By Idaho Freedom Foundation Staff
The Idaho Freedom Foundation released its 2024 Idaho Freedom Index Tuesday, and the report’s findings should disturb Idahoans who believe in limited government and personal liberty.
The report, available for download at IFF’s website, reveals that most Idaho lawmakers and the governor failed to limit spending and government’s growth during the 2024 legislative session.
“Idaho is known across the land as a ruby red Republican state, but the Idaho Freedom Index reveals the Gem State isn’t as conservative as many believe,” IFF President Ron Nate said.
Nate added, “While many lawmakers are out on the stump telling voters about all the conservative stuff they did this year, the Idaho Freedom Index equips Idahoans with the truth about what was a very liberal legislative session.”
Some key findings in the 2024 Idaho Freedom Index:
- Nearly 69% of Idaho senators and 61% of Idaho House members earned failing grades on the 2024 Freedom Index, which measures government’s growth.
- On the Idaho Spending Index, 71% of senators and 75% of House members sported failing grades despite lawmakers implementing a new budget process in 2024.
- Gov. Brad Little received failing marks on both the Freedom Index and the Spending Index.
New this year is the Rubber Stamp Caucus, a collection of Idaho lawmakers who voted for every single budget bill on the way to spending more than ever on state government’s operations. Rubber Stamp Caucus members include Rep. Matt Bundy of Mountain Home, Rep. Wendy Horman of Idaho Falls, Rep. Brittany Raybould of Rexburg, and others.
Also new this year is a list of the best and worst bills introduced by lawmakers so Idahoans can get a feel for what lawmakers are actually pursuing in the Capitol.
“The 2024 Freedom Index is bursting at the seams with the credible data and content Idahoans need to hold politicians’ feet to the fire,” Nate said. “My invitation to Idahoans is this: Grab a copy for yourself at our website and then pass it along to a friend. Politicians and special interests won’t tell you the truth about the 2024 session, but the Idaho Freedom Index will.”
The Idaho Freedom Foundation, based in Boise, is the Gem State’s premiere conservative policy think tank. The Foundation’s Freedom Index, launched in 2013, has been referred to as the “gold standard” for state-based legislative scorecards. Get your copy today at IdahoFreedom.org.
From idahofreedom.org