Precinct Wars: MAGA Patriots vs. RINOs
By North Idaho Slow Growth Researh
Wow! The Battle of the Precinct Committeemen is getting HOT!
The traitorous band of FAKE Republicans who used to control the Idaho GOP want their party back. They are going on the offensive to restore their lost influence, and the battle is being fought at the precinct level. Right now, oodles of stakeholder money—up to $2 Million—is flowing into the coffers of RINO precinct races, state wide.
You heard that right. MILLIONS of IACI corporate dollars are being pledged to unseat Conservative Patriot Precinct Committeemen throughout Idaho! This is unprecedented.
In Northern Idaho, the RINOs lost control of the Kootenai Republican Committee several years ago, so in 2022 a group of 80 dethroned establishment loyalists formed a new political organization called North Idaho Republicans (NIR). Its purpose was to counter the MAGA conservatives who had taken over KCRCC, but so far, NIR has failed to trick local conservatives into rallying behind their RINO candidates.
So to wriggle their way back into power, NIR’s FAKE Republicans have come up with plan to destroy their MAGA Conservative enemies by over-running KCRCC with NIR-controlled RINO puppets. To achieve this, local stakeholders are flooding PRECINCT COMMITTEMAN races with money, in hopes of knocking out enough independent minded PCs to return KCRCC to RINO control.
Who are the North Idaho Republicans?
Since the “North Idaho Republicans” are leading the charge to overthrow MAGA Conservatives and return KCRCC to RINO control, this is an excellent time to remind Kootenai Voters who is behind NIR, and who they really work for. (Hint: It’s not the residents of Kootenai county.)
When NIR was founded in April 2022, about 80 prominent RINOs publicly identified themselves with the group. This provided a great opportunity to research and expose Kootenai County’s RINO stakeholder stalwarts.
The article Fellowship of the Stakeholders: RINOs and Rotarians provides short bios of all 80 founders. It is worth reading in full, but we’ve provided a few highlights, starting with the professional associations of NIR leaders. They are extremely lopsided in favor of the property-owing, “investor” class:
- 5 Associates of Hagadone Corp.
- 15 Bankers, Investors, and Finance Professionals
- 13 Development, Real Estate, and Utilities Professionals
- 8 Land, Lumber, and Mining Industry Leaders
- 20 Gov. Office Holders, Admins, Lawyers and Public Saftey
- 8 Health, Education, and Fund Raising Professionals
- 11 Other occupations
As this list shows, many NIR RINOs are property owners, investors, or developers, and almost all are pro-growth, pro-big-government, pro-globalist, corporate minions. They represent the stakeholders, not the common people of North Idaho.
The NIR-Rotarian-RINO Nexus
Now let’s show a few charts that illustrate NIR’s associations with other political organizations. The first is ROTARY INTERNATIONAL. Of the 84 “founders” listed on the NIR website, almost half are members of the Rotary Club. It would seem that NIR and the Rotary Club are joined at the hip. Both groups are composed of a high percentage of investors, developers, and financial interests, and there are even more Rotarians in Kootenai County (over 300) than there are NIR founders (~80).
The Fellowship of the Stakeholders article describes the cozy relationship between NIR and the Rotary Club. And it will be important to understand when we look at the RINO Globalist “challengers”, that NIR has recruited in the Precinct Wars. Over a third are Rotarians!!
FAKE Republicans and Open Primaries
Another group that the NIR-Rotarian-RINOs are associated with is Republicans for Open Primaries. This is a group that wants to allow Democrats, Libertarians, and anyone at all to help choose which Republicans should represent Idahoans in primary elections. Makes total sense if you are a FAKE Republican with no principles to defend, or perhaps, a Globalist RINO.
Notice that of the 41 so-called “Republicans” from Kootenai County who have signed on to this initiative,—which effectively nullifies Idaho’s Republican political party,—all but six are NIR founders. This makes it crystal clear that the political affiliation of “North Idaho Republicans” is a false front, unconnected with any meaningful commitment to conservative principles.
NIR leaders and their Rotarian cohorts dominate not only Republicans for Open Primaries, but almost every other RINO political group, commission, and foundation in Kootenai County. Many are outright leftists who work side-by-side with Democrats on every “non-partisan” civic project in the county. In short, the North Idaho Republicans are imposters; not Republicans at all.
Professional Associations of NIR Precinct Candidates
Now that we know who NIR really represents we are ready to consider the 70 candidates for Precinct Committeemen that NIR has recruited to run against KCRCC MAGA conservatives. First let’s evaluate their professional associations.
- 6 Bankers, Investors, and Finance
- 11 Development, Lumber and Real Estate
- 11 Government Admin., Environmental
- 8 Public Safety, Lawyers
- 19 Education, and Children’s Charities
- 8 Healthcare
- 7 Other occupations.
Just like the NIR founders, the occupations of NIR’s candidates are almost entirely in either Finance and development, or Government service. However, the Precinct candidates are far more concentrated in government sector professions,—especially education, healthcare, and public safety—than the NIR founders.
Over half of NIR’s PC recruits are either public sector employees or are trustees of Foundations or School Boards. And we all know that Public Employee unions are the life-blood of the Democratic party. This is more evidence that when recruiting candidates to run against conservative PCs, NIR chose a great many Democrats in disguise.
But there is more. As we have seen, many NIR founders were either Rotarians, or board members of foundations, commissions, or non-profits that are dominated by RINOS. And lo-and-behold, many of their PC candidates, are likewise involved in Globalist-RINO dominated foundations, civic groups, or commissions. For example:
- 24 Rotariansor NIR Founders
- 13 Chamber of Commerce or Jobs Plus
- 14 Educational Foundationsor School Boards
- 8 Hospital Boardsor Children’s Charities
How to Keep KCRCC Conservative
If the attempted takeover of KCRCC by establishment NIR RINO-Imposters concerns you, these are a few things you can do to help Preserve MAGA-Patriot Control of the KC GOP.
Vote for Conservatives, Tuesday May 21st. Often busy conservatives in Republican neighborhoods, assume their vote is not needed. In the Precinct Wars, however, your vote, is absolutely necessary. Conservatives loose ground when turnout is low.
VOTE IN PERSON IF POSSIBLE. It is important to vote IN PERSON, rather than Absentee. If you are unavailable on May 21st, vote EARLY at the Kootenai County Elections Office, May 13-17th. It has been proven time and again that Absentee votes are unsafe and the Post Office is unreliable! NIR and their Democrat allies, promote absentee voting for this reason.
Tell your Friends and Neighbors to Vote May 21st, IN PERSON. Make sure your neighbors are informed, and understand the issues.
Support Conservative Candidates either financially, by volunteering to do sign waves or canvassing. RINOs have an enormous advantage over patriots in financial donations and professional assistance. A small number of patriots currently bear most of the burden of maintaining conservatives in office.
Get to know your Precinct Leader, and other Conservative leaders in your area. City Council, Highway district, School districts, and even Idaho congressional races need to be organized regionally, so Conservatives need to network within their own communities. Your precinct leader should know where help is most needed.
Know Thy Enemy. It is obvious that you need to know who your precinct leaders is, and who reliable conservatives in your area are. But in this environment, you need to know the enemy as well. The NIR-RINO activists are imposters and deceivers, and never fail to represent themselves as conservatives. They have plenty of money, good connections, and they lie about themselves and their opponents. It is easy to be misled if you don’t know who they are and what they’re up to.
Network by Neighborhood
In order to help you recognize both MAGA Patriots and RINO imposters in your own community, we have organized lists of both KCRCC recommended Conservatives, and RINO FAKE REPUBLICANS, by neighborhood.
No one needs to know every Precinct Committeeman in Kootenai County, but everyone should know who the MAGA leaders, and RINO imposters are in their community. So click on your neighborhood to learn who your reliable, conservative MAGA precinct captains are, as well as FAKE Republicans, Globalists and RINOs, running under the NIR Banner.
Printable PDF MAGA vs. RINO Precinct War Flyers for each Community is also availabe.
- Spirit Lake, Athol, Harrison, Cataldo(201-208) Athol_Harrison PDF
- Twin Lakes, Hauser, Rathdrum(301-309) Rathdrum PDF
- Hayden, Dalton Gardens(310-321) Hayden PDF
- West Coeur d’Alene(322, 401-408, 413) West CDA PDF
- East Coeur d’Alene(409-412, 414-420) East_CDA_PDF
- Stateline (323, 501), W. Post Falls(502-511) West PF_PDF
- East Post Falls(512-518) East_PF_PDF
- Cougar Gulch, Worley(519-522) Cougar Gulch_PDF
Note: In addition to indicating MAGA Patriots as GREEN, and RINO Imposters as RED, in the following charts, we have also color coded candidate associations. RINO dominated organizations are indicated in RED and Government Agencies in BLUE. We have done so because NIR appears to have recruited many of its PCs from these sources.
Spirit Lake, Athol, Harrison—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
201 Charles Bemhard (Spirit Lake)
202 Kathy Clark (Athol)
203 Melania Vender Feer (Athol)
204 Michael Jehnichen (Athol, Bayview)
205 Brent Reagan (East CDA)
206 David Seurynck (Harrison)
207 Richard Meyer (Harrison)
208 Jamie Hass (Caldwell)
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
201 Colleen Attebury—Spirit Lake Elem., hair-dresser
202 Cherish Hansen—Winton Elem., CDA Schools. Ran for Lakeland SD Board
203 John Heacock—Lexar Homes Dir., Sandpoint, Construction
204 Bob Thorton—Bayview Fire Protection District
205 David Patzer—Business partner of oil baron Delbert Kerr. ROTARY Club. CDA Ignite.
206 Rand Wichman—Developer, Land Use Consult., KC Community Dev., EXCEL, ROTARY Club
207 Bev Twillmann— CASA volunteer. Professional Story Teller.
Athol, Spirit Lake, Harrison MAGA vs RINO Printable PDF
Twin Lakes, Hauser, Rathdrum—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
301 James Hossack (Twin Lakes)
302 Steve Cochran (N. Rathdrum, Scarcello)
303 Pierce Duncan (N. Rathdrum, Chilco)
304 Hendrick Mills (Hauser)
305 Mary White (N. Rathdrum, Hidden Valley)
306 Tonya Merritt (Rathdrum)
307 Nina Beesley (Rathdrum)
308 Anita Dunzyk (Rathdrum)
309 Judy Fujimoto (Rathdrum)
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
301 Tim Skubitz—Owner of Rathdrum McDonald’s. ROTARY Club. Rathdrum Chamber, KROC.
304 Pete Broschet—Protégé of Empire Air NIR-RINO Tim Komberc. ISBE Appointed NIC Trustee.
302 Sheila Holfeitz— Preschool Owner, Water Board, PTA. Ran for Lakeland SD Board.
303 Kirk David— Forester, V.P. Idaho Forest Owners Association.
305 Duncan Bell— LTE writer: KCRCC is RACIST!! Retired Pharmacist, Wife is Lakeland SD teacher.
306 Vic Holmes—Rathdrum Mayor, ID Assoc. of Cities, KMPO, Rathdrum Chamber, Lions Club.
307 Molly Bauer— Health Records, TruBridge. Ran for Rathdrum City Council. Spouse is PF City Employee.
308 Will Havercroft— Athletic Dir, Lakeland HS. Army veteran.
309 Mark Gorton—Mt. View Alt. School, Lakeland SD, ID Prof. Standards Commission. Rathdrum P & Z.
Rathdrum MAGA vs. RINO Printable PDF
Hayden, Dalton Gardens—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
310 Luke Sommer (West Hayden)
311 Valeriya Rourke (North Hayden)
312 Greg McKenzie (East Hayden, NIC Trustee)
313 Tamara Bateman (Hayden Lake)
314 Paul Mahlow (Hayden Lake)
315 Nicole Barnett (East Hayden)
316 Randy Hartzell (West Hayden)
317 Christina Beggs (West Hayden)
318 Sandy White (West Hayden, City Council Member)
319 Walt Sackman (East Hayden)
320 John Howard (Dalton Gardens)
321 Justin Rupinski (Dalton Gardens)
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
310 Randee Goodwin— Safe Passage. Golf Club at Black Rock.
311 Pierce Clegg—NIR. Former KC Sheriff. NI Fair. Rep for Open Primaries.
312 Casey Morrisroe—CDA School Board. Specialty Recreation and Marine.
313 Susan Thilo—ROTARY Club. KH Foundation, NIC Trustee, ISBE, EXCEL, CDA Chamber, etc.
314 Kellie Palm—Former PC, Old Guard RINO. KC Rep. Women Fed.
315 Britt Towery—T3 Consulting. KH Foundation. ROTARY Club. KROC Advisors. Charter Academy.
316 Dene Joubert— Paralegal. Better Business Bureau. NIC Advisor.
317 Charlene Matheson—NIR. KW Real Estate. KC Rep. Women Fed.
318 Nancy Jones— League of Women Voters. KC Communications Office. ID Risk Management.
319 John Young—Young Construction. HURA. ROTARY. NIR. NIC Foundation. KH Foundation. CDA 2030.
320 Aaron O’Brien—Dalton City Council. Northern Lakes FD.
321 Charlie Spercht—Clarity Wealth, Investment advisor. Eagles Club, Elks Club, Boy Scouts.
Hayden MAGA vs. RINO Printable PDF
West Coeur d’Alene—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
322 Lori Anderson (Ramsey/Prairie)
401 Kara Claridge (The Landings)
402 Terri Seymour (The Landings)
403 Virginia Williams (Atlas/Wilbur)
404 Janice Camerena (Coeur d’Alene Place)
405 Barbara Hedden (Ramsey/Hanley)
406 Beverly Guenette (Indian Meadows)
407 No MAGA (Fairway Dr)
408 Roger Garlock (Fruitla nd/Howard)
413 Glenn Avery (Riverstone)
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
322 Penelope Harries-Morris—Paralegal. Old Guard RINO. KC Rep. Women Fed. Reported scheme to infiltrate Dems.
401 Michael Baker—CEO Heritage Health. CDA 2030. Kootenai Connect. NI Pride Alliance! ROTARY Club. Ultra-FAKE REPUBLICAN.
402 Suzanne Metzger—CDA Chamber. Anti-KCRCC ETL writer. CPA, Chatters & Metzger, Bank of CDA.
403 Justin Schorzman— Coeur Group, Children’s Village, CDA Resort, Kootenai Health
404 Joshua Dahlstrom—Business Strategist, Intellitect, CDA Chamber, Boy Scouts. Hayden Canyon Charter.
405 Marc Stewart—Marketing, Heritage Health, CDA Press. Opposes Indy Journalists.
406 Todd Tondee—Real Estate. KC Transit. KC Commissioner. PF Council. PF Hwy Dist. ROTARY Club.
407 Mary Souze—Former ID Senator. CDA P & Z. Event planner.
West CDA MAGA vs RINO Printable PDF
East Coeur d’Alene—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
409 Stephanie Schad (Fairgrounds)
410 Brian Smith (Shadduck Ln)
411 Randy Neal (Honeysuckle)
412 Doug Bacon (Nettleson Gulch)
414 Bjorn Handeen (Best)
415 Majorie Desgrosseilliers (Mid Town)
416 No MAGA (Fort Grounds)
417 Elisha Toews (Mid Town)
418 Richard Price (Garden District)
419 Lisa Whitehead (Sanders Beach/Harbor View)
420 Joe Alfieri (Fernan Village)
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
408 Britt Thurman—Museum of North Idaho, Dir. ROTARY Club
409 Dave Raglin—Logistics, BNSF Railway, Running against MAGA for ID Rep.
410 Sid Smith—Am. Mining Assoc. On staff of U.S. Sen. Craig & Risch. Son of U.S. Attorney for Idaho. ROTARY Club.
411 Lisa Aitken—Marketing Pita Pit (works for Riggs!!), former Kootenai Health, CASA volunteer.
412 Jim Hammond—CDA Mayor. City Admin. ISBE. Jobs Plus. Assn. ID Cities. ROTARY Club, etc.
414 Katie Hunt—Express Employment, ROTARY Club. CDA Chamber, VFW Auxiliary, Lady d’Alenes 415 Wendy Gabriel—Married to CDA Fire Chief. Former CDA Administrator, former KC Dep. Prosecutor. Old Guard RINO.
417 Kathleen Tillman— Coldwell Banker. Former L.E. EXCEL. PTA.
418 Dan Scheckler— Attorney in Private Practice. Not accepting NIR Marketing assistance.
419 Darin Hayes—D.A. Davidson, ROTARY Club, CDA Chamber, CDA Ignite, KH Foundation. Get $mart Idaho.
420 Pete Erbland—NIR. Lake City Law (provides municipal legal services). Rep. For Open Primaries.
East_CDA_MAGA vs. RINO Printable PDF
Stateline, West Post Falls—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
323 David Crane (State Line)
501 Todd Pierce (State Line)
502 John Moore ()
503 David Stoltz ()
504 Eric Klinkhammer ()
505 Jason Te Nyenhuis ()
506 Jeff Populus ()
507 Randy Westlund (Current City Council)
508 Jill Storm ()
509 Will Amaya ()
510 John Moore ()
511 Carla Bonney ()
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
323 Dave Paul—USDA Risk Management, PF SD Board, NI Fair, Future Farmers of America.
501 John Coles— Owner, Skyview Construction. Utility contractor.
502 Pam Houser—Heritage Health. KC Fire Rescue. PF Chamber. ROTARY. NIR. Jobs Plus.
503 Eric Knudtsen—Knudtsen Auto Sales .NIR. Politically active RINO Family.
504 Ryan Davis—Bank of CDA. ROTARY. NIR. Post Falls P & Z.
505 Amy Boni—Heritage Health marketing, PF Chamber. Windermere, Orchard Ridge.
506 no Contest
507 Kurtis Thornton— MDI Construction.
508 James Steffense—Banner Bank. Post Falls P & Z. PF Parks & Rec.
509 Vicky Jo Carey—KROC Center, PF Chamber, PF P & Z Commission (Voted AGAINST upzone).
510 Bob “Bones” Kasun—Retired US Forest Service, PF Food Bank, PF Parks & Rec Commission.
511 Paul Wagner— KC Fire Commission, PF SD Trustee, retired Forester, Inland Paper, PF Lions Club, KC Fire & Rescue, wife PF SD.
West Post Falls MAGA vs RINO Printable_PDF
East Post Falls—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
512 Marc Eberlein (Candidate for KC Commisioner)
513 Don Eichler ()
514 Michael Burgess ()
515 Dan Eloe ()
516 Bruce Kempton ()
517 Megan Rounds ()
518 Todd Banducci (NIC Trustee)
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
512 Kirk Hjeltness—U.S. Airforce. E.R. Doctor. Urgent Care. NW Specialty Hospital.
513 Chris Holloway—Photographer. N.I. Fair & Rodeo. Spouse is Investor, Northern Capital.
514 Russell Mann—Owns Brewing Company. Wired2Learn Fdn. ROTARY Club. Vocal anti-KCRCC.
515 Chuck Mehalechko—Real Estate.
516 Dan Redline—ID Dept. Environmental Quality, retired. CDA Charter Academy, Boy Scouts.
517 Levi Snyder—Manager, Monogram Homes. Board of Directors, NIBCA
518 Patty Ransom—Owns Ransom Machines. Involved in SaveNIC.
Cougar Gulch, Worley—MAGA Patriots vs. RINO Imposters
Vote for These MAGA Conservatives
519 Tony Wisniewski (S. Post Falls)
520 Jeff Tyler (Cougar Gulch)
521 Doug Balija (Cougar Gulch)
522 Michelle Grossglauser (Worley)
RINO Imposters—Do Not Trust
519 Kibbee Walton—Photographer, Artisan Portrait. ROTARY Club.
520 Phil Cooper— Worley Hwy Dist. ID Dept. Fish and Game.
521 Jim Barton— Retired Airline Captain, Dept. Homeland Security.