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Polls Show Trump’s Advantage Over Biden Widening
By Bob Adelmann
The results from the latest poll from Reuters/Ipsos, released on Thursday, show former president Donald Trump extending his advantage among Americans to six full percentage points over his likely Democratic rival in November. A similar poll conducted just one month ago showed Trump and Biden tied.
Results from another poll, from HarrisX, released a day earlier, show Trump leading Biden by seven points, with Trump gaining ground among Independents — 43 percent for him and 36 percent for Biden.
A footnote from the Reuters/Ipsos poll revealed the extent of the perfidy performed in New Hampshire, where Democrats voted for Haley in the Republican primary, narrowing Trump’s margin of victory to just over 10 percent.
According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, its results “showed Trump with a towering nationwide lead over Haley — 64% to 19%.”
All of which is most encouraging to those busy planning the transition from the Biden regime to the second term of the former president next year. It is frightening to Axios, the left-leaning news website, which uncovered the plans of the Heritage Foundation and other conservative groups to make Trump’s transition smooth and effective.
According to Axios, “Trump was greatly limited by disorganization and bureaucratic naivete when he was in the White House … [and] the Heritage Foundation and other groups [80 of them, including Turning Point USA and the Center for Renewing America] are spending millions to make sure that doesn’t happen again if he wins.”
Axios revealed on Thursday that Trump’s “2024 operation is more sophisticated … than the slapdash improvisation of his White House [in his first term].” He has “surrounded himself with pros” and as a result “has a more conventional, buttoned-up operation built around him.” He plans to “run a tight, lean ship.”
According to Charles Moran, a member of the California Republican Party’s rules committee, Trump’s team “is lean, efficient, experienced, [with an] eye on the prize — none of the backstabbing and gossip and drama [of his first term].”
Trump’s team has been busy behind the scenes laying out his “Agenda47” for the first 180 days of his second term. They include ending welfare for illegal aliens, promoting homeschooling, returning America to energy independence, and fighting the scourge of drug addiction.
To accomplish this the Heritage Foundation is, according to Axios, “prescreening thousands of potential administration appointees as part of a pre-transition effort that far exceeds what has ever been done for a party nominee, let alone a primary candidate.”
It’s called Project 2025, to be implemented the day of Trump’s inauguration in January 2025. It’s built around “four pillars”: Agenda47, handpicked and vetted personnel, in-depth training for their new positions, and a 180-day “playbook” or action plan.
As Heritage explains:
The actions of liberal politicians in Washington have created a desperate need and unique opportunity for conservatives to start undoing the damage the Left has wrought and build a better country for all Americans in 2025.
It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.
This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project.
The results of the two recent polls are making the accomplishment of that goal increasingly likely.
Published with permission of thenewamerican.com