolutely not conservative. He uses the label “conservative” only because he knows the majority of Idaho’s voters vote that way!
Another deceptive mouth
Jim Jones is another one deceiving Idahoans. It would be proper to honor a someone who’s a Vietnam Vet, a former Idaho Attorney General, and a former Justice on the Idaho Supreme Court. But when that someone claims to be a conservative yet supports Democrats and uses the word “extremists” to describe those voting in alignment with the Idaho Republican Platform and intentionally mispresents their votes, he’s not being intellectually honest.
When he consistently does this, as Jones does, all respect is lost.
Jones has his hands in just about every left-leaning “Republican” operation in this state. As stated earlier, those groups always claim to be conservative, because they know that’s what Idaho voters want. For example, Jones is affiliated with “Take Back Idaho,” a group that wants to “restore reason and responsibility to the Idaho Legislature.” Sounds reasonable, but in truth, they want to “Take Back Idaho” to the time when liberty-minded groups weren’t watching and reporting on their “expand government” votes and the fact that they support left-leaning social issues.
Jones recently penned an Op-Ed, titled, “How can you tell if a candidate is really a conservative?” This piece was pretty much pure deception. For example, Jones lied when he claimed true conservatives are banning books. Restricting access to what amounts to pornography is not “banning” anything – it’s “restricting access.” Kids can still get access to the books if their parents allow it, but that doesn’t get people on Jones’ bandwagon. Jones gets a lot more emotional impact if he lies and says people are “banning” books.
That’s just one example. Suffice it to say, Jones severely lacks intellectual honesty.
Lies about the Party Platform
Multiple establishment Republicans who vote for bigger government and for left-leaning social issues (Rep Julie Yamamomo comes quickly to mind) claim today that it was Dorothy Moon and her “extremists” who made the Idaho Republican Party Platform so radical, and that’s why they aren’t voting in alignment with it.
To be polite, that excuse is what comes out of the south end of a northbound bull. I challenge any Idahoan to do a search for State Republican Platforms passed over the past decades and then show how the latest rendition is more radical. It’s not. The party platform from 20 years ago looks a whole lot like the one we have now.
Establishment Republicans, or what many refer to as “Republicans in Name Only,” are spouting this “extremist” excrement with the hope that you, the voter, won’t take the time to look up previous platforms and make comparisons.
Again, they are actively working to deceive the voters.
The Gem State Heist
Twenty years ago, leftists took over Colorado by lying about conservatives. Sadly, the people of Colorado got snookered, and the state went from Red to Blue. It was called the Rocky Mountain Heist.
Leftists know that same approach won’t work the same way in Idaho, because Idaho enjoys a 4:1 Republican voter advantage. In other words, for every registered Democrat, Idaho has four registered Republicans. With that, for leftists know that to get elected in Idaho, they almost always need to run as a Republican. Take a look at the following chart and you’ll see this plays out as true.
The leftist Republicans were none too happy that conservatives made inroads two years ago, and they’ve been plotting and scheming ever since. They’ve worked hard to brand anyone who votes in alignment with the Idaho Republican Party Platform to be “extremists.” They’ve lied. They’ve deceived. And, they’ve raised a LOT of money to challenge true conservatives in the upcoming election. They are striving hard to pull off the Gem State Heist.
The PC office is vital
Many people are unaware of how the Precinct Committeemen positions operate. True Idaho News will be writing more on this in the near future, but for now, know that these unpaid people in your community vote for those who hold offices in the county, regional, and statewide Republican Party seats. When it’s said that “all politics is local,” this is what they’re talking about.
It should interest you to know that groups like the so-called “Gem State Conservatives” are so desperate to take back their power, they’ve even recruited LOBBYISTS to run for these positions!
You need to ask yourself – do you want someone who represents YOUR values voting for issues at your Republican county committee meetings, or do you want LOBBYISTS for major corporations voting for you? Lobbyists get paid to represent the interests of major corporations! It will be vital for you to investigate who you’re voting for when it comes to filling those Precinct Committeemen positions. Again, stay tuned to True Idaho News to get the story on which true conservatives are running in these positions.
Don’t be fooled
Do not be fooled by establishment lies and deception. Do not vote for someone because just because you like his or her name or because you know someone else if voting for that person. As it’s being said, when you see an “R” behind someone name this election, don’t automatically assume it means “Republican.” Instead, think of it as “do your RESEARCH.”
Each day in the coming weeks, True Idaho News will be writing about various candidates in each voting district in the state. Subscribe for free to get notified of these articles.
There’s much more to discuss. Stay tuned.
Daniel Bobinski is the editor of True Idaho News.
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